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The Sonic Frontiers *SPOILER* Thread (With Unmarked Spoilers)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, Sep 29, 2022.

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  1. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Hello. Like the title says, this is the place to discuss the inevitable leaks and spoilers that will be happening prerelease for Sonic Frontiers. If mid to late game story elements get out ahead of release, please be like Xzibit and put a spoiler tag in the spoiler thread, but also mark your spoilers to give some indication of what you're discussing.

    As an example.
    My very excited face when the game starts to leak, opening cutscene:

    This way those who want to delve into various levels of spoilerdom can do so at their own discretion. As far as what's come out today, though, I think it's fair game to talk about openly in this thread.

    Speaking of, this is a (currently working) link to what's leaked:
    There's a meme at the start, but the footage after is legitimate.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
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  2. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Super Sonic boss fight looks pretty fucking sick, ngl
  3. Patrolman


    That had got to be the best Super Sonic/Sonic boss fight since 2008
  4. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    I love that super sonic boss fight. My boy in gold is back and better than ever
  5. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I fucking love he isn't just using boost or some generic attacks. I wasn't expecting the Giganto fight to be that fast-paced lol.

    Bad-ass af.
  6. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I've said this before, but the Super Sonic fight looks shocking. Absolutely atrocious.

    You fly at the boss, stick on him, fists fly out in a horrible looking animation, and there's no knockback at all. It looks like an unfinished pre-alpha. Just two entities rubbing up against each other.

    I mean that's the fighting in a nutshell. Punches against static enemies with no sense of weight and no pushback. But it's especially horrible here. Just even more janky.

    Then there's the fact the battle seems to be largely scripted. It would be fun to fly around the island fighting the boss but it seems to be limited to a small arena right on the boss. And when Sonic gets knocked away, some janky looking cutscene plays of him flying back.

    Such a great concept too. Utterly wasted. I cannot fathom how it turned out so badly.
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  7. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    There is knockback, you can clearly see it reacting to Sonic's hits, the boss just isn't going to fly around the arena with every hit lol. It only doesn't react when it's doing an attack of its own, which is a sign to back off and get ready to counter. EDIT: Then when Sonic does pull off the hard hitting moves, the titan reacts and recoils like you expect it to.

    I also don't get the critique about the boss being fought in an arena, like... yeah? You are flying well above the island fighting a boss far larger than it, that is the focus of the spectacle. If it were not about that, they probably wouldn't make a Super Sonic boss battle in the first place.

    Personally, my only issue with the boss fight is that it seems repetitive, but the player was only using the basic combo and at the lowest attack level. Since the UI elements are still there, Sonic's stats still likely influence him.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022


    Any possible links to these so called leaks?

    Edit: Found it in the other thread. Watched it now.

    You're being completely ridiculous. He's obviously designed to be a giant tank impervious tank, and individual hits do next to nothing against him as a result and just slowly wear the health bar down. Not to mention you couldn't keep wailing on him if every single punch sent him flying. Nor is it exactly an unusual style of portraying things in anime-esque fights.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
  9. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    While my opinions on Frontiers have largely been contrary to your own, I’m inclined to agree here. To me, this basically fits the perception of what people are saying the regular combat is. While the visuals are interesting, the fight doesn’t seem to have any kind of development that requires the player to fundamentally change their tactics.

    Granted, that may just be due to this being the tutorial boss for Super Sonic, but one fundamental issue I have with this which I don’t see being rectified by later fights is the lack of Cyloop here. What makes Frontiers’ combat interesting to me in spite of the mashy autocombo is how the Cyloop marries combat with Sonic’s usual highly kinetic tenets. Not only that, it’s the game’s signature new move and it’s baffling that Super Sonic doesn’t bring a suped up version with him. I really would’ve liked a Super Cyloop to basically turn these boss fights into a homage to NiGHTS, while also retaining the importance of movement within combat and opening up the possibilities for interesting boss fights that evolve as the player whittles down their health bar.

    Also this one seems to just go on far too long given how simple it is.
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  10. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Good shout, I'll add a link that's working at the moment to the OP.
  11. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Internet has gotten crazy claiming that the entire EGX build is leaked out online
  12. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    SPEEPSHighway has already called bullshit, saying that the computers didn’t have USB or internet. Honestly, I’m inclined to believe them. Certainly at the Sonic booth, the computers were all in a kind of supply cupboard-esque room with a door facing the booth entrance. Given that entrance was manned for the sake of organising the queue, as well as there being at least like 6 other staffers working the booth at any given time (I think they were on shifts), some rando wouldn’t be able to just walk in there and steal the demo.
  13. The Deleter

    The Deleter

    So here's one that isn't talked about much.

    After the final boss, there is a cutscene that plays that reveals a bit of a plot twist of sorts:

    After the boss explodes, the camera zooms inside of Super Sonic's head, revealing this character... residing inside of it?


    It briefly shouts "No!! We'll find another way!!!", before the camera pulls out of Sonic's head, leaving him shocked as to where it came from. The same voice as the tutorial then tells Sonic "The first seal is broken. Thy next target lies on the sand-scarred island."

    Some people have jumped to the conclusion that this character is incredibly similar to Chaos. (or think that it is Chaos) There is one aspect to this that I might have believed to hold a connection, as there was a mural in TSR that was opposite Chaos, unknown in identity. Might have been foreshadowing, potentially.


    However... there's an easier way to tell who this character is, actually. One that not many people have picked up on yet.

    There is actually a koko inside it's body


    More likely than not the Koco are the spirits/aliens of the game lol
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  14. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    More twists. Is the spirit inside Sonic's head and the voice two separate entities?
  15. Linkabel


    I do agree that while the combat on Frontiers looks fun it does lack a bit of "oomph" that can be found in other similar games like Bayonetta, and it really shows in that Super Sonic fight.

    No knock back like Laura mentioned, and it's helped more by the camera angles/shaking than what Super Sonic is doing.

    No one is saying he should knock the titan on his ass, but the damage that you can see on the titans health bar is not translating on how the enemy reacts in some sequences.

    It doesn't make it horrible, but once you play games that actually have this then you notice it.

    I also agree with Starduster about these not being similar to the Nights into Dreams boss fights as well. Missed opportunity not being more in control of Super Sonic instead of scripted scenes, and being able to use the Cyloop. (Well that we know of)

    As for the mysterious character, if Chaos is a mutated Chao then maybe this thing is a mutated Koko?
  16. The Deleter

    The Deleter

    I don't understand the "no knock back" comment; Giganta's face keeps getting pushed back by your combos, indicating that it's the weak point compared to the body. It's also very dynamic compared to most knockback, changing the camera angle to focus on the effect of the knockback itself. It's one of the most prominent animations of the battle.

    I don't think the battle looks amazing in terms of combat, considering the player keeps using the same combo finisher over and over again, and the window for parrying the counterattack is too open to be challenging. But on a simpler level, I don't see it as much worse than how the larger, more celebrated 3D beat-em-ups pull off for their David-and-Goliath spectacle bosses.
  17. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    As an aside, of all things I want to changed by release, it's this. Even if it's hold to parry, it should be so you can't hold it forever.

    I found a tweet showing someone parrying, Sonic will actually just hang in the air forever when you hold parry lol.
  18. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Is there an actually footage of Ares Island or it's just the intro in the leaks?
  19. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Yeah. The build is from June. Calm down until you see the final product.
  20. I just hope that boss fights is fun to play. I've missed stupid over the top bosses on Sonic games.
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