Did you actually apply the solid to the block? Just because you set what type of solid doesn't mean they are. Right under where it shows the block look under and you should see a something like 00 00. That's your solidity. Now select FF FF as a viewed solid and click the two numbers under the block until they are FF FF. Now they are solid.
SonED2 definetly doesnt work in Windows 7....fuck Half the time it won't open up a project file, and other times it will. Real random.
So how good is Windows 7 with SonEd2 and other programs? I am soon going to break down and get it as a Christmas present for myself this year, (at least that's the plan) and I want to know how compatible it is. For example, Ultimate 64-bit?
Don't know if this has been said but, I've been working in soned2, and everytime I save it , close it and the open it again, the layout has been changed.(As in chunks randomly placed everywhere) Now markeyjester recons that its because I either press 1,2,3 or 4. But I don't even press anything. Then my layout shifted so I then had to use 1,2,3,4 to shift it back. I download v1.03, and that didn't make a difference, instead I make a layout at its shifted to like the end of the layout for some reason when I've saved it and reopen it, so I don't how to shift it back. And thankfully is only for ghz 1 thank heavens!.
No I weren't triying to, but If I did this by mistake, I will check this. Edit: You sir, are a genius. I guess I did it by acident, thankes Hayate, much appreciated.
9 pages are just too long for me, so I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned. But I always had a VERY annoying problem with SonED2: I'm editing something, saving, building. When I open the build, however, SonED2 fucks the hell up (because the screen turns balck for a short while): So there is just a single object which needs to be replaced, a 5 seconds job. But no, I gotta close SonED2, reopen it, reopen the project, just to set the new location for the single object. Just what the fuck?
That happened to me a couple of times because my computer ideled and my screensaver came on... Aside from that, I've never seen that before.
run your screen in 16bit mode so gens doesn't switch. Edit: Or just press F4 to switch to full screen and back.
This was more like a "OMG fix that bug plzplzplz", rather than a question on how to find a solution. But thanks anyway. =P
This is very annoying; especially with Windows UAC, Aero (Gens doesn't like it), and so on. I always just save and restart SonED2.
Not all variations of Gens force the program to be used in 16-bit colour mode, Gens/GS and Gens Rerecording are examples of variations that work normally under Aero.
As I've said myself several pages back. Yet Stealth outright refuses to do anything about it, claiming he's at no fault at all for using outdated versions of DirectX.
And as everyone else said several pages back, you are entitled to absolutely nothing. If you feel like being such a condescending prick about it, I implore you to make your own level editor that is not prone to such "issues." Otherwise, suck it up; Stealth will do with his own program as he sees fit. I imagine you would want that same courtesy.
You can run SonED2 in fullscreen mode? Maybe I should really start to read readme files... :| But yeah, that is probably the best solution to do it. And since I have a gigantic 1920x1200, I don't need to use the screen lens anymore, too. So =D
You can, but it's still the same visible screen area size. Makes the stuff bigger and a bit clearer to see, but doesn't let you view more of the level at once.
Out-dated? Windows 7 comes with DX11. That's not out dated. Any resolution changes/screen flashes 'damage' soned 2. It does this on Windows Vista, 7, and XP. I'm using DX9.0c for XP, and that's not out dated either. I'd say this is a bug, It annoys me; I'm not bitching that he doesn't want to do anything about it, it's his choice. I don't see how 'old DX' has anything to do with this. Hitting F4 moves my icons like fuck (Two monitors, moves them onto the other one, so I have to reorganize all of them; I have a very complex desktop system =P), so it's really not an option.
Irixion: Hayate probably meant that Stealth himself used an old version of DirectX when he wrote SonED2. It doesn't matter if you have DX9 or DX9000, if Stealth used (for example) DX3 you'll be using DX3 when running SonED2.