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The Sonic Frontiers *SPOILER* Thread (With Unmarked Spoilers)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, Sep 29, 2022.

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  1. Dissident


    شوفي مافي Member
    Thought of a better way to clarify my point above regarding mod support and how that factor's into the game's quality - an official product like this absolutely should not be dependent on community support to thrive and end up as an enjoyable game. But despite everything, that community support is there. For whatever reason, something about this one clicked enough for the people who have the ability to make it better. I don't want to put the cart before the horse, but like I mentioned before, even I'm interested in finally figuring out how Blender works so I can try and be a part of making this game better. Lost World and Forces didn't have that because the interest wasn't there.

    To me, it feels like Sonic Team actually did care this time, and I think that's a big part of what's making people want to finish what they started even if it isn't their job to do so.
  2. RikohZX


    I'd say it shouldn't be dependent on community support, sure, but then we have Bethesda games, so what do I know?
  3. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    The base game should be of sufficient quality in the first place, but mod support is a bonus that I’ll never turn my nose up at and it’s an entirely valid reason to pick up a game. For as accessible as Sonic games are to mod already, I’d love nothing more than for Sonic Team to provide the tools to make that process even easier.
  4. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Moreover, I don't really understand the SotC comparisons. I mean... I get them, but I don't get how we got to "completely ripoff". There are titanic enemies in games other than SotC, and tbh I thought the Titans in Frontiers were heavily inspired by Evangelion. Sage's voice actor in both Japanese and English is Rei's from Evangelion, that almost feels intentional. I get that Sonic scales the titan before the actual fight begins, but he just runs up the Titan (or chases it, in the case of Wyvern) quickly and then after that 20-30 second task the rest of the fight is DMC/Bayo combat, you fly through the air punching the titan. The titan climbing segments in SotC seem more like extended platforming challenges, in Frontiers it's just something you take a few seconds to do before grabbing the emerald. Sonic has done huge robotic enemies for a long time and only the climbing part really reminded me of SotC, the enemies themselves are very sci-fi and I personally feel like that's the trope I think they were riffing off of.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
  5. I can’t even imagine a scenario where it wasn’t intentional. The shot of Supreme holding and shooting the rifle gave me such huge Eva vibes as well.

    But they can get inspired by and pay homage to a bunch of things, so SotC and Eva are not mutually exclusive as inspirations. I will say that I also only really got the SotC vibe when climbing the titans though. Though thinking back on the game with it in mind, having the main antagonist as a disembodied voice provide you direction where to go, subtly making you unleash it, is such a big commonality that I’d be surprised if it wasn’t thought of by the dev team.
  6. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    The Eva stuff has to be intentional, plus Sega has a history with it.
  7. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    I beat the game. I don’t feel like writing an essay. I’ll just say, yeah the last third of the game was definitely unfinished. Also Eggman’s shmup mini games foreshadowing the true final boss is kinda funny in retrospect. Really liked the first two islands though. Hope they take this formula and iterate on it, and finish the game properly next time.

    Also I hope Big the Cat made it out of cyberspace all right.
  8. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    He made it off of the ARK and also somehow escaped from the Arabian Nights. He’ll be fine.
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  9. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    If I recall Sega not only produced the show but the movie as well, and also had I believe it was Asuka playing a Sega Saturn in an episode. Plus they made most of the toys back then.
  10. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    This is also somewhat the same flow with Sega and the Utena franchise.
  11. The Deleter

    The Deleter

    Dunno if this is worth posting here or not but:


    It seems like Tangle isn't the only thing carrying over from IDW anymore; Sonic internally hoping for Eggman to redeem himself is here too, either directly or indirectly parallel to the whole "Eggman can hopefully change eventually" plot thread from IDW
  12. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    I don't really understand the logic of the others in that thread. Sonic, by his very nature, hopes people will change for the better even if he knows they may not. I highly doubt Sonic Team is going to allow them to turn Eggman into a good guy, but they're not going to have Sonic suddenly hate the man either. Both are firmly established character traits.
  13. The Deleter

    The Deleter

    The main reason I linked the thread was just for providing the screenshot + others also reporting the dialog was in-game. Most of the discussion regarding it largely has to do with preferences and interpretations, so past arguments on that front are never a good default to represent, in my eyes.

