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The Sonic the Hedgehog Headcanon Thread of Lore and Time Stones

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by BlackHole, Aug 31, 2022.

  1. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I know, I'm just noting that the Four Great Civilizations isn't a sequence of civilizations, but a group of them at the same time, since the translation's use of "Fourth" caused some confusion amongst the fan base, if I recall correctly.

    As mentioned, Mesopotamia had Babylon, and since we know the Babylonians in Sonic's Earth were alien birds (I wonder if they were another set of Sonic Frontiers' Ancients that evolved into birds versus the more varied Anthros, per my earlier headcanon), then it's a good say Mesopotamia's equivalent were birds.

    If I were to assign Humans a particular one of the four great civilizations, it'd have to be the Egyptians due to their commonplace in the Sonic Equivalent's iconography, though they seem to have shared it with the Echidna, who were also depicted as more Incan.

    Speaking of which, there are two more civilizations outside the four in the cradle, both in Middle and South America: the Caral–Supe and the Olmec. One of those would probably the Echidna, if assigning them.
  2. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Wasn't the whole "there were four Great Civilizations" thing basically just another mistranslation/localization? I recall the Japanese Battle script referring to the people wiped out by Gizoid as "the Fourth Great Civilization" instead. Meaning that it just happened to be the 4th one, and there might have been more than 4.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
  3. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    The Japanese refers to it as "One of the Four Great Civilizations", the translation is what calls it the "Fourth Great Civilization".



    This is, of course, the exact confusion I was talking about and why I always use the Japanese for things.
  4. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Ah, I got them mixed up. Derp. It's been a while since checked the retranslation.

    Thanks for clearing that up.
  5. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    And how is this translation issue in Shadow Generations? Because the journal (in English) still mentions a "fourth" civilization (entry #402).
  6. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I assume because they're trying to be consistent with what has been, and the English version of lore said Fourth, not one of the Four.

    A lot of the journal is just taking what has been written in prior games and adding things between to add context. Which I'm fine with and can respect, it's what I do with the Classic games to explain inconsistencies.
  7. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Yeah I mean, if they are going to merge both versions for canon, "the fourth" is "one of the four", so it would make sense to decide it's in fact the fourth.
  8. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    They really shouldn't be, since one is just translation work of another. It's like feeding cows other cows and not expecting Mad Cow Disease. But this isn't the Unpopular Sonic Opinions thread, and my thoughts on this are well known.

    Random Headcanon: the reason animals are not in Robotnik's mechs is due to Metal Sonic, who developed superior CPUs that removed the need from them. Robotnik used these superior CPUs, only sometimes using animals for mechs that hadn't been updated to hold them when operations required it like Sonic Rush shows, or when he's running low on the resources to make more, because it's always good to have a backup.
  9. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Unless they're gonna go as far as to imply that each successive civilization took the place of the last, numbering them 1 through 4 doesn't really make any particular difference. It's not strictly accurate, sure, but if they're unnumbered to begin with then whichever one Emerl destroyed being "the fourth" of something isn't particularly harmful.
  10. Hoiyoihoi


    I'm aware of that! I was more so thinking along the lines of what Deep Dive Devin was saying, that the 4 Great Civilizations are a fantasy thing inspired by their real life counterparts. I actually think it's really cool when fantasy settings take inspiration from actual obscure history tidbits, like how in One Piece a lot of characters are inspired by real life pirates. I think it is an interesting world building idea, if nothing else, and I'd love to see them develop more on the idea in future sonic games. I know that in the script of sonic battle it was part mistranslated part just random fluff they added to make Emerl seem cool, but it's part of the series now so they could lean into it if they want.

    I prefer the idea that the 4 civilizations existed in sequence rather that all at once, because it's cool to think that the sonic world is just multiple societies built on top the ruins of each other. Ancient civilizations had been a thing since sonic 1 in the background, the idea that like, if you even deeper into the ruins you'd find an even ANCIENT-ER civilization is really neat and gives a sort of magicalness to the series? Like the idea that this cycle of death and rebirth has happened more times than you can count and the history we have is just the surface layer, it's the kind of lore that inspires imagination.

    One thing I'd like them to develop on it what specifically is required to count as a "Great Civilization". I mean, in real life it is just the cradles of civilization but in the sonic world it probably would have to have something to do with the Chaos Emeralds. Like, to become a GV you have to have all 7 plus the Master Emerald, and be able to harness it's power freely. Or, since frontiers introduced the Ancients, the 4GV could just be any civ that is descendant of the Ancients. In the lore of the ancients they are said to have multiple tribes with different body types that correspond to different animal features, and characters like the Babylon Rogues and Dodon-Pa establish that aliens in the series can just look like animals anyway, so you could say that the different 4GC have the DNA of one of the ancient tribes.

