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The Sonic Frontiers *SPOILER* Thread (With Unmarked Spoilers)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, Sep 29, 2022.

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  1. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    I thought that at first, but a track being longer doesn't necessarily mean it'll take longer to master. It all depends on their workflow ofc, but a 20-second cutscene track might need just as much limiting, levels adjustments, stereo enhancement, etc as a stage track. I really do hope "Sonic found a Koco" and "puzzle complete noise" aren't dedicated audio tracks, lol

    Re: classic springs, does anyone else... not like these? I genuinely thought it was just an oversight, because it makes little sense to me why sometimes they're modern and sometimes they're classic... unless it's just a 2D vs. 3D thing, in which case I still don't entirely get it. I kinda wish they found a better way to differentiate the two types of springs than just throwing a classic spring model in there.... and also I'm just sick of Classic Sonic assets thrown into Modern Sonic stuff.
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  2. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    Yeah I agree, their design is a bit too simplistic for my liking.
    Perfect for a 2d game with a limited resolution, but they pretty much had a perfect redesign in the first Adventure and I'm not a big fan of going back to their earlier look...for the sake of nostalgia I suppose? God I'm so tired of it lmao

    Kinda cool they fonction differently in gameplay tho, but they could've just used yellow modern springs for that purpose :rolleyes:
    Although I wouldn't be surprised if no one on the development team remembered those exist lol
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2022
  3. The Deleter

    The Deleter

    Big win for Super Sonic hopeful:

    Notice the prompt that appears, which is the same prompt that appears for the Super Sonic counter move.


    It only appears after the enemy has attacked Sonic, with Sonic holding the same “ready” stance as the super footage shows. It even has the same spinning grind animation, and in practice the same enemy knock-down finish to the move, but with a simpler animation.

    If Super Sonic’s special moves are all built off of the base move set like this, then that leaves plenty of room for variety and even crazier upgraded animations, potentially.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 13, 2022
  4. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    That makes sense. Super is a more beefed up Sonic, and in a game with a combat system already it doesn’t make sense to make up completely different rules for a small part of the game (I mean they’ve made moves like that before tbf… hey they’re learning!)
  5. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
  6. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Not really a spoiler, but the digital artbook and mini soundtrack are downloaded as separate software:

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  7. PhazonHopper


    Since people in the other thread are shitting their pants over 4chan, I'm just going to dump some shit from there here.

    Hestu: Sonic Edition
    Drop Dash (According to the person playing, the Drop Dash is just a timed free boost out of a jump. People claiming the game has any sort slope-based or rolling momentum are sadly wrong, physics are very similar to Forces.)

    Link to a video of like, 30 seconds of gameplay. Can't embed it.
  8. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    We have previous videos of the Drop Dash that contradicts this claim.

    Reddit has the clip from the player using the Drop Dash. The first time he uses it, on a steeper slope, is longer and faster than the second time. The speed is sustained instead of dropping off almost immediately.

    In this video from someone playing at EGX, not only does the Drop Dash last much longer, but Sonic's speed is much higher when he lands, increases down the slope (apparently hitting the speed cap), and stays constant until they get to the ramp. Sonic's Speed stat is at level 1 in both videos.

    Even if the amount of time you stay rolling is fixed (which I doubt; or more specifically, Sonic probably has a set rolling time but it increases when going down a slope), it's clearly affected by the slopes.

    The Drop Dash in Mania also gives you a boost, but if you're not on a slope, it's going to die quickly, and we can see that happen in the first video on the second use.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2022
  9. Yeah it makes perfect sense that they’d go to the trouble of implementing that while not having a dedicated rolling button and instead awkwardly tying it to the double jump... The fact that it’s still not been super obvious if they exist or not suggests they probably won’t matter if they do, some detail for those YouTube clickbait videos with the red arrows to point out but not some fun mechanic to use for faster times.
  10. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Well, the Drop Dash is objectively faster than even boosting for much of the game, and some puzzles, namely some Time Trials, are designed with it in mind. And since Sonic isn't impacted by the upgrades or sliders and cant use the Power Boost in Cyber Space, the Drop Dash is also the best option in those levels too.

