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The Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 7, 2010.

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  1. Effexor


    JUSTICE Member
    We have no idea, as the only build anyone outside of SEGA's had their hands on was the ParntnerNET/E3 build. The best we can say now is "maybe, maybe not."
  2. Eric Wright

    Eric Wright

    Born into this. Oldbie
    It's gonna be like that in the final game. It's gonna be just like Sonic Rush, and it's gonna be a chore to play just like every 2D Sonic since Advance 1
  3. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    But this time it'll be WAAAAY more retro than it's ever been! Neat, huh?
  4. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    How is this any more retro than Advance 1?
  5. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    I always assumed it was because Tails was so much younger than Sonic and Knuckles, he'd require more juice to tap into his Emerald-enabled powers. Sonic Team's documents say he's only 8 in the Genesis games, while Sonic and Knuckles are 16.
  6. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    According to Yuji Naka, it's lack of skill. Sonic's use of the Chaos Emeralds is attributed to be one of mastery. Tails simply isn't skilled enough to master the energies of the Chaos Emeralds to transform. Meanwhile, the Super Emeralds grant so much energy, that no skill is required.

    However, that leaves the gate wide open for him to be taught how to use that power.
  7. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Well, to name a few:

    1. Title screen
    2. Music is better than GBA synth
    3. Level design, in spite of booster-mania and bubble lines
    4. It's Sonic 4, not Sonic Advance
    5. Lack of grind rails
    6. Special Stages
    7. Super Sonic in-game

    I thought about the homing attack, but then I wonder whether or not Sonic still bounces if you just jump on the Bubbles like normal. God I hope they release a demo for this game on Wii.

    @Aquaslash: Now that's a plot I'd be interested in.
  8. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    1. Aesthetic
    2. Music in Advance used some variety of instruments.
    3. S4 shoots Sonic up up into the air all the time and is really automated.
    4. Calling Sonic 06 'Sonic 4' doesn't make it any more classic.
    5. But the homing attack is their instead (and mandatory).
    6. Advance 1 had them too, and they were more original than the S4 ones. Each of the classic games had a completely unique one (counting S3K as one game)
    7. Sonic 1 and CD didn't have this, and neither did all the MS/GG games.

    Okay, so I'm not being entirely serious. S4 comes off as classic style title that takes a few cues from the series today. Classic style only though, because it's ultimately a poor imitation. And word now is that you can't just bounce off of enemies to the maximum height you were at before hitting them. I was told by someone who has the leaked build that you could but apparently that's wrong.
  9. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    This makes me wonder who taught Sonic and/or Knuckles. I would have assumed it to be more difficult to use the Super Emeralds since they're more powerful. Besides, Tails seems to know plenty more about the emeralds than Sonic, since he's the one who came up with the idea of making a fake emerald to find the real ones in SA2, and the one who knew that they have positive and negative energies in SA.
  10. serpx


    Ah. Sweet possibilities that SEGA more than likely won't take advantage of. I wouldn't mind Tails having such a side quest in a 2D title -- he always aspired to be as great as Sonic, from what I've read. Secondly, I do hope the developers finally brings back the Super Emeralds in future episodes.
  11. glem3


    The aesthetics of sonic 4 are more similar to the classic games (although perhaps TOO much)

    So does sonic 4. The flute in lost labrynth and that other weird sound in mad gear. Not as varied as sonic advance, but still not all one sound.

    Sonic 4 does have some automated moments, but about as much as sonic advance. Counting what I've seen in the levels of the leaked build, there are way more speed boosters in sonic advance than in sonic 4.

    The homing attack is never mandatory, considering you can always jump across the enemies or take another path instead. Before a bunch of people get mad at me for this, there's only one area of the game where there's a homing chain over an endless pit, as far as we know.

    I don't completely remember but sonic advance 1's special stage kinda sucked, didn't it?

    Well, yeah, but sonic 1 and (sometimes) sonic CD tend to be the least liked in the classic franchise.
  12. serpx


    Sonic CD? Least liked? I don't have the statistics, but from my observations throughout the years, it seems to me a lot of fans consider S3&K and Sonic CD the top classic titles. Though, that's just my observation -- obviously it's subjective.
  13. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    ...What? I thought they were the most liked. Sonic CD is one of my favorite Sonic games, second only to S3&K. I never liked Sonic 1 as much as the others, but I thought that was uncommon.

