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The Sonic the Hedgehog Headcanon Thread of Lore and Time Stones

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by BlackHole, Aug 31, 2022.

  1. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    So, new headcanon from all of the things I've brought up today.

    The Babylonians, after being unable to return home, settled on Earth as one of the Four Great Civilizations. They were content for the moment, until one day the Echidna broke the shield around the Altar of Emerald and were mostly wiped out by Perfect Chaos.

    The Babylonians, seeing the power of the Chaos Emeralds, sought them out and developed a machine to collect them: the Gizoid. However, it went rogue and wiped out the Babylon civilization. Humanity, alarmed by this development, alerted the Echidna as the Babylonians were being destroyed, who brought the Master Emerald over to counter the rampaging machine.

    Once the Gizoid was stopped, the Chaos Emerald were separated from it and hidden, while the Master Emerald was returned to the Altar of Emerald because it was risky enough doing that, they didn't want to chance of another Perfect Chaos happening.
  2. Linkabel


    Doesn't Battle say that the ancient events involving the Gizoid took place 4 thousand years ago?

    Because if I'm remembering correctly Perfect Chaos wiped out the world 3 thousand years before the present day so those civilizations/events couldn't overlap.

    (Though obviously in headcanon land it can)
  3. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Found it, it's a single line in Shadow's story from Rouge.


    The events of Sonic Adventure's past being 3,000 years ago comes from the Sonic Adventure Navigation Guide, the game itself never specifies, but I've no reason to go against that information. Technically, I'm not going against the game if I bump it up a thousand years, but I accept The Truth of 50 Years Ago from a similar source, so no, not happening.

    Shame, I liked the headcanon.

    EDIT: So...

    ?000 years ago - Ancients wiped out by The End.
    ?000 years ago - Babylonians crash land on Earth.
    4000 years ago - Emerl destroys one of the four great civilizations.
    3000 years ago - Perfect Chaos destroys the Echidna civilization.
    2000 years ago - Black Arms drop temples from orbit.

    Yeah, the whole "ruins upon ruins" thing really can still stand even without the Great Civilizations being sequential.

    Did anything happen 1000 years ago? Also, Silver currently trying to delay the destruction of civilisation in the present, delaying the pattern?
  4. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I know nothing about the Black Arms in the past, what did they do?
  5. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Check further up, post #453. Black Doom mentions they dropped temples to the Earth in preparation for their invasion.
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  6. RDNexus


    Major-scale events at each millennia? WTH's that, Phantasy Star? xD
  7. Jaxer


    Other people have probably already thought of this, but Pink Hair Mystery Lady is totally Maria's little sister, right?

    Hell, even her outfit resembles what the other Robotniks wear; it's like a fusion between Eggman's and Maria's clothes.
  8. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Personally, I think she looks too young. She looks 20-30s when Maria died 50 years (with that sister born before then).

    I strongly suspect she's Maria's niece, though I also suspect the President's Secretary is Maria's sister (due to her resemblance to her and an entire secret theme). Dunno if that make's the Secretary is Professor Victoria's mother or aunt, but hey, headcanons.
  9. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    She's Professor Pickle's daughter.
  10. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I feel like if I Google "Victoria Pickle" I'm gonna get some weird results.
  11. BigTigerM


    Pub fare and boats ain't so bad! That's mostly what I got.

    To chime in... What if its slight anime-isms? Sure, she may look young but could be older in reality. Just look at this shmancy-pants' fit, those lips and her funky hairdo, sister's probably in her late 30's minimum.
    If she really is related to Maria, I hope she properly struts her Robotnik heritage in some shape or form. Gimme a nice mix of Maria and Eggman, sweet and maniacal would be a delightful mix-up. ^_^ Best guess is that if she's involved with Frontiers 2, that she might be an anthropologist with her studies focused on the Ancients... Her connections to G.U.N. are an eyebrow-raiser I'd loooove to hypothesize about if anyone's interested!!
  12. Linkabel


    I was about to say that it could just be the usual anime thing where they don't look their age. But that even happens in real life.