    I will say this regarding established character traits, though: I cannot recall a single Sonic game where Sonic did not immediately assume the worst of him lol. Whenever someone is giving him the benefit of the doubt, or Eggman himself is claiming he's turned over a new leaf, Sonic is the one throwing it back in their face. Not saying that forgiveness isn't part of Sonic's nature or anything, but it's why I see this as significant in a way. IDW is, or was, it's own thing trying to tell it's own story, and it was up to that to decide how it wanted to progress with it. Inserting this whole arc that could be seen as unfinished in a way has a bigger impact than that, altering the meta in a slightly different direction.
  14. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Context is important. Sonic has done this dance countless times now, he knows that, if bad stuff is going down, Eggman is almost certainly involved somehow. At the same time, when the dust settles and Eggman’s been taken care of, that’s when he backs off to give Eggman a chance to straighten out (rightly or wrongly). It’s the in-universe rationale for why Sonic doesn’t just put Eggman down and be done with it. He believes people shouldn’t have their life dictated for them based on making some bad decisions and that people can’t change if you don’t give them the chance. Even in Unleashed, while he teased Eggman about his apparent remorse, he didn’t outright reject the idea.
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  15. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    This is just the paradox of the series wanting to have some form of nuanced storytelling sometimes while also knowing that Eggy being a bastard is too important to SEGA's brand for anything to meaningfully change. I think Flynn is doing the best he can manage with the problems he's presented with.
  16. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    It's undeniably imitating SorC. The titan fights are not very similar mechanically but SotC is a very influential game and if you think of big colossus bosses you are going to think of SotC. If it was just the bosses themselves that wouldn't be a big deal. But it's also clearly imitating the tone and aspects of SotC story. Large and empty open terrain with a lonely and dark aesthetic. Sonic gets corrupted by Cyberspace energy, which happens for a different reason than in SotC, but does happen as the story progresses in a very similar manner.

    There is just no way you can play Frontiers and not notice they had SotC in mind. Now they clearly had other inspirations in mind too Bayonetta and Evangelion. Etc.
  17. Clownacy


    Tech Member
    This is why we can't have nice things: why does anything matter when you can just time travel and undo everything? Imagine if the Hermit Koco had taken Sonic up on his offer, and the Ancients were prevented from being destroyed. Literally every game's events would be erased from existence. How the hell do you even write a good story for a franchise that has jumped the shark this hard?

    At this point, I feel like the only thing that can be done is to just ignore the elephant in the room. Ignorance is bliss...
  18. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    on the Shadow of the Colossus comparisons all I'll say is that I thought it was pretty funny that after defeating the first titan, the voice in the sky gives you the whole "Thy next foe awaits" thing
    why did they randomly start talking in archaic dialect? they literally never used the word "thy" before or after this lmao
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  19. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    I really can’t wait for when all the cut content for this game is found. I was running around on the 4th island at the recommendation of another member and it makes me very curious what that section originally had planned, I see spots that obviously would’ve had cyber gates and homes. Structures that are there but unclimbable or had any context removed such as random wall running spots. I hope a build of the previous version eventually gets found. There is so much left to my imagination and I haven’t felt this way about a game since, and I’m gonna be adding to the comparisons ironically, Shadow of the Colossus wondering about all the places I couldn’t go but could see. I really encourage everyone to run around and not go straight to the towers, there’s a whole unused section of the game sitting right in front of us!
  20. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I wouldn't know why Sonic would offer time travel or something like that, that does seem a little odd.
    I don't think anybody in the present (outside of Eggman in Generations) takes Time Travel as a serious solution to any present issue. It's only ever Silver coming back from otherwise too far gone futures, or Shadow suggesting it as a way to correct their place in time when they're stuck in the future. Even when Elise dies, it's Silver's suggestion to go back one more time, and Sonic litterally throws away any other shot to get a do-over in that same moment.


    ANYWAYS! I came here to give my review of Sonic Frontiers, and my extended hopes for the future.

    Absolutely the return to form for Sonic Team I've been waiting for. For the first time since Unleashed, it feels like they've actually achieved everything they wanted to express artistically. Down to finally rejecting all the expectations the series has been held to for way too long.
    Each island is its own character, each song a perfect companion, each battle another piece of the experience. Even when it's not all perfect, the path forward has never been clearer.

    For a future story, I hope that maybe Eggman follows up on adapting the Ancient's tech into his own, bringing back various enemy designs of his into a whole new series, or maybe Sonic gets sent into Silver's future and we finally get to see what it looks like beyond the single Crisis City we saw before.

    As far as my hopes for a future expansion on the open zone game design, I hope they bring in a location in the same vein as Soleanna, with portals to standard levels and characters with side missions and stories inside that world similar to Sonic Unleashed's town areas. Think the minigames Frontiers provides but on a bigger scale.

    My hopes for Sonic Team: That they get all the time, money, and staff they need to pull off their visions for decades to come.
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