    Speaking of CD, why don't they ever bring back the super peel-out?
  14. glem3


    I have definitely seen places where CD is highly appreciated. However, I have also seen it being constantly bashed. Personally, I don't like it as much as sonic 2 and 3. I got through most of the acts just by jumping and holding right. Mostly because the maps are designed like mazes, I could avoid all the obstacles by switching between paths.

    Especially in wacky workbench, it just accumulated to me trying to find the hole to get through to get to the next bouncy area. It wasn't very fun and it just felt like a big maze.

    Some of the acts were just too big and confusing, and ultimately become more frustrating than fun to explore. That said, I just played sonic CD for the first time recently, so maybe it would have wowed me more if I played it back when it first released.

    In the end though, it just came off as less fun than sonic 2 and 3 (to me, personally).
  15. Just to throw in my vote, I found CD to be unplayable and disliked pretty much every element of it. But the intro cutscene is still awesome.
  16. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Wacky Workbench was overall the level I disliked the most, but other than that, it was a fantastic game and right behind S3K for me. I find it a chore to play Sonic 1 nowadays.

    And I really don't have a problem with any of the elements being complained about in Sonic 4. I love how they re-vamped LL2. The biggest issue I have is the laziness put into it. It will be playable, and I'll likely have fun playing it. But knowing it could've been more but isn't for no reason other than the makers saw no need to go above and beyond-- heck, it looks like they saw it was a chore to hit acceptable most of the time-- is the biggest turn off for me.

    Also, that interview with Iizuka really ticked me off; the way he blew off all our complaints like a defendant getting by on the letter of the law and loopholes. That almost made me not want to play Sonic 4 until my inner fan boy turned back on and made me care again. Stupid inner fanboy.

    Guess that's what keeps me here, though.
  17. glem3


    Well I think what's most important now is fixing the physics and uncurling and etc. That really is the most important, because I'm pretty sure something was said about all the changes to episode 1 being done to episode 2. So I really don't care how good episode 1 is at this point, because supposedly, this is the prologue, and episode 2 will hopefully introduce new environments, maybe tails or knuckles, and maybe multiplayer.

    So I think right now it's most important that things like physics are fixed in episode 1 so that episodes 2, 3, and 4 are much better.
  18. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    I was referring more to the list on the last page with the automatic springs, aesthetics, homing attack, etc. I'm all for physics being fixed as well as uncurling.

    As for Tails and Knuckles, I know they'll be included, but I question whether there'll be lock-on with episode 1. Too many game breakers it seems. I get the feeling they'll follow suit with the classics, and only have lock-on with Episode II and Episode III the way the entire project's gone, I don't see them putting the effort in to fixing Episode I for them since the only changes they've made to this one was out of neccesity to keep from losing more sales.
  19. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Well, Sonic uses the Chaos Emeralds in Sonic 1, correct? I'm just guessing, but well, if the we go by the prayer (minus the "Seven Chaos" bit), he was saving his friends and the island, and maybe he was capable of using them at the end of the game, to restore the island or something? Honestly, I dunno. Again, just guessing.

    Knuckles, I would probably guess his ancestors, or probably due to his Guardian status with the Master Emerald. Maybe being with such a strong source of Chaos Energy and learning how to control it, maybe that helped him gain the powers of Super Knuckles.

    As for Tails, well he knows a lot, but I think the problem is that he's hardly experienced the powers of the Emeralds for himself unlike Sonic and Knuckles. Considering Sonic 3 & Knuckles focused on Sonic and Knuckles, and not Tails (at least, that's what I think), Tails never went Super. Plus he always lets Sonic (and sometimes Shadow and Silver) do the dirty work. And, well, in a way, he had nothing to fight for himself.

    However, thanks to Super Sonic lending Tails his powers in Sonic Heroes, I think he's probably a step closer to accessing the powers of the Emeralds for himself. I think all he needs now is a motivation.

    ...Maybe. I dunno.
  20. glem3


    Oh please :P We make up a very small part of the people who will buy this game. It will do well regardless. Most people who aren't extreme fans of the series don't really care about things like physics to the extent we do, and critics are already loving this game. Obviously a part of it had to do with sales, but when was the last time they delayed a sonic game? This is a very low budget title and the main reason it was delayed was to make it an overall better game. This game flopping would have very little impact on SEGA, and I don't think they thought it would flop. I think they saw the quality issues after we complained about them, and now they're trying to fix them. And I salute them for that.
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