    I can't tell you why there's no dedicated 3D rolling button (even though you can roll as usual in 2D), maybe they thought it was too much and the boost makes a Spin Dash redundant, but it's hardly because the Drop Dash doesn't work because it does.

    I don't see how it's not a fun mechanic to use for faster times.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2022
  11. DefinitiveDubs


    Remember when everyone was convinced that RCS sounded so weird and overly deep because of the recording quality of a camera held up to a monitor? Well, here's the Amy cutscene recorded straight from the game, and it's the same. Amy sounds weird and deep too.
  12. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Amy sounding deep is good and arguably a more natural evolution than Sonic's voice (which definitely does sound better in the direct recording). Robinson sounded like Minnie Mouse when she started. This is closer to her portrayal in Boom, which is kind of the best Amy voice ever.
  13. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I still think Drop-Dash looks fun to use.
  14. DefinitiveDubs


    Amy arguably sounds almost boyish in comparison to Forces and Boom. Yes it is better than her Minnie Mouse voice from over 10 years ago, but is that really the standard we're going with here? She doesn't exactly sound like the cute 12yo girl she's supposed to be anymore. Roger sounds horrible, he sounds like he's phoning it in more than ever, and it sounds like his performance was artificially pitched down post-production about 3 notches for no reason. He sounds more like Chris Redfield than ever.
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  15. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    What's wrong with her sounding boyish? She's a tomboy? She can have a contralto.

    "phoning it in more than over" Oh boy, lol. Roger sounds deep. You even likened it to a deep voice he does for another character. The pitch might be hard to get used to but it certainly isn't phoned in to me.
  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Wow Amy’s animations look decent, her pupils aren’t slammed together, her voice isn’t grating. Color me shocked. But why is Rogers Sonic so deep this time around? It’s fine I guess and all around the characters seem to have better voice direction and actually like reflect emotion now, but it just strikes me as odd.
  17. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    When Sonic is musing to himself or talking to Big, he has his more typical speech. They said they directed RCS to be more deep to fit the tone of the game, but the above detail makes it seem like Sonic puts on a deep voice in front of others, which is a nice bit of characterization.
  18. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Is it? Has he ever needed to do this before, even back in the 00s? Not a huge fan of the deliberately-deeper take as it really does sound like he's putting on a voice for the sake of it. I don't have any real issues with Amy's voice here.
  19. Patrolman


    Looking at some more cutscenes or the game. I'm more shocked by Amy's Voice Direction than Sonic's. Cindy Robinson sounds so different
  20. Hi, got the game cuz NY doesn't care about street dates whatsoever. And just to prove I ain't bullshitting.

    Immediate thoughts after four hours and clearing the first Island.

    If you were not onboard with how the game looked, then I doubt playing it will change your mind either. As someone who was interested, I'm actually having a fair bit of fun.

    Haven't quite felt out what is my preferred control method yet, but do not start in Action mode. It is dreadfully slow, annoyingly so.

    There is some depth to the combat; you can choose to just mindlessly mash attack and get results, but the game does encourage you to actually learn and improve to make it faster. Died a fair number of times...sometimes fair, sometimes not.

    Game is jank, gonna tell y'all this now. There is so much clipping in what is supposed to be a 2022 game. Didn't notice the pop-in as much though, granted I wasn't really looking for it either.

    There is "momentum". Sonic does in fact increase speed when drop dashing down a slope....but he doesn't carry his momentum with him when he jumps and it feels so OFF. Weirdly, when you fly off using maxium boost mode, you literally go flying. I dunno.

    Also the "Bounce attack" isn't quite how it used to also does not carry your momentum no matter how high you use it to jump

    some SPICY potential lore being dropped in this fucking game. Actually interested in a Sonic plot in the first time since forever.

    3D Cyberspace levels are fine and kind of fun to speed run, but the 2D parts can fuck right off. They are so bad and Sonic occasionally breaks during them. If you hated 2D Boost sections, these will not change your mind whatsoever.
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