    -Big and powerful bodies: Dinosaurs. They learned how to grow magic gems, and originated the non-chaos emerald stones like the Phantom Ruby. They abused their power and were destroyed by a meteor (naturally). Some dinosaurs survived is secret, hiding themselves from modern society by becoming ninjas (Espio). The Sungazer Clan Trip came from is also descendant from the Dinosaurs, which is how they have greater control of emerald powers.
    -Tail instead of legs: Fish. They were the most technologically advanced race, building robots that took care of their needs (Gizoids). But, they became too complacent and eventually the Gizoids destroyed them, sinking their society into the sea. The ruins became Newtrogic High Zone, which had rose out the sea in Knuckle's Chaotix.
    -Walked on four legs: Mammals/Echidna specifically. Yes, in this head cannon Knuckles would have at least partial alien DNA.
    -Winged tribe: Babylonians. This would require the ancients having had to go back into space and then return to earth, or maybe you could say that the legends from Riders were actually referring to the Ancients and not the Babylonians.
    -More intelligent than the others: Humans. Abraham Towers would be part ancient, manifesting in his heterochromia. He joined GUN after learning of his past and wanting to use GUN's military power to build the Fifth Great Civilization.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
  11. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I'm pretty sure that's the case even with the Four Great Civilizations being at the same time with this series :V

    The current sequence seems to be Ancients, then the Babylonians, then the Black Arms, then one of the Four Great Civilizations, then the Echidna, now Humans. Oh hey, an angry God of Destruction!
  12. Hoiyoihoi


    Im unfamiliar if this is actually part of the lore or not, but is there any actual evidence/quote from the series saying that the Black Arms went to earth prior to ShtH?
  13. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Yeah, Black Doom mentions he dropped the temples on Earth 2000 years ago (also, I got the order wrong, the Echidna and Fourth Great Civilization came first)


    "This is the flying temple of my army that I dropped on this planet about 2000 years ago. "
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • List
  14. Hoiyoihoi


    Oh, neat. There doesn't seem to be a lot of information on what the Black Arms actually did when they went to earth though. I kinda interpret it as them building temples in preparation for the invasion that happens during the events of ShtH, and not that much fighting actually happened 2000 years ago. But I wonder what they could do story-wise with a war between the Black Arms and the Echidnas.
  15. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Well, the use of dropped seems to suggest they were literally dropped into the atmosphere and it was whoever's problem whoever was below it. No actually settling on Earth, just seeding it for their invasion.

    But funny thing, Sonic the Comic actually did that, just with the Drakon Empire instead of the Black Arms.

  16. Hoiyoihoi


    28 that an echidna riding a dinosaur?

    I gotta read sonic the comic, apparently.
  17. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Oh, these comics were great. You had the bad ones on occasion, especially early on as they were finding their feet, but they were fun anyway.

    It's the comic that had crap like this going on:
  18. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I don't think the echidnas should be one of the four great civilizations.
    because, what made "the four great civilizations" great? i assume it's the level of technology.
    if humans are not considered a great civilizations, echidnas shouldn't either.
  19. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    They're great since they're the foundations of Human Civilization, with culture, architecture, the concept of metallurgy, etc, developing there, hence their area being called the Cradle of Civilization. None of them, none of us.

    I noted that there were two other civilizations, the Caral–Supe and the Olmec, over in the Americas that I would assign the Echidna to, since they were the civilizations that developed into the Mesoamerican civilizations the Echidna in Sonic Adventure were based on.

    So if we're assigning species to civilizations:

    Mesopotamia - Birds, since they had the City of Babylon.
    Egypt - Humans, since they're so often put into the Egyptian-styled iconography of the series.
    China - not assigned yet.
    India - not assigned yet.

    The Caral–Supe and the Olmec - Echidna and whomever the Echidna were fighting to warrant their attack on the Altar of Chaos, pick which you think.
  20. Hoiyoihoi


    There are multiple possible ways to address this.
    1. The great civilizations can't just have great technology, but they have to be able to harness Chaos Energy. The only human scientists that have been shown to do that is Eggman, Gerald, and GUN.
    2. Great Civilizations are those descendant from the Ancients, so it doesn't matter how advanced they are because its solely a genetics thing.
    3. Humans don't count purely because they are split into multiple different countries and arent a single 'civilization'. To become a Great Civilization they would have to unite under a single banner.