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The Seventh Annual Sonic Hacking Contest Results!!

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Ayla, Oct 28, 2009.

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  1. Ayla


    I shat on your desk ^^ Oldbie
    West Linn, OR
    Hacking Contest, StH Overlooked, Personal Indie game
    This was a very difficult contest, guys. Over forty entries, complications... —the works :psyduck:

    I'd like to thank every person who entered a hack this year as well as all the judges and people that helped me out working behind the scenes. Huge props go to Tweaker and Scarred Sun for hosting this; judges Malevolence, Tweaker, and Oerg; sonichackman1, Mikel, snkenjoi, iojnekns, and Dude for moral support and hacks; SOTI and co. for hosting the skypecast; and Qjimbo as well as many others for various other things that they've done to help behind the scenes. I'm sure I've forgotten some names, but be aware that your contributions are, without a doubt, appreciated.Without you, the hackers, and everyone else, this contest would have never happened. I'm extremely grateful for all your work and keeping on my ass to get this done timely this year!!


    Hidden Palace Trophy - 1st Place

    Sonic Boom by SAEGA

    Some may say that this entire contest was just hype for Sonic Boom. In a way, it turned out that way. The potential behind Sonic Boom exceeds Megamix on many levels and if there's one hack you'll want to pick up when it's released, Sonic Boom is the one.

    Wood Trophy - 2nd Place

    Sonic 2 Retro Remix by DNXDelta and Thorn

    This was a close contest and, honestly, if Project Needlemouse is NOT this game, then it's not good enough. Taking cues from the newer Sonic games and aspects of Mario 64, Retro Remix is the best public hack available right now. If you have not downloaded this, get it. It's more than worth it and, once again, surpasses Megamix in potential.

    Dust Hill Trophy - 3rd Place

    Blue Ball and Blocks by qiuu

    It's hard to call this a Sonic hack and you couldn't if Sonic weren't in it. This is a straight up puzzle game that has a slightly difficult learning curve, but succeeding at the levels is overwhelmingly accomplishing. A build on one of last year's sleeper hits, "Some Generic Conceptions...", I recommend this to anyone looking for a brain teaser or at least to see some fucking kick ass sfx.

    Genocide City Trophy – This award goes to the hardest level

    Sonic 1 Lunacy by Destructiox

    You'll have to play this to see what I mean. Taking the tried and true "hard mode" method from the 3d games with a couple alterations on the layout leads to some quick button presses.. and don't mash buttons. If you mash the jump button, it's an instant life lost. This has been by far the most difficult Sonic hack I've got in the seven years of the contest.

    Lava Reef Trophy – this goes to the longest level hack (based on time taken to beat)

    Burning Hills from Sonic 1 Oergamized by Oerg866

    Using a zig-zag design for level layout, it took me 8:45 to beat the first act the first time through. If you play this hack, be sure to play this level. The first level isn't much to see, but Oerg's take on Marble Zone is certainly worthy of this trophy.

    Green Hill Trophy – this goes to the level or game that plays most like a Sonic level or game

    Cascade Valley from Sonic 2 Retro Remix by DNXDelta and Thorn

    Taking the "exploration or quick run through" cue from Sonic CD, Retro Remix throws in design qualities inherent to Sonic 3K. This makes Cascade Valley a true successor to the level design quality precedent set by the megadrive Sonic games.

    Labyrinth Trophy – most confusing level

    Wood Zone from Sonic the Lost Worlds by ExecByte

    If you haven't played this hack, I highly suggest it. Created entirely in binary (ie using a hex editor), this FULLY COMPLETE hack is worth every minute. Wood Zone in this hack reminded me of Metropolis Zone with even more twists and turns adding to the mass confusion. I highly suggest playing this hack all the way through to its CUSTOM end credits =)

    1337!!! Trophy – worst Sonic hack

    Sonic 2 Rape by snkenjoi

    I was actually quite satisfied with myself when I managed to make it to EHZ act 2's boss, but the boss is impossible to beat with what snk did to this game. It will be hard for any hack to be quite as bad as this one.

    1000101 Trophy – best technical hack

    Sonic Boom by SAEGA

    Sonic Boom has many elements within it that make it technically brilliant. Once again, I can't go into details without ruining the game. When it's released, DOWNLOAD IT.

    Runner Up: Blue Ball and Blocks by qiuu

    Custom bosses, completely different engine, complex rasterised special effects... the list goes on. Qiuu is a fucking ninja with assembly and if you haven't played this hack, DO SO.

    Windy Valley Trophy – best original art hack

    Sonic the Lost Worlds by ExecByte

    Rock Zone is the winner of this trophy and it's a beauty. Slightly confusing layout design, it's amazing the original art put in here just using binary.

