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The Sonic the Hedgehog Headcanon Thread of Lore and Time Stones

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by BlackHole, Aug 31, 2022.

  1. Jaxer


    Wasn't saying that those were your opinions, but I was pointing out that I agree with yours while additionally elaborating on mine.

    Because we both agree that Silver isn't going anywhere, just that Sega's gonna have a hard time making him important and popular without giving him some solid groundwork first.

    Said groundwork would have to be something along the lines of a consistent personality, consistent motives and consistent relationships with other characters. And to be frank, Sega has so far done little to none to achieve any of this, and I suspect that Blaze plays a bigger part in it than we may realize; Sega clearly wants to keep the two characters linked, but can't do that without having one stepping on the toes of the other.
  2. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Black Doom is a Wisp, and the Black Arms are either a fucked-up Wisp species or closely related to the Wisps.
  3. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    Silver is basically Trunks from DBZ, that character trope is still very likeable by all sorts of people around the world, so it’s only natural that we will see him sooner or later as some sort of DLC like or mini-game like Shadow got.

    To be honest, I really do have a sweet spot for 06. Aside from buggy gameplay and bestia *erm* questionable romantic choices, it was a pretty fun experience. I love the soundtrack and the overall feel of the game. It truly Was our SA3.
  4. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    How much time do you think the series up to this point covers in universe (not counting stuff that happened before Sonic 1 like Shadow’s backstory)? Chao Tales being slated to take place over the course of a year has really gotten this question into my head. I’ve not sat down and tried to figure it all out properly but 5-10 years seem like a good number to attach to it. We know that it’s at least one year between Sonic CD and Sonic 4, which itself takes place before Adventure. After that, things seem to get a bit fuzzy. Sonic Heroes takes place within the span of 72 hours, but that’s fairly inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, so I think the next significant passage of time would be Forces, which I think totals around ten months including Episode Shadow. Of course, these adventures aren’t all happening back to back and who knows how much time could be between each one, but it’s nice that the series observes a very gradual passage of time at this point, it makes sense with characters that have changed and developed. Note the purpose of this post isn’t about definitively proving a period of time for the games to have taken place in, I’m just interested in headcanons.
  5. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    He's a hedgehog
    He's from the future
    He's got psychic powers

    He's got all the groundwork he needs. They just aren't utilizing him in any major project since 06. And despite Sonic 06 being a dud critically, the guy is still around guest starring in spin offs and being involved in games he has no reason to be apart of (Why exactly is he in Forces? It's rhetorical. ). Bro even gets actual merch. He won the lottery.

    All he needs is a movie to bump up his status. Not like these movies are straight adaptions anyways. They can just make a kid friendly version of Terminator 1 and call it a day.
  6. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I've actually went through and figured out how long the main series takes minimum:

    This is, of course, only counting the mainline games, not the gaps of time between, so there's extra time to include between said mainline games.
  7. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    For what it’s worth, I’d be much more liberal in choosing what’s a mainline game (I think the biggest omission for me here is Mania). I think things like Little Planet and Eggmanland are a bit of a wash too because Little Planet’s flow of time is non-standard and I imagine Eggman has some screwy shit going on with Dark Gaia stuff, but I’ve not played the game for myself and I don’t think there’s anything to support that. Unleashed and Forces are also a bit screwy in that they take place across the globe (though Forces is much more implied, but Eggman’s conquest is explicitly global), so going back and forth between timezones is going to screw up calculations too. That said, it is interesting to have a minimum calculation. Of course there’s no accounting for all the adventures Sonic and friends might have had off screen (when did Tails reprogram a supercomputer with laundry detergent and a toothpick?), but them’s the brakes.
  8. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I left out Sonic Mania due to the conversation at the time regarding the Phantom Ruby and its mysterious powerset, especially since Sonic Forces suggests it's powerset is illusionary and perception being messed with.

    Could the Phantom Ruby pull the Little Planet back? Would the Time Stones interfere, since we don't know if the Chaos Emeralds, Time Stones and Phantom Ruby would interfere with one another, while Sonic Mania's ending suggests there's some conflict between the two's powersets? Is the Little Planet just there for those events per happenstance?

    We don't know, but if you want to include the latter, just add a year between Sonic the Hedgehog CD and Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II:

    Sonic the Hedgehog CD
    - 11 months - Sonic Mania - 12 months - Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II.

