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The Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 7, 2010.

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  1. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    No, no it really doesn't. It just shows a gross misunderstanding of the situation.
  2. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    He could say many other things other than what I mentioned quite easily.
  3. Zephyr


    While it was mildly cringe inducing, am I the only one who found the interview hilarious? It was as if someone was trolling Sega back (albeit only one member) for the perpetual trolling that has been the advertising for this game since day 1.

    But the hoodie....the hoodie just came off as somewhat creepy and sociopathic to me, costume or not.
  4. Spax


    Well it's not really trolling I was trying to do, but I was trying to ask the questions that no other interviewer did based on all the fan complaints I have seen from both people on the Sega Blogs and even here on Sonic Retro. But to an extent, that was the point. Trying to counteract Sega for all the stuff that happens, but at the same time, I was trying to be respectful about it, and as I said, Ken was a nice guy and I enjoyed talking to him.

    As for the hoodie, think what you want about it, that's fine, but it's a part of my character, and I'm going to stick to it.
  5. Brad


    yo Member
    While I appreciate your intent, you kinda set a bad example for a lot of us... you made the interview so cringe-worthy to view, and Ken seemed pretty pissed off.
  6. Spax



    I don't really get what you mean by that, especially since I see SO Many Sonic fans setting a bad example all the time, even on this forum. I see people swearing and insulting the people from Sega and the games to no end.

    Besides, I see more bad examples from these:
    Chris Bores just picks up the wisp that Sega is offering as promotional content and tosses it on screen. Also, the fact that he says that "any chance we'll see Knuckles or Tails" just shows that he doesn't do his research.
    Spoony is just being hateful and everything without trying to get any information correct, I find more cringe-worthy compared to any other video I have seen.

    No offense, but I really find the statement hypocritical compared to what I have seen on this forum and even this exact thread. Especially due to the fact that most people seem to be criticizing what I wear which is like saying James Rolfe can't always wear a buttons shirt, or Stuttering Craig can't always wear a T-Shirt and a hat. The Microphone so far has been the most understandable thing I have seen, and it's true, I didn't know how to use it since it was my first time using one in public like that.

    But really, sorry if I sound harsh or arrogant, but I feel I need to say the following. I see SO many people here bitch about Sega and the games for no reason, and that the example the fanbase has been setting for me for a while. The whole reason I did this interview was to just get these questions answered for all of you complaining, even the minor nitpicks, so hopefully you could all shut the fuck up about it. It's disgusting, I never see a happy Sonic fan, no one can even TRY to accept a new Sonic game. Granted I used to be the same way, but I'm trying to make amends for that as well as other things I've made mistakes for. So why not blame yourselves for setting an example for what you guys wanted answered after bitching about it all this time. Especially seeing how some people on this forum are, I'm betting many of you would probably have cussed to Sega and trying insulting the hell out of them to their faces as cruelly as possible. To but it bluntly, I'm a sure that many of you would have acted like how Spoony did to a Sega rep.

    So there ya go. Sorry if I sounded harsh or anything, but it's just surprising that so many of you make these complaints, and honestly, seeing how some of you are also dissing Ken Balough like he's the devil or something only proves my point. So he's not perfect. Big deal, he was still a nice guy to talk to and he answered his questions to the best he could.
  7. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Wait, how did a Trial Member interview a Sega Exec? :psyduck:

    Unless I missed something.
  8. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    He went to E3, it's not that hard to understand.
  9. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    That's the part I missed then. My bad. Not like there's a grand master list of people who are going to E3 that I care about.
  10. Quarterman


    Just another day in paradise. Member
    Sorry to go off topic, but when has Bores ever done adequate research on anything? He is quite possibly the worst reviewer on the net.

    As for Sonic 4 itself, I really don't have too many complaints. The physics are wonky, but as long as I enjoy myself, everything else takes a backseat.
  11. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    The Wisp was thrown at him. By a SEGA rep. Not only does it say that in the description below the video (who's not doing their research again?), but you can actually hear it hit him.

    You're generalising here - I for one am pleased with Unleashed and find it more enjoyable than S1/S2.
  12. Spax


    Since when does someone's status on a Sonic Forum that he just joined mean that he can't attend E3? Is Sonic Retro supposed to be some holy ground where you have to be a member here to talk to someone at Sega or any other rep of a video game? Wow P:

    Also, I thought this topic was about Sonic 4, it seems to keep shifting :/

    That's good, you have my respect then. I'm glad to see that there are people can still enjoy Sonic. I'm sorry, I don't mean EVERYONE here, but I see SO many people like that, that I find it harder to find the people who actually enjoy being Sonic fans.

    Also, I like Sonic Unleashed as well, it was a great game, glad to know that there is someone else who likes it too :)
  13. This is about Sonic 4? Oh yeah...



    I know, do you think the game will be good?

    I do. I think the game's gonna be super. If only because the Chaos Emeralds are going to be bonuses, like they always should be. n_n
  14. Spax


    Yeah, I do think the game will be good :)

    There are some tweaks to be made, and I was kind of beta testing the game at E3 just so I can find the flaws and point them out to Sega to help them know what to improve upon (and I mean that respectfully), but for the most part, it's not bad and I had fun playing the build that was available. I really look forward to the finished version of episode one and I also hope that other people will be willing to give it a shot as well. :D
  15. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Nah, nah, that's not what I meant, man. I meant like "Is this like an official Sonic Retro interview, I figured the site staff would do something like this" kinda thing, nor did I mean only approved members go to E3. Sorry for the mix-up/offense there.
  16. Spax


    It's cool. :) BTW, just to keep this thread on topic, what are your thoughts on Sonic 4 if you care to answer?
  17. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    Oh yeah, I'm a bit disappointed at some of the bad physics, but from what I hear, they're like Sonic Rush, and Sonic Rush is a great Sonic game. I'm still going to try the demo before I decide to buy it.
  18. Spax


    I will say that the gameplay was a bit slow compared to the Mega Drive releases (it took Sonic a while to get up to full speed), and hopefully, Dimps and Sonic Team will fix that before the final release. I'm still going to buy it either way because despite the flaws, I did enjoy it at E3 :)
  19. Innocence


    (ノ-_-)ノ Member
    Be glad that you don't want to talk about the horrible interview anymore. I was going to slam you down REALLY hard with a "bit" of advice.

    haha just saw that irate gamer video. I wonder how he hit on the rep girl.
  20. NomadTW


    I ain't gotta impress you fucks. Member
    Pardon me if I'm slowpoking here, but Gamepro (of Germany) did a preview video of Sonic 4:

    Apparently, someone who speaks German said there's nothing new here, but clean gameplay video, yay?


    Anyone speak Spanish up in here? :v:
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