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The Sonic Frontiers *SPOILER* Thread (With Unmarked Spoilers)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, Sep 29, 2022.

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  1. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I liked the combat in Unleashed a LOT, and Frontiers seems to be basically doing that but blended into the Daytime gameplay itself rather than a separate style, so I'm happy. It looks fun to rack up combos and parry attacks, and what impressions have said regarding things like the Ninja fight have corroborated that, so I'm excited for this game's combat.

    If it actually turns out to be the worst part, at least you'll be able to just run past enemies. (If you don't care to pick up the potential EXP and collectibles they'll drop, that is :V)
  2. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    My position on the battling precisely, yet it sounds like running past them simply isn't an option because of how the bosses will be gating later areas off.
  3. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
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  4. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    Honestly running around looks so fun in this game I don’t think I’m even gonna want to fast travel, but it’s nice the option’s there at least
  5. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    Looks just as useless as the fast travel in Spider-Man, and hopefully it remains that way while playing lol.
  6. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    I like the rails being a fast travel system better, along with, y'know, Sonic being fast, but honestly the game does need a conventional fast travel system because it'll be more jarring if it doesn't.
  7. Patrolman


    Honestly looking at the footage several times for the Super Sonic boss battle I honestly see no issue with this at all. Like some people have pointed out that the leaker barely upgraded Sonic so that's the reason why it took so long. What I love so much is how (in my opinion) detailed it is. This is like the first Sonic game I can remember that actually shows the power of Super Sonic. He's ORA ORA ORA the shit out of titan, can create clones to stomp the hell out of it, can actually parry his attacks, and deflect his blasts (even though that's more quick time event but you get what I mean). I love it when you can implement what the game gives you throughout to your advantage. The only Super Sonic boss fight I can think actually did that was Heroes. Lets be honest the main point of Super Sonic boss fights has always been the spectacle than anything else
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  8. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Remember, not-kids: in the second Sonic movie, Sonic fights Knuckles with his fists and Super Sonic fights a big damn robot (not really a fight due to power levels, but you get the point). Kids will love to do the things Sonic did in the movie and more.

    And I'm more scared at having to grind that having to fight: one thing is having a natural progression just by exploring and dealing with any kind of stuff you find, and a very different one is spending your time solely in repeating the same tasks time and again.
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  9. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    What if you could fast travel via warp rings? That’d be cool to finally see that implemented in a game
  10. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I decided to ruminate on this for a day, and I feel that just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's a misstep. In my opinion, Refusing to embrace change and always wanting to go back to how things were before is the ultimate act of foolishness in a franchise so frequently changing as this one. That applies to every franchise, too. The blatant rejection of progress among members of the Sonic community will always baffle me.

    I don't mind if you criticize the execution, that's fair game, but I feel like attacking the core concepts just because they are different and you do not like them is silly.
  11. _Sidle


    Adva3 gang rise up :eng101:


    There's also the Hidden Palace Ring in Mushroom Hill, which is even in the S&K manual if I'm not mistaken, so it's been a thing for a while now.
  12. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member

    More footage of the Green Hill Cyberspace level with the Generations level design.

    Interestingly, Sonic does have slope physics while not in ball form here, which isn't present in the open zone. That being said though, the slope physics are pretty rough. Better than Forces Classic for sure but I still do hope there aren't many levels built directly around slope physics, because the movement engine is clearly not built for it. Fingers crossed this gets improved in the final game, but I doubt it.
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  13. I know that as a kid who grew up with the OVA, my dream was to flip off Eggman, tell Tails to shut up, and use a robotic doppelgänger to look up the skirt of catgirls. Still is TBH.

  14. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I think the core point here is that just because something's changed doesn't necessarily mean it's actual progress.
  15. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Why is it not actual progress, again? The only points towards that anyone has said just boil down to "It doesn't appeal to me anymore" or "It's different" which is exactly what I was talking against. Hasn't to run free in an open environment been the dream for the series ever since the Sonic CD opening? Really, I'm curious.
  16. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Not that I necessarily agree with Overlord, but you're misrepresenting the argument here. People are allowed to say the things that don't appeal to them are bad for the series, the "don't state your opinion as fact" discourse is old and dead. We can agree that the things in question and the things that came before are different, but whether that constitutes "progress" is subjective.

    Moreover, "running free in an open environment" can mean a lot of things, but none of those things are really much of a response to an argument that started with Azoo saying "interrupting my freerunning with combat that doesn't really integrate with it is annoying", and that seems a little disingenuous.

    People don't inherently desire an open-world Sonic. I don't, and I'm still looking forward to this. What most of these people were asking for was a game with more expansive levels than we'd been getting in all the 3D games past 06 (except Lost World), with good-feeling control. Frontiers could've provided that, but it's more interested in being a character action game that incidentally features speedy platforming and freerunning in an open-world that wasn't totally designed with it in mind. It can still be good at that, but to argue that it's 1-to-1 with the thing people were talking about is just not very fair.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
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  17. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Eh, fair enough.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Every time a Sonic game does something different it always alienates certain fans, since Sonic’s a lot of different things to different people. Personally I’m looking forward to this, but Sonic Mania 2 it is not. Whether or not that’s a bad thing depends on your tastes.

    I think Black Knight has one of the dumbest plots ever but zoomers think it’s Sonic’s Citizen Kane or something. Who’s wrong? The zoomers No one since it’s subjective
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
  19. I'm kind of tired of arguing about opinions when it comes to Sonic, it has become one of the most exhausting things in this fandom and why I just choose to keep to myself for the most part to avoid the headaches. Whether Frontiers is an "evolution" or a "Misstep" will depend entirely on what exactly defines a Sonic game to you, and that answer changes from person to person whether you like it or not, so its pointless trying to comprehend someone else's opinion who obviously doesn't align with yours.

    Some people wanted a game that embraces Sonic's classic design philosophies more accurately and craft level design around that, other people wanted a more dynamic story writing that brings out the best of the characters, and others just wanna go fast. And anything else you can think of. We can ruinate on the state of this franchise until we're blue in the face, but that's just the state of things; nobody will ever be one hundred percent satisfied with what this franchise does. Sonic's entire existence is just inherently controversial the longer you choose to engage with it.

    The reviews and sales records will decide if this direction is right for Sonic or not, nothing much more to say than that. If Frontiers bombs (and I know some of you are hoping it does) and you didn't care for this direction they attempted, congratulations as they'll probably throw it out and move onto something else. If it succeeds and you're one who was invested in this new direction, then congratulations their gamble paid off.
  20. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member

    Can anyone ID this level design? It looks sorta like one of the Tropical Resort 2D acts, but I'm not entirely sure. Might be wholly original.
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