    11 months since the Little Planet leaves immediately, suggesting it was supposed to have left by the time of the Sonic the Hedgehog CD's close, then a year for its 'third' appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. Sonic Mania would fit somewhere within the month it stays between those two months.

    I did note the Little Planet is a bit hard to gauge for timeframe, and just assuming San Dimas Time (so the point of travel is moving: Sonic left at 12:00, spent five minutes in the future, and returned at 12:05) for sake of simplicity.

    Eggmanland, you use the same hourglasses to skip to day/night as the Hub Worlds: since they are contextually skipping time there, I'm assuming the same in Eggmanland.
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  9. Jaxer


    Ow Edgerations spoilers

    So Gerald had two sons, one loved archaeology and the other robotics. I'm willing to bet that the archaeologist is Ivo's dad, as he states in SA2 that it was Gerald who inspired him the most. If his dad was into robotics too, surely Ivo would've been inspired more by him rather than a grandfather he might've never met in person.
  10. I think Gerald specialized in both fields, so Eggman being inspired by him still tracks even if his father was the robotics guy. Then again, Eggman also seems to have an interest in archaeology given his obsession with ancient civilizations (Chaos, Gaia, Ancients, etc.) so it could go either way.
  11. Lambda


    I love that we now have a canon picture of Eggman's Dad, and we don't know for sure which one is which.
  12. Volphied


    「限界の向こうは無限大」 Member
    I believe that Evan Stanley mentioned that
    in the picture Maria's father shares her hair color.
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  13. Lambda


    Ahhh. Gotcha. I kinda liked that it was a little ambiguous, but that actually makes perfect sense.
  14. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    + - So has anyone else floated the idea yet that the "T" who signs the letter to Abe attached to Gerald's journal might very well be a main universe version of Topaz from Sonic X?  
  15. upload_2024-10-29_0-59-29.gif

    I also wonder if opening up the Robotnik family tree with Maria’s newly introduced sister leaves the door open for a new version of Snively in the future (as a first cousin of Eggman’s rather than literal nephew).
  16. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I sincerely hope not. I'm sick of American media holding so much sway over the series, which has led to messes like the Two Worlds Fiasco.
  17. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Uh what? How is western Sonic media connected to the two worlds stuff? Just because they gave the planet a different name? I thought Sonic X was where it really started.
  18. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    The earliest public reference stems from the USA story comic, where it has Kintobor referring to Mobius as 'your planet', and identifies Sonic as a Erinaceus Europaeus, Europaeus stemming from Europe, aka Earth. Incidentally, Sonic isn't a European hedgehog since, y'know, 'your planet'.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024
  19. Just because early Western bibles had Sonic originate from another planet doesn’t mean it “led to” the Two Worlds of the 2010s. Sega of Japan had pretty roundly rejected the Western canon with very few exceptions (like chili dogs), and there is no evidence to think the reasoning or justification for Two Worlds was “well this American comic from 25 years ago already did it, let’s stick with that”.
  20. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I said it was the earliest public reference. I would point out everything in western media used Mobius as a base, even Sonic Underground (1999) which came out after Sonic Adventure (1998) when the Japanese backstory was being properly translated over. From 1991 to 1999, the west had a Mobius/Earth divide going on, and that's excluding Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics) continuing to use it from 1993 to 2013, so it's not just "that American comic from 25 years ago", but eight years of western media.

    To note, I said divide: not that they are always fully separate, but there's a clear cut between Earth and Mobius. Where they are the same planet (SatAM and Archie Comics), there's a clear point where Earth 'ends' and Mobius 'begins', and Sonic X has them twin planets that split in the past, somehow.

    What I believe may have happened is that, with the dropping of the Dreamcast and move over to third party, they were trying to appeal to as broad an audience as possible. So as they developed Sonic X, they took the concept that Sonic and friends were from another world in the west and ported it over to appeal to those who preferred Sonic and friends be from Mobius, just as they did with Chili Dogs, Robotnik's surname, etc. Mobius is still around even now, with the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) novelisation having Knuckles call Sonic a 'child of Mobius'.

    Either way, Two Worlds has existed in some form or another in Sonic the Hedgehog from 1991. And the first public use was that comic way back then.