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The Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 7, 2010.

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  1. Financially? Yes. Yes it is.

    How do you figure? They have Colors for DS/Wii, then the 3DS Sonic game and a crapton of other sonic related games (few of which are re-relases of other games like Sonic Adventure for XBOX LIVE). Either way, they are still making money.
  2. Lol nah people like that only know the smash scene from the outside who only play high tiers. We definitely play smash with items once in a while, even during high level play, just for the LULZ :) (At least the people I'm with)

    That's why I'm never so sure about Smash sole being a party game. The fact that you can L cancel, tech, the depth of DI, combos, the fact that you can remove items, and the fact that they implemented this from SSB64 to Melee says other wise. They could have easily removed any of this in Melee, but it was in fact expanded greatly. Maybe the creators never expected the competitive level to reach so much high lengths, but I think they at least wanted to add some type of depth. Besides, Super smash bros wasn't always the game we know today back then. It was a whole different game until they decided to use Nintendo character's and such. you can see this in for the beta (really interesting site for betas and canceled games)

    At least I've (and many other people I've known) always thought that SSB was competitive, even before we knew about the advanced techniques and such. I always tried little tricks to get the upper hand and always had a tendency to remove items and such.

    Sorry for being EXTREMELY off topic guys. send me to the guillotine, immediately.

    @Chimpo- Well I did say "In my eyes" they were similar to each other :)
  3. Dusk Golem

    Dusk Golem

    Where Fear and Cryptic Puzzles lie... Member
    Off-Topic: They can be a lot of fun depending on what you're trying to do. Tourney's don't use them because there's too much chance in them instead of skill, but counter to this I think their very fun to play with as well or come up with weird stock matches like "Only One Item" matches are fun with things like bumpers and Bom-Ombs and Golden Hammers and such. Smash Balls are also well implemented even if some characters have obviously superior Final Smashes compared to others.

    On-Topic: I'm still waiting before I play Sonic 4 before I make any assumptions on how the game is, though I hate to say it but Splash Hill Zone while fun is shaping-up to be the least excited stage I am for the game. However I still think I'll enjoy it, I missed my chance to play the E3 build at E3 but the game should be coming soon. To note that, I think the game has a November release date, just for Arcade/WiiWare/PSN titles they usually don't announce the release date until like 2 months before release, but October would ship it at a good time before Colors and Free Riders yet after the Sonic Adventure Xbox Live Release.

    Also when talking about other big stage changes and one he think we'll be really happy about, it's obviously Casino Street Act 2, which is also the stage preview builds didn't get to play as my guess was it's the last stage they modified. The concept of a pinball stage is fine by me but what they had was incredibly lame. If they expand the idea like Casinopolis in Sonic Adventure with multiple tables and secrets and maybe a "Hub" like middle world, or if they do like Lost Labyrinth and change up the gimmick into something fun and creative, then I'll be happy.

    My only huge concern besides Act 2 of Casino Street are a few things about Splash Hill and my only huge concern is that some of the bosses will be too easy. Like I know lots of Sonic bosses aren't like the pinnacle of difficult often but like the first boss and others it's a bit saddening we won't get a chance to really see what they're capable of since we'll be destroying them too fast.
  4. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Let me guess: Casino Street Zone, Act 2?

    I'm not as concerned about how exact the physics are so much as exactly what changes are being implemented. Jumping inertia, for example. That's a basic element in any platformer these days, never mind Sonic games. And will Sonic's ability to stand on absurdly steep surfaces be staying in?

    (@ the rest of this board: By the way, guys, "uncurling" is not a physics issue. Just sayin'.)

    I can live with a lack of all the physics awesomeness Sonic's known for, although it'd certainly make this episode a bit of a black sheep in the context of the series. If future episodes or future Sonic games manage to deliver in that department, then hell, I may even look back at the games that didn't as at-least-fun experiences that at least moved the series partially in the right direction. Sonic 4's physics as they were in the E3 build are still subpar even on their own merits, though. I hope at least that will change.
  5. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Uncurling is still a problem. You're vulnerable at any given moment in the air, unless you yourself jumped into the air. That's a problem if you ask me.

