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The Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 7, 2010.

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  1. dsrb


    Implying that means anything. Rush wasn't specifically marketed as a return to classic form. This is called Sonic the Hedgehog 4. I don't know how many more times people will have to say this.
  2. glem3


    Except it's not like that, because in this case you're clearly seeing what you'll be getting before ordering it, but you're complaining about what you would be getting if you ordered that.

    It certainly is called sonic 4. And my point is that the name shouldn't decide whether you like the game or not. It's unfortunate that even if a game is good, it doesn't matter if its name is deceiving. What should matter is how good the game is, not what its called. Sonic 4 has enough in common with the classic games to be a sequel. It continues the story, it's 2D, it has the same moves plus one new one, it qualifies as a sequel.
  3. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    he asked for boosters everywhere and directly ported rush engine?

    News to me.
  4. glem3


    No, but you guys keep comparing it to buying food. In this case, you didn't even buy the food, you just looked at it. At that point, you should say "okay that's not what I want", and order something else. Not to mention, the difference between sonic 4 and the genesis games isn't like an apple to a banana. It's like red apple and green apple. They're kinda different, sure, but they're in the same shape and have a similar taste.

    Sonic 4 has all the makings of a sequel to the 2D games, and nothing makes it like rush. It literally has nothing in common besides being in 2D, and having sonic in it. Maybe it's similar to sonic advance, but sonic advance is extremely similar to the genesis games.

    Edit: And something else that makes these comparisons stupid. A lot of people say "if the game was called anything else, I'd like it". That's the people I'm trying to address. If you don't like the game just because you think it looks shit, I don't care, that's your opinion. Some of the game DOES look like shit, that's not what I'm arguing against. However, if you only dislike the game because of the name, it's just not a valid complaint. Ever heard the saying "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"? If you'd like it if the name was different, but just don't like because it's carrying a name you feel shouldn't be "tainted", you're still getting something you like! So why should you complain?
  5. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    We've been ordering something else for the past 7 months now, and they keep offering us the same shit back.

    Anyway, you haven't told me what business it is of yours if people like the game or not.
  6. evilhamwizard




    Anyway, if it means anything (and I'm sure this wasn't mentioned before), the build date for the leaked version was made between November 12th 2009 and December 31st, but it was definitely built after November within 2009. Pretty interesting how much change the game might've went through after that time before it's original release date in July.

    But oh well, you guys can go back to your food service analogies now.
  7. glem3


    I edited my post to explain better, but I'll explain it again here.

    I don't care about people who think the game looks like shit, and I agree that some parts of it do. I care about the people who just don't like the game because it's "something different than what they ordered". Some people have said if it were called anything else, they'd like it. But since it's called sonic 4, their expectations for what "should be" and "shouldn't be" automatically make it bad.

    It's stupid that people who would enjoy the game had it been called something else are ruining it for them by hating it just because of a name. If sonic colors was called sonic 4, people would hate it. But it's just a name, and without that name, people love it. So they're letting their pre-judgements of what should and shouldn't be in a classic game, and their expectations get in the way of enjoying a game that they would enjoy had the name be different. And I feel bad for those people, because they're forcibly not letting themselves enjoy a game that they otherwise would.

    The fact is, the name is causing people to judge it differently than they would if it was just a game released without expectations, and I think that's a really dumb way to judge a game. People should judge it not only from the name, but just if it looks fun. Even if it's carrying a name like Sonic 4, what should be important is the quality of the name, not the similarities to the genesis games. SOTI was complaining because of the boss being a separate act, and the HUD being different, things that would NEVER be a problem if it weren't for the expectations the name brought. Those things have nothing wrong with them, they're just different, but he's using his pre-existing expectations to use them against the game.
  8. Clutch


    It was a dark and stormy night... Member
    Adding fuel to the fire here, but wow that's a pretty crappy attempt at reassurance. After the booster comment, I'd really like to know whether Iizuka's just trying to make up (pretty bad) excuses to justify ill-received aspects of the game, or if he's honestly just that clueless and legitimately believes everything he says.

    To quote another Sega title, "Wow, the shit you say sometimes makes me want to smack you."
  9. dsrb


    Have to agree. Also,
    > mammoth quote pyramids
    Stop that.