    Eggman is under 50 years old and I honestly thought he was more on the 55-65 age range.
  13. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    To be fair, he is supposed to be in his 60s.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2025
  14. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    They should have kept it that way.
  15. Linkabel


    I like that too, but judging from this response from Hoshino it seems that it was just a quick doodle and perhaps something that wasn't an established idea.

    Or at least that's how I'm reading it.
  16. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    I like how this also means he's 94 today
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2025
  17. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Eh, probably, but I think it fits. Plus, he'd be in the childhood age (around 10, depending on if you're rounding for it) during the ARK Incident. Old enough to idolise Gerald, young enough that his parents probably shielded him from learning about what happened to his grandfather.
  18. Iko MattOrr

    Iko MattOrr

    I may have mentioned this already in the past, probably.
    Sonic Adventure 2's world map and Sonic Rush's world map loosely represent the same area, in case of Rush it's rotated of 90 degrees counterclockwise.

    They aren't much consistent, but there are still some key elements that do match.

    In the map from Rush, Central City is offscreen downward, the city where Night Carnival (Zone 4) takes place is that town on the other side of the sea that's near Pumpkin Hill. The big island connected by a bridge is South Island, the bridge is a recent addition and can be seen at the end of Sonic Advance 1's Neo Green Hill Zone.
    Huge Crisis (Zone 5) is Metal Harbour, and that tiny island is what remains of Prison Island after the explosion.
    The desert area is the same, while Pumpkin Hill is not represented in the rush version.
    Water Palace is after the desert area, so it's not represented in SA2's world map because it's off screen.

    Station Square is not too far from Central City, most of the 2000's games are set near this area too, like Sonic Battle that also has Central City. The only exceptions are probably Sonic Heroes which seems to happen in totally unrelated places, 06 which is set in Soleanna, Rush Adventure (obviously, another world) and the Riders series.

    Looking at the Advance games, it's possible to get a vague idea of how Angel Island moves, assuming that the city in the background of Ice Paradise (also seen in the right side of the world map, near Techno Base) is Central City, and Sky Canyon takes place on Angel Island.


    Sonic Advance 1 starts on South Island, then you reach Secret Base and Casino Paradise after traversing the bridge, possibly where Night Carnival from Rush is, or even Night Babylon from Battle (Central City). After that, you reach Ice Mountain and then Angel Island. Ice Mountain is roughly about the same place where Ice Paradise is (still near Central City). If Ice Mountain from Team Sonic Racing is the same as the one in Advance 1, there's a volcano in the background, and that would be Hot Crater.
    In Advance 2 you reach Sky Canyon (on Angel Island) from Ice Paradise too, so probably Angel Island was flying over that place at the moment of those adventures.

    On the left of Leaf Forest (off screen), there's probably Mystic Ruins, and Angel Island is floating away from it, to the right. Let's say that in Sonic Adventure the island is perfectly over Mystic Ruins, in Advance 1 it's over Leaf Forest/Hot Crater, and you can still see Mystic Ruins in the background... in Advance 2 it moved past Ice Mountain/Ice Paradise, then, during Adventure 2 up to Battle (Holy Summit), it's past Central City, even futher to the right.

    Somewhere not too far from Water Palace, there's a place with flower gardens, it's mentioned by Cream in Sonic Rush, during Blaze's story (she doesn't say it's near, but I assume it is). I believe it's supposed to be Rainbow Garden from Sonic Racing Crossworld.

    I believe in the theory that Sonic Forces' world map mostly represents just South Island with a little bit of Westside Island for the Chemical Plant area; it's not much relevant in all this, but it's still interesting for connecting the dots.

    Then, there's Cream's home (in Sonic Rush's map). It's near Central City, but on the other side of the sea (not a big problem since there are huge bridges connecting everything). Still, not too far from Chao World. What a surptise!

    It might not be canon, but if I remember well, you can reach Central City from Green Hill in Sonic Chronicles too, futher supporting my theory of Advance 1's bridge connecting it to the continent.

    EDIT: Emerald Town/Beach from Sonic Battle might be where Neo Green Hill is, too, on South Island.
    It has the same checker pattern and palmtrees as Green Hill anyway, and it's directly connected to Central City.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2025 at 1:55 PM
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