    Rainbow Trophy - best palette

    Sonic Adventure RDX by Dude

    First level, which I believe was entitled Sunset Shore, is breath-taking. It's so calming and enjoyable that I often find myself taking my time playing the level rather than rushing through it.

    Toxic Caves Trophy - best reused art hack

    Cascade Valley from Sonic 2 Retro Remix by DNXDelta and Thorn

    Cascade Valley looks like a completely fresh level, but it reuses elements from Sonic CD and S3K. The fact that it's meshed together so seamlessly is what won Retro Remix this trophy.

    Runner Up: Blue Balls and Blocks by qiuu

    All the levels take something from Sonic or Lemmings and the combination looks beautiful for a slow-paced puzzle game.

    Shadow Trophy – best Hentai-based hack -- I want another giant dong in a game =P

    Sonic and Friends by SOTI

    For those who don't know, you hit start and you get a slideshow of 256 colour Sonic pr0n. Needs more tails.

    WTF?! Trophy – most unique hack

    Blue Ball and Blocks by qiuu

    Seriously, this isn't really a Sonic game and it's a GIANT wtf when you play it. It will be hard for any game to surpass BB&Bs as far as creativity is concerned.

    Runner Up: 30 min. hack by D.A. Garden

    A hack made in thirty minutes by D.A. Garden, the level layout and art is so bizarre, that it would have won this trophy had it not been for the sheer oddity that is Blue Ball and Blocks.

    Christmas Present Trophy - most unexpected hack

    S3K: The Challenges by ColinC10

    ColinC10, the mastermind behind Robotnik's Revenge from last year's contest returns with another brilliant concept filled with S3K based minigames. This was not something I was expecting at all with all the addictive potential and then some that Robotnik's Revenge had to offer. As the Christmas Present Trophy is basically the trophy for "sleeper hits" (wildly popular and addictive games that come out of nowhere like Katamari was), S3K: The Challenges was the surefire winner for this trophy.

    Piano Trophy - best music to level (thus it's specific to a specific level in a specific hack)

    Sonic Boom by SAEGA, Act 3

    The music is extremely fitting and Act 3's music rivals Doomsday Zone's music in how well it fits the level. Once again, this was a hands down winner.

    Runner Up: SFactor by Aquaslash et. al. -- the whole game

    SFactor has always had music that fit well into its levels. What's neat is although the music is sometimes bizarre, it always is fitting in some strange way and having the acumen to see that is at least worthy of an honourary mention.

    The Super Duper Amazing Level Trophy - best level layout hack

    Sonic 2 Retro Remix by DNXDelta and Thorn

    I couldn't have had better level design if I did it myself. I think very highly of my level design talent (one of the few things I pride myself in when it comes to my own hacking prowess) and this game -- ALL the levels -- were elaborate and expertly designed.

    Runner Up: Sonic Boom

    I've never taken the same pathway twice and the level design flows well and even takes some thought and use of Boom's unique gameplay elements to complete levels quickly.

    Amy Trophy - prettiest hack

    Sonic Cactus Juice and Mustard by The Bar Admin

    I had to add this trophy back in just because TBA's second level is like candy for the eyes. It just looks so amazing that I recommend taking a look at it to just about anyone -- if only to see what I'm talking about.

    Runner Up: Sonic RDX by Dude

    Dude is one of the few people that has really made headway on the hacking of the 3D Sonic games and his levels are breathtaking to put it mildly. Once again, I recommend this download to anyone looking for a fun, 3D Sonic game.

    Eosian Sphere Trophy - best new object

    Blue Balls and Blocks by qiuu

    There weren't many new objects in any of the hacks this time around, so qiuu kind of won this on default. The object I'm referring to are the blocks and their integral part to the very gameplay of this game.

    Knuckles Trophy - best new playable character

    Bean from Sonic Zeta Overdrive by Mikel

    Honestly, there's not much to be said about Bean other than his spritework is excellent. He doesn't do much different than Sonic or Tails yet, but I just really wanted to give this trophy to Mikel, just because it was a unique idea and I want to see it further implemented.

    Runner Up: Silver from SFactor by Aquaslash

    Silver, last year's winner of this trophy, is still amazing and his gameplay is fluid. Out of Sonic and Silver, Silver will always take the cake when it comes to SFactor.

    Fang Trophy - best new enemy

    ASCII Emperor by snkenjoi

    I agonized over this one, because there WEREN'T any new enemies, so I had to give it to a boss of sorts. ASCII Emperor was more than deserving. There's not much to this hack, but it's worth the download and the two minutes to beat the boss. The entertainment and wtf value are too great to pass up. This was a contender for the wtf trophy as well, btw.

