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The Sonic the Hedgehog Continuity Thread of Love and Timelines

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by dredd, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Except the mural's spines look nothing like that.
  2. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Is there another instance in which the echidna tribe have shown abilities to predict the future, besides this mural?
  3. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Hydrocity's Sonic Statues, which I'm amused hasn't come up yet for the Shadow is based on Super Sonic theory.
  4. kazz


    16-bait Member
    They're stylized and simplified as ancient art often is, but they have a Shadow-esque shape to me. Shadow doesn't have to be totally identical for there to be inspiration anyway.
  5. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    They're nothing like Shadow's shape. If anything, they look more like they're from Silver's concept art:
  6. kazz


    16-bait Member
    You just referred to it as a mural of Super Sonic who has a very similar quill pattern to Shadow. Like I said, the quill pattern doesn't really matter anyway but Shadow's Super Sonic-esque look could in of itself be a hint.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2023
  7. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I only refer to it as a mural of Super Sonic because that's what we know it is.

    Meanwhile, someone 50 years before Sonic was born, happening upon this mural, would not have the faintest idea on how the quills should look. As you say, they're very stylised and distorted due to being a mural.

    This is also requiring us to assume the massive hurdles for Gerald on Angel Island be met.

    The theory is one that falls apart when you look at it for longer than 10 seconds. And this is from the person here who likes to tie things together.
  8. It’s a 16-bit rendition of what is supposed to resemble Super Sonic in universe. I’m not getting too hung up on design stylization.
  9. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I forgot Super Sonic has a yellow zigzag around his blue abdomen, and a yellow outline around his face...
  10. kazz


    16-bait Member
    Yeah sure the theory falls apart if you hyperfocus on the quills looking different in what you admit to be a stylized mural representation. If Gerald got through Lost World to discover Chaos, he could have at least possibly gotten to Hidden Palace to find the Super Sonic mural.
  11. Fortunately, Gerald didn’t ape the mural’s color scheme. All that’s required is that a person in universe would recognize that the quills are ‘up’ as opposed to ‘down’.
  12. Linkabel


    Did I miss something or where was it confirmed that Angel Island travels through the planet? That's just something that Archie came up with last time I checked.

    Seems like Angel Island is close to the Mystic Ruins area since Sonic Adventure. By the time of that game it seems people know of what went down during Sonic 3, but not exactly know where it is or familiar with the area close to it since explorers are barely going into the Mystic Ruins.

    And the explorers/archeologists didn't even know what the landmass that "suddenly appeared" was.

    So it's not far-fetched that no one has seen this island, especially when you see it as a mysterious floating island/city from fiction like Laputa or Scotia Moria. No one sees them because they're so high in sky covered in clouds until the protagonists run into them.

    I feel like you could make the case that Gerald just found out about the shrine and Chaos in a similar way Eggman did. He found a tablet or mural that depicted Chaos in his first form and the emerald shrine.

    You could even headcanon that Eggman found about the emeralds through Gerald's research and went to hunt for them. But I'm not a big fan of tying everything together since it tends to make these fictional worlds smaller.

    As to why Gerald chose a hedgehog within this fictional world? Coincidence or fate that one day another hedgehog was going to be the world's hero.
  13. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    The island does seem to move and doesn't remain geosynchronous with the hole it left in the Mystic Ruins (wherever that is). If it was, it would've slotted right back into place exactly where it took off over 3000 years ago. In Sonic 3 it crashes into the middle of some unknown ocean, and in Adventure it crashes just off the cost of the Mystic Ruins (which is not where it was originally located because in the past we see mountains that aren't there in the present). In Sonic Advance 2, it seems closer to the desert from SA2, which granted could just be due to the level order for that game. Map can be seen here. I'll give you it's possible it doesn't travel too far, since the only game that shows it would be Chronicles which is no longer canon, but the island doesn't remain stationary either.

    True, but we're also talking about a nation with the level of technology required to construct a space station. They would have to have aviation technology to even come close to doing that. Station Square is part of a major metropolis of the United Federation, so air travel would be very common. Assuming Angel Island remains in that proximity, it would have been discovered very early on otherwise there would have been a lot of airplane accidents that no one would be able to explain. In such a case, it remains a baffling notion that the island would go undetected until Eggman crashed into it.

    This would get into headcanon territory, but it would seem to me that Gerald and/or GUN visited the island and something caused them not to return for half a century. The Master Emerald wasn't taken likely because it was well-hidden (IE. not at either shrine, or being moved between both while there were invaders on the island.) Perhaps there was an even earlier research expedition that cataloged ruins and once that was done no one felt the need to return, just adjust airway paths to avoid it. Gerald would have access to that research without actually being on the island.

    The point is, you cannot recreate the Emerald Shrine in the core of the Eclipse Canon without someone having seen the original Shrine themselves. Murals are not that detailed.
  14. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Except, as Silver and Amy show, Hedgehog quills are not just a set of six on the back of a hedgehog's head and three on the abdomen. They can come in all forms, it's just happenstance Shadow resembles Sonics.

    The mural shows three, so assuming Gerald *somehow* got onto Angel Island, found his way down to the Hidden Palace, and convinced everyone involved to keep completely silent on it and not bother documenting this at all, even in his diaries, then Shadow should only have three quills on his head.
  15. kazz


    16-bait Member
    Eggman found Hidden Palace by himself, according to Origins by complete accident. This idea that it's so amazingly hidden it would be impossible for Gerald to find remains an assumption.
  16. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    You know what else is an assumption? That Gerald even knew Angel Island existed since he doesn't mention it in his journals at all despite mentioning top secret research projects all over them, yet here we are.
  17. kazz


    16-bait Member
    The journal Rouge reads in SA2 or the one from Battle? Those don't mention artificial chaos either IIRC.

    also civvies casually know about angel island in sa1 etc etc etc ive said this shit already
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2023
  18. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    The way I see it, Gerald initially created the Biolizard as the Ultimate Life, giving it intricate understanding of the Chaos Emeralds and their functions. At some point after this, he traveled to Angel Island to study the Echidna and the Master Emerald for a deeper understanding of the capabilities of the Chaos Emeralds. After studying the altars and murals and all that, he returned to the ARK and reconstructed what he found in some weird attempt at creating the Ultimate Life (who's to say he wasn't fucking crazy at this point). GUN finds out, kills Maria, and Shadow is discovered in his capsule by GUN who then lock him in a facility, sitting there until SA2.
  19. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    The difference is they aren't influential in Shadow's development. You're saying Shadow's entire status as a Hedgehog was born from something that is never referenced nor hinted at, despite Shadow being well documented in the journals.

    Yes, the civilians know of Angel Island because the Death Egg knocked it out of the sky and caused a megatsunami. You kind of notice things when they throw giant waves of water at you.
  20. kazz


    16-bait Member
    You're saying Shadow's entire status as a hedgehog was born from..?

    You already mentioned that kid in the train station who mentions "the Angel Island crisis". Why would that kid be the only one who knew of Angel Island and 3&K's events before the tsunami?