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The Sonic Frontiers *SPOILER* Thread (With Unmarked Spoilers)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, Sep 29, 2022.

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  1. Snowbound


    So there are two things I kinda want spoiled for me:
    1) Is there an unlockable spindash?
    2) The game’s credits. I want to know the exact size of Frontiers’ dev team. I want to know if Frontiers’ team is the same size as Forces

    It’s probably a lil early to ask this but I figured it couldn’t hurt
  2. Yup, its unchanged from this video. IT functions like this no matter how high you do it from.
    You joke, but this definitely feels like a spiritual successor to Sonic Adventure in some ways.
  3. Taylor


    Are all the Cyber Space stages reuses of old level design?
  4. Looks absolutely useless then, this rumor started because a journalist talked in depth about how freeing Amy would unlock a SA2 style bounce attack that you could use to keep your momentum going but what you unlock is just a combat move. I’m curious if the other two friend skills are just for combat as well.
  5. Naw yea, its a combat move; it's a follow up attack which you can chain into the stomp attack.

    But no, "SA2 style bounce" this is not.
  6. Turbohog


    Huge bummer, I absolutely love the SA2 bounce. Thanks for the info.
  7. Looks like the other two are just combat moves as well, everything but air tricks on the skill tree is combat related. Shame they wanted to swamp the player with combat skills instead of balancing it out with some movement skills like replacing jank stomp bounce with the real bounce and the slide with rolling.
    As is it looks like a half hearted attempt to complete a modern open world game checklist, in other games they tend to be split into favoring different play styles but that’s absent here.
  8. Patrolman


    Watching certain parts in Japanese and this voice direction isn't just for English. Sonic's VA sounds alot more deeper than he usually is in previous performances
  9. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    This spoiler thread is nice. Nothing too neck-breaking so far. :D
  10. Frostav


    How have people beaten this game already and we still don't know what the final levels are.

    I really need to see just what Sonic Team thought was a good idea for the final island because I have immense doubts it'll feel as properly climactic as most of the final stages do in these games (even the bad ones).
  11. Felik


  12. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member

    Thx for the spoiler mark.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2022
  13. Without sleep In assuming.

    I took care of my business for today so I'll play some more when I get home and give more impressions.
  14. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    I infinitely prefer that movement is not tied to a skill tree myself. The skill tree is for the service of the combat and fleshing it out over time.

    Imagine needing skill points to roll. Nah. I'd prefer to just Drop Dash from the word go. Movement is not something that needs to be rolled out. I'm glad I can run in every way that Sonic can run immediately instead of needing to wait hours.
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  15. I try to refrain from cursing, but what the fuck. I just scrolled through the vid to see how spoilery it was and without context, that’s the oddest thing I’ve seen.

    Edit: I’ve been listening to the music for Boss 3 over and over with the biggest fucking smile on my face. Stellar, stellar work on this OST. I allowed myself to listen to a few tracks and I’m beyond pumped to hear the rest.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2022
  16. Azookara


    yup Member
    Played the game for about an hour and a half on a Switch emulator.

    - Controls are pretty good. I can already see reviewers going "this is the first time Sonic's felt good to control in 3D!!". It won't be true, considering the SA games will still have them trumped, but it's not like the public remembers how they played that much. Either way, not bad controls-wise at all. The button placement is odd, but I suppose if I wanted I could play around with that. Drop Dashing is fun. Boosting feels weighty and satisfying for the first time ever. Movement feels precise. Not bad, not bad.

    - Level design is better in practice than it is in execution, interestingly. It's still dumb that they decided to put most of the actual gameplay above and around the map rather than on it, but I'm glad it's there at all. Some of what they ask of you is a little more than past boost games; getting the timing right on some homing chains and gaps to boost over is less brainless than Colors or Forces. Not as involved as Unleashed or Generations, but whatever.

    - Combat is hit or miss. You probably expected a "fuck this" from Mr. I Hate Combat In Sonic, and I'm almost inclined to still say that because damn it shouldn't be here LOL, but I at least appreciate that we're designing enemies that I gotta navigate around a little in between the mindless mashing. I like fighting the titans surprisingly more than the mid-size enemies. I guess I feel more inclined to be okay with button mashing on enemies that are clearly boss material. Eh. Hopefully this doesn't get unbearable. Not faithful in that, but we'll see.

    - Gameplay loop isn't so bad so far; with the keys and the emeralds and all that. I kinda like what they have going on, and I think the ranking system in the cyberspace levels is pretty nice; reminds me of a refined version of how missions worked in SA1. I hope I don't grow tired of how the gameplay cycle works; but it seems like it could be decent.

    - Visuals are ugly but I've already said that to the moon and back. Game on Switch looks horrendous, like Legends Arceus-tier. I've encountered a lot of visual glitches, but that's the emulators for you and not the game itself. TBH the weird rainbow-effect it left on some things made a few of the titans look more visually interesting than they're supposed to, haha. This game will definitely look better on the non-Switch consoles and PC, but I can't say the game overall is much of a looker. If the artistic integrity here was to look really dull and dour, they nailed it. Which considering the tone, I guess it was. Eh..

    - The overall story I'm seeing in spoilers sounds interesting, but the cutscenes so far are pretty boring, beyond the altercations with Sage and her pet I'm naming Big Ass Dude. Guess it's too early to judge that yet.

    Overall.. it's okay so far. I didn't get too terribly far since the Switch emu kept crashing and locking (brb, downloading more RAM..). I'll pick up the Steam version, probably.
  17. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    One praise I will especially give to the Open Zone is that it's design is intuitive: as in I rarely get into a situation where I'm led astray or entered an obstacle course 'wrong", ans that I can find something new just roaming around. I have only ever checked the map when I've found most of Kronos Island.
  18. Felik


  19. Taylor


    Three ending songs? Is it just a long credits sequence or are there multiple endings?
  20. I’m coming at this from the angle of how most games handle skills trees by having branches serve different elements otherwise this should have just been a vertical list, they also could have had skills that serve dual purposes like a more SA2 like bounce attack that would work well for combat and movement options, the existing skills don’t look to flesh out much with the highest one being a ukemi attack which is a odd choice unless it’s really powerful.
    Imagine having to use a double jump to roll… the only saving grace is that it doesn’t seem as bad Force’s horrific double jump.
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