    Metropolis Trophy - best new boss

    ????? boss Act 2 from Sonic Boom by SAEGA

    Can't say much about this due to the NDA I have with SAEGA, but I assure you that when you play this boss you will shit bricks.

    VERY close Runner Up: ASCII Emperor by snkenjoi

    Snkenjoi knows how to make bosses. This boss was bizarre and enjoyable and consists of an ASCII character that spits a bunch of other ASCII characters at you in the order of the ASCII alphabet. If you can imagine the epic feeling of that two minutes, you have a minute idea of what Sonic Boom's 2nd boss has to offer.

    Mushroom Hill Trophy - best new miniboss (if applicable)

    ????? act 1 boss from Sonic Boom by SAEGA

    Although not as impressive as Act 2's boss, it has it's merits and it's loads of fun to play. As the contest's only mini-boss, it wins by default.

    Maze Trophy - best Sonic 1 special stage

    Sonic 1 -- The Special Stages by SonicVaan

    Imagine the blue sphere game from Sonic 1 locked on with S&K with Sonic 1 special stages and you have SonicVaan's masterpiece. This was a contender for the Robotnik's Revenge Trophy as well, but it only had one new special stage and a couple bad glitches if you got a continue in one of the levels.

    Spindash Trophy - best new ability

    Sonic RDX by Dude -- Sonic Adventure 2 lightdash in Sonic Adventure 1

    What was the most annoying thing from Sonic Adventure 1 that they fixed in 2? The lightspeed dash!! Put Sonic Adventure 2's lightspeed dash in Sonic Adventure 1 and you have the best improvement of a concept in a 3D Sonic game, which is how Dude got this trophy.

    Runner Up: Sonic 2 Retro Remix by DNXDelta and Thorn -- Wall Jump

    This was a close one and it would have got it if it weren't for the usefulness of the lightspeed dash. The wall jump ability was implemented seemlessly into Retro Remix and was very useful, especially in CPZ.

    Eureka! Trophy - most innovative game play feature

    Sonic 2 Retro Remix by DNXDelta and Thorn -- getting emblems

    Getting emblems in a 2D Sonic game was pure genius and made the game play like the 2D Sonic version of Mario 64. Every time I started a level I was expecting to hear the Mario 64 sound effect when you started a level. It was this gameplay feature that made the game so addictive and replayable and I'd go as far as to say it wouldn't have got second place without it.

    Runner Up: Sonic Boom by SAEGA - ring based attacks

    Sonic Boom has an attack system based on rings. I can't go into details, but you'll understand when it's released. It's a nice system =)

    Replay Trophy - most innovative options feature

    S3K: The Challenges by ColinC10

    There weren't many altered options menus in this one, so Colin's hack won by default. It still has many features in its option menu, as it's the central hub to the game itself.

    Crystal Meth Trophy - most potential replayability.. by potential I'm realizing most hacks entered are incomplete and thus I'm going on the stuff already in there that would make it replayable as a fully finished game =)

    Sonic 2 Retro Remix by DNXDelta and Thorn

    Undoubtedly the most addictive game I've played. I spent days on this one just because it was so much fun and I haven't done that with a hack in years. Deciding between Sonic Boom and Retro Remix was a very hard decision for me -- even harder than Sonic 2 AE vs. Megamix from the earlier contests.

    Runner Up -- Blue Ball and Blocks by qiuu

    Play it and you will be hooked. That's all there is to it. It's almost as addictive as tetris, imo.

    The Bar Admin Trophy - most improved hack from last year

    Sonic Boom by SAEGA

    Last year, Sonic Boom entered. It was disjointed at best, level design did not make sense -- honestly I liked it, but there was very little to it. This year it won the contest. Can't really see how you can improve any more than that.

    Robotnik's Revenge Trophy - best new concept based on existing concepts (boss attack, time attack, things that were added to a game that exist in other sonic games)

    S3K: The Challenges by ColinC10

    For the first time in this contest's history, ColinC10 has won his own trophoy two years in a row. This took Sonic down into a minigame category and added emblems for how well you did. The better you did and more goals you completed, the more of the level was unlocked. Colin's specialty are these types of games -- it's obvious.

    Sonic Boom Trophy - best new cutscene / sequence in a hack

    Sonic Boom by SAEGA

    Sonic Boom has the best sequence / cutscene in a 2D Sonic game of all time. You'll know what I mean when you see it and you'll see why it wouldn't have won the contest without it. It's for this reason, that I'm giving Sonic Boom its very own trophy as it was the first Sonic game to go to this level and outdid themselves on execution to boot.

    Ayla Trophy - game with a character that looks like me

    Sik's game

    Sik has been working on a fan game with a character that looks like me. He didn't even enter this in the contest, but I'm flattered even though it's not supposed to be me. Meh. I always wanted to be in a video game =(

    Finally, we have sonichackman1's trophy. You can access it right here -->

    Once again, thankyou all for another amazing contest!! I couldn't have done it without all those who sent in hacks, so keep 'em coming and I'll see you next year!!