    But then again, you're not asking me. What do I know, right?
  6. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    But not a physics problem. That people seem to take a statement about the number of physics changes there'll be and connect that to uncurling is baffling.
  7. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I didn't say physics problem. I said problem. Call it whatever kind of problem you will, but it is still a glaring problem that needs to be resolved.
  8. glem3


    Right, so if uncurling isn't a physics problem, the main thing that needs to be fixed is sticking to the wall, that's it. That's a pretty minor change, but it would make a big difference.
  9. Dusk Golem

    Dusk Golem

    Where Fear and Cryptic Puzzles lie... Member
    Yes, I'll be honest the only thing in physics right now really bugging me is wall sticking since it doesn't make any sense to be stuck to an almost 90-degree wall and that NEEDS to be fixed. If that then I'll be honest in terms of physics I'm fine personally. As I said my potential things I hope are fixed but not confirmed yet are
    -Stick-To-Wall Physics
    -Less Speed boosters in Splash Hill
    -Act 2 of Casino Street
    -Music changes to make the music better

    And to a lesser extent maybe somehow make it bosses can show off their moves a bit more, no one wants to be able to regularly beat a boss so fast they won't get a chance to see it though understand to make them even and everything...
  10. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    That an jumping inertia. Don't forget jumping inertia. Coming to a dead halt in midair no matter what speed you were moving, just because you let go of the analog stick? That's no good.
  11. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    Uncurling from a ramp
    Coming to a stop in mid air when you stop pressing a direction
    Rolling down hills and around loops slows you down compared to running

  12. glem3


    But there IS jumping inertia. The problem is with the D pad. As in, you still jump further if you're moving faster. You just stop moving if you let go of the D pad. Since I haven't played it myself I'm a little confused with the whole situation. I was under the impression that there's still jumping inertia, just you stop if you let go of the D pad.

    1. Uncurling isn't physics related.

    2. I acknowledged that as a problem

    3. Rolling doesn't slow you down. Only if you don't hold the direction, which is the same problem as #2. I've seen several examples where rolling is faster than running. You just can't gain speed while rolling, so in some areas it's better to run.
  13. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    I didn't say any of those 3 things were physics related I just said "Terrible", because they all are terrible mistakes.

    The game is fucked no other way to put it, rolling in a sonic game on the genesis has always sped you up to maximum speed rather quickly even without pressing a direction because sonic is a ball, ball's roll down slops due to gravity, obviously dimps can't even get that right.
  14. glem3


    Seems like you didn't get what I was saying, if the D-pad problem is fixed, like SEGA said it would be, that would ALSO fix the rolling.

    So that would fix 2 of your 3 complaints. But for example, look at the way sonic rolls in the new LLZ trailer.

    As you can see, the speed is fine, we just need to know that it doesn't slow down when letting go of the D pad.
  15. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    The two times he rolled were from a falling/run into a ball and after hitting a spring, that's not a fix yet.

    I'll try the demo what ever happens to see how the game turned out once it's available.
  16. glem3


    I didn't say it was a fix. I'm just saying it's obvious that the roll is just as fast or faster than running, despite what you said about it being slower.
  17. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    Rolling from a downhill run or booster/spring null's what you just said because sonic was already at speed, there has been video clips of sonic at around medium speed starting a roll on a slope to accelerate slower then running (rolling has always been faster in sonic 1-2-3) and rolling around a loop let you exit the loop faster, in sonic 4 doing that nearly slows you to a crawl.

    That is what needs adjusting.
  18. glem3


    I've seen videos where rolling around a loop speeds you up, you just need to keep holding right. Since he can't accelerate in the roll, if he didn't move fast on a slope, when he went into the roll in that trailer, he would have slowed down by the bottom since you can't gain any speed, but since it was a slope, he went faster anyway.

    I've seen videos where he's gone very fast down slopes and videos where he's gone very slow down slopes, which leads me to believe it all just depends on the D pad holding.

    Edit: I worded that very badly. What I mean is, if sonic didn't react to the slope, it would be just like if he was rolling on a flat surface. If you roll after running on a flat surface you slow down after a second or two. So, if the slope wasn't making sonic go fast in the trailer, what made him maintain speed while in his roll?
  19. Damizean


    As classic as rock Member
    Valencia, EspaƱa
    Various projects
    RubyEclipse, when you talk about the physics engine, you mean the actual collision detection & response? Or how is Sonic's velocity affected by slopes & gravity? Because changing the later is probably a few lines of code.
  20. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    Right but if they did any of this, they'd have to go through and make sure every gimmick in every level wasn't broken, and fix where needed. Not to mention if they did anything to the homing attack at all you'd have the same problem only worse. Considering Iizuka is in charge of the project and doesn't want to lose his precious homing attack and boosters compounded with the fact that the release date is months away and QA wouldn't approve the new build in time, its not happening.

    However, they have the chance to re-write the entire physics engine to be more like the classics in episode 2 but if that doesn't happen I'm not buying any of these episodes because then I'll be certain that nobody at sonic team or DIMPS thinks they should have to make a sonic game.
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