    Yeah, that is for thought. (Damn, how could I sink to their level?) I do wonder how much more (less) work they would have done if the game hadn't been delayed. Would the leaked build have been largely representative? As I said previously, it's small consolation, but the game probably isn't as bad as it could have been. (That's not to say it c/shouldn't be better.)
  10. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    Again, glem3 people having standards is absolutely none of your business.
  11. glem3


    It's not about having standards, it's about disliking things not because they're bad, but because they're different. As I said, I don't care if people think the game is shit. That has to do with their standards. If they think the game is shit ONLY because of the name, they're forcing themselves to not enjoy something, and I feel bad for them. Things like uncurling and speed pads wouldn't be a problem if this were just a standalone game, so if it's not a problem with the game, it shouldn't be a problem in general. Being different from something else isn't a flaw, so people shouldn't act as such. Having the HUD being set up different from the classics is a complaint that can only exist because of the name. Same with uncurling, do you think anyone would complain about uncurling if Sonic 4 was just a standalone title?

    If it's only an issue because of a game in the past, it shouldn't be an issue. Problems should be problems from the game, not from past games. The physics are a problem not because they're different, but because they ruin the game's design.
  12. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    Who fucking cares if they don't enjoy something others do. People have their reasons, stop trying to justify so many grays out of a very black and white scenario.
  13. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    People don't dislike S4 because it's different, they dislike it for not working right and having some downright awful direction. ST tout it as a game with momentum based gameplay, but then the layer is with speed boosters and say it's necessary to keep the pace. The homing attack is a change, one that perhaps could have been done better, but not everybody has a real problem with it. The game is disliked because it's not what it's supposed to be.

    EDIT: Fix'd the post, I rushed it.
  14. glem3


    But those aren't the people I have a problem with. I have a problem with the people who say "if this was called sonic rush 3, I'd like it, but since it's not, I hate it". The name shouldn't matter. People who only complain about things like the HUD and separate boss acts because they weren't in the classics are forcing themselves to not enjoy the game because its different, not because it's bad.
  15. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    Ignorance has nothing to do with it. My mate big gay Dave could talk about the virtues of gay sex all day long, and call me ignorant for not wanting to try it. I'm sure gay sex is a wonderful experience for Dave and many others, (as Sonic 4 will be to many people). One could sell the virtues of being sodomized by another man to me all day long, but the point is that I don't need to TRY it to know it's not for me.
  16. Zephyr


    Why can't we be friends? :tinfoil:

    But seriously, this thread has its own cycle. Sega throws some bullshit PR at us, the classic fans attack them for it, others cling to the hope that Sonic 4 will live up to everybody's expectations, classic fans explain how Sega's run out of chances for 'hope', etc.....

    Sonic 4 will not play like the classics, this has been made apparent. Disappointing for many, yes, myself included. Regardless, it doesn't look horrible. If it plays like Advance 2, it won't ruin your lives, it will just be another mediocre Sonic game to add to the list. Nothing new.

    Its just a game people. Nostalgia or not, we need to grow up.

    Plus, we already have the closest thing we're ever going to get to a Sega-published Sonic 4. Its called Sonic Advance.

    Devil's Advocate Tiem:

    When was the last time those were even brought up? I was under the impression that the major complaints were about the crappy physics and the over use of dash pads to compensate for it, but maybe that's just me.
  17. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    Holy shit I lol'd
  18. Azookara


    yup Member
    Honestly I gotta agree with the retro crowd here. If they don't want to play this, fine. Let them be. I am disappointed in the direction for this as well, so I'm not gonna buy this (if I do anything it may be getting it free on a jailbroken iPhone :v:). But either way
    this always will be the truth. Sonic Advance will always be my Sonic 4. :>
  19. glem3


    Aww but I wanna know what you said :(

    Still, I hope you get what I was trying to say now, and that I WASN'T trying to talk about people who think the game is shit, because frankly, after seeing the stuff from Sonic Colors, I agree it is shit compared to what it COULD be. Still, it looks like a really great 10$ downloadable title that is based on the classic games. I just don't think it's fair to criticize the game on things that you don't think are actually issues with any game, but just with this one because of what you're used to.
  20. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    1. Broken physics.
    2. Terrible level design.
    3. Ear grating music.
    4. Terrible object/enemy placement.
    5. Terrible use of the homing attack. (Not complaining it's there, complaining it's only used for stupid shit.)
    6. It's just a bad remake of S1 and 2.

    There's my main issues with the game, though there are more. This is why I am not willing to spend $10 on it, it isn't worth it.
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