    ~Julia / Ayla / Nayr

    EDIT: For the epic podcast featuring yours truly, Tweaker, SOTI, Overlord, iojnekns, dude and more, check out
  2. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    the skypeacast was awesome, and thanks for having another contest this year Ayla, I love going into crunch mode on my hack so I can release something nice =]

    I look forward to competing again next year.
  3. Ayla


    I shat on your desk ^^ Oldbie
    West Linn, OR
    Hacking Contest, StH Overlooked, Personal Indie game
    ...and I look forward to that competition. It'll be nice to see a real 3D Sonic contender for once.
  4. Icewarrior


    I'm a member of S.T.A.R.S !!11!!!1!! Member
    wow, sonic Boom sounds veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery promising!
    And I'm glad S3&K: the challenges got many trophies, it was deserved anyway.
  5. Mikel


    Sonic Boom sure does sound like a promising hack, and me winning the Knuckles trophy does sound like a great victory for my hack, since many people requested Bean for the third playable character in my hack.

    Congrats to all of the other winners, although I am keeping my hopes high on SAEGA and Sonic Boom.
  6. Ayla


    I shat on your desk ^^ Oldbie
    West Linn, OR
    Hacking Contest, StH Overlooked, Personal Indie game
    As you should. Let's just say I had high hopes for this game when I was receiving it from SAEGA hyping it up to me and it surpassed my expectations. That's VERY hard to do.
  7. Epsilonsama


    I have a question, what does Sonic Boom has that is so great, sorry for asking but I don believe in hype, to many time had been hyped about a game just to be let down in the end, not saying you are lying of course. What does Sonic boom has that blows Megamix out of the water, great levels, amazing speed?
  8. Malevolence


    Tech Member
    You shall see in good time.
  9. Epsilonsama


    You are saying that this hack is so great that it only need hype of it being great, I'm sorry but I'm not saying to submit pictures or videos but I'm just asking what is Sonic Boom, what does it achieve, I know in time, like everything in live, I will know. But this is now, and now this hack, a hack that won a hacking contest, and that it says is that is great because of some secret and the only thing about it the public know is its hype. Like I said I just want to know, what does it have that makes it superior to Megamix, one of the most acclaimed Sonic hack out there.
  10. Malevolence


    Tech Member
    As I've said, you shall see in good time. Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps next month. If secrets are told, that would give away the surprise. For now think about what awards it won, and until it's released, do not be upset at not knowing, but embrace the ignorance for what will happen when you do know shall be great.
  11. Epsilonsama


    I will then be skeptic about this, I don't believe in hype games, I'm sure if the game is great it doesn't need hype to make it great, but also hope that I'm wrong, and that this is indeed a good hack.
  12. Malevolence


    Tech Member
    It is fine to be skeptic although it will do you no good.
  13. Epsilonsama


    It is better to be amazed by something you thought was either overrated or bad that be disappointed by something you thought it was amazing, but then realize is average or bad.
  14. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    WHAT [​IMG]

    All jokes and typos aside, my entry in this years contest ended up being an afterthought, so I'm happy to have had the hack win one trophy (albeit by default, I WANT MORE CHALLENGERS), and place second in a few others.

    Though I would like some elaboration on that Piano trophy bit some time.
  15. Malevolence


    Tech Member
    I guess that's true to those with expectations. If one is without expectations, one will not experience disappointment.
  16. iojnekns


    trouble keeps you runnin' faster Member
    Don't believe the hype. I've played it and its shit.

    Contest was obscenely good this year, great to see so much talent bearing so much juicy, juicy fruit. Its great to be mentioned alongside such celebrity. Don't ever stop the contest, its a fantastic incentive and catalyst and every year the real winner is sonic hacking.
  17. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    >>Sonic Boom

    >>Sonic Cactus Juice and Mustard

    >>Blue Balls and Blocks

    >>All unreleased.

    >>All "what are these I've never heard of them."

  18. Yeah, I haven't heard of Sonic Boom or Blue Balls and Blocks either... :(

    Care to point me in the right direction?
  19. Varion Icaria

    Varion Icaria

    He's waiting.... Tech Member
    S4: Cybernetic Outbreak
    What was the closest trophy that mine could've won?
  20. Enzo Aquarius

    Enzo Aquarius

    20% Cooler. Member
    Canada, eh.
    Sonic TV Scripts, Sonic Comic Wiki Work
    AYLAAAAAAAA! :argh:

    Great contest this year, and great judging, by the looks of it, the awards seem well deserved. Definitely looking forward to Sonic Boom now!
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