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The Sonic Battle Design Doc/Move Sheets Have Popped Up

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MrMechanic, Dec 4, 2020.

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  1. MrMechanic


    So a friend of mine who is a huge Sonic Merch collector was contacted by a 'former Sonic Team Dev' who worked on Sonic Battle and a number of other projects.

    Apparently Justin (The guy who owns the twitter account) was posting some praise for Sonic Battle and the dev saw it, got in touch and effectively gave him his Sonic Battle Design Doc, as well as several other rare promotional and developer goodies.

    Currently he's uploaded a few videos on the doc and items.

    There's an unboxing of the entire package that was sent, it also includes some very rare internal promotional items such as what appears to be a really odd Christmas card and a lot of material from when Sonic was inducted into the Walk of Game ceremony.

    Further to this, he's also taken the sheets of Fed Ex and had them all binded into a much more manageable document, any purists out there please don't scream this is actually a good idea since it's going to help preserve the material a lot longer.

    He's also provided a second twitter video showing a small flip through.

    Now the big question "Will he scan the doc".

    Oh boy, there's a lot of pages to this and that's a big job even in the best case scenario...

    However... Justin did approach me before he made this public and asked if I'd be interested in doing a video on it for the Badnik Mechanic channel. Now... I've yet to decide on that, however... I am of the crowd that if the pages can get scanned that would be beneficial for everybody. But this is clearly a 'please be patient' situation....

    But... If there are any pages that people REALLY want to see from what's shown in the videos, I can certainly ask the question as to if we can get some scans of some specific pages to just see us over?

    P.S. The developer hasn't been named as per their request, even I don't know who it is, probably a good idea we don't post that if anyone spots a really obvious clue as to who it is in the doc.
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  2. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    He was at the FedEx place. They could have scanned them for him in minutes, which would have preserved the material indefinitely. Not to mention scanning a spiral bound stack of pages is much more difficult than the way they came. I scream anyway. It was not a good idea. A 3-ring binder with sleeve inserts would have done the job.
  3. MrMechanic


    We're seriously doing this?

    We're seriously going to give this guy a hard time which is apparently already happening right now on twitter because apparently he's "Not sharing or preserving things right".
  4. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    I'm merely spitting facts, I am not giving this guy a hard time. I am in no way directly giving him a hard time. I am criticizing his methods, but at the end of the day, it's his to do with as he pleases, which as he's disclosed on twitter already, is not going to scan all of it anyway.
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  5. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    That wasn't the best of plans.

    But I've long made piece with the fact that some people don't play the documentation game the way I do. It's just unfortunate.
  6. Liliam




    Binding the pages only benefits whoever gets to own the physical documents. It's clear from his tweet (custom front and back covers! doesn't it look nice?) that all he's doing is bragging about his acquisition and has no interest in actually preserving anything.
  7. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    Was excited to see some of this, but it looks like I'm late! YouTube video and Twitter links are dead
  8. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Well yeah, happens all the time. Someone gets something they have no intent of sharing and then makes as much of a fuss as they possibly can before disappearing.

    Of course there is always the other option of people taking things down with the intent to then share, but I doubt this is such a case.
  9. Asagoth


    Behold! The mighty, the flawless, salted cod eater Member
    wiki stuff... and a beer... or two... or more...
    Especially when they don't get the attention they want... you have cool Sonic stuff in your collection? That's fine... You have a Youtube channel that you want others to watch and like ?... that's also fine... but "Retro" is not a place for self-promotion... it's a huge lack of respect for those who work hard here every single day... you have no intention in contributing to this project? Well... honestly we have more important things to do than contemplating someone else's collection... that's something we can do in our free time... which is not that much...
  10. RDNexus


    It saddens me to see such kinds of people.
    I like Retro BECAUSE people here work hard to find, record and preserve Sonic Stuff and share it with everyone.
    That's what a community is like. And see Devs, after all these years, help out on that makes me glad.
    I won't condone that guy's actions, but also won't praise him. He wanted 15 minutes of fame, got burned. Too bad for him.
    And @MrMechanic, if he's your friend you could've tried to convince him to do "the right thing", for the community's sake.
    That is, if he's someone capable of reasoning with, to begin with.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
  11. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    If this were the case we'd all be enjoying the scans right now. Obviously the right thing to do is to scan everything and share it, but he's someone who clearly enjoys acting like a petulant child and either won't or can't admit they're in the wrong. I saw them bitching on twitter about people haranguing them, like they didn't have perfectly good reason to do so. Imagine being so beholden to being a prick that you'd rather just put your tail between your legs and delete everything, when instead you could just, oh I don't know, simply not be a prick? Oh but that would involve admitting he was wrong, and he can't do that. People get sick and die all the time from admitting they were wrong, don't you know.

    Oh wait, no they fucking don't lmao
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
  12. MrMechanic


    So... shortly after I made this thread.

    I did ask about scanning the entire doc. I did also ask why he didn't do it the first time.

    Turns out he's been in this position before and he did scan stuff and it didn't turn out so great...

    Despite this... and despite some of the comments here, he actually told me that he would scan the whole doc.

    Unfortunately a few hours after that message the dev who sent him the doc got in touch and things changed

    Turns out the dev got major cold feet after seeing just the vid and tweets about the items and requested that he not scan the doc and upload it due to the fact he fears it could put his current job at risk.

    So that's why he took the videos down.

    But nice to know this is how people will default react without knowing the full facts of things.
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  13. RDNexus


    From what I saw of this whole matter...
    Half-baked answers and no public explanations whatsoever after removing everything...
    I guess it was an expectable reaction.

    But if that was the proper reason, then I can only accept how he dealt with it.
    The dev's position is also important to account for.
    Maybe someday that doc may reach everyone out there, but not anytime soon.
  14. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    This also happens a lot. But the situations I've seen personally usually went the route of everything was scanned/etc. already, a video or huge post is made and then things get taken down with things already scanned.

    Your friend can still get things scanned without sharing them if he wants. If things are scanned then they can be released whenever of course.
  15. Asagoth


    Behold! The mighty, the flawless, salted cod eater Member
    wiki stuff... and a beer... or two... or more...
    So... an anonymous 'former Sonic Team Dev' can be fired from is current job, for giving docs to a guy who collects Sonic Stuff and is known for showing his collection on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and such?... how? ... and why the dev didn't warned him of that first?
  16. Frostav


    What kind of personality leads a person to get a superiority complex over hoarding design documents of an obscure GBA spinoff title that even Sonic fans barely even mention.

    I could get it if he had like a Sonic 3 prototype/beta, but all this over Sonic Battle?
  17. Pengi


    I figured this might be the case. Thanks for the update.

    With these kinds of items, I think it's still best practice to create a private digital backup for safekeeping. Otherwise, all it takes is one burst water pipe or house fire for it to be lost forever. But it's his property and that's entirely up to him. Hopefully it might be possible to release them publicly maybe 10 or 20 years from now.
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