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The Return of Sonic XG?

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by The Taxman, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Awesome that this has been revived. By one of the original creators too which makes it even better. I always admired Sonic XG when it was first being worked on back in the day. I was extremely happy when the Taxman and Slingerland tried to reignite the project via merging it with Sonic Nexus; and then of course equally crushed when that revival was abandoned. So this is good news. I wasn't too hyped from that first trailer. The game seemed to look weaker than in previous media and builds. The second trailer however has restored the hope that this game can reach its potential. That second trailer is much much better and evidently this guy has worked hard on developing and restoring the game. Sonic XG was always one of the most promising fangames. Ever since they first showed the Golden Gate Zone as far back as 2001, 2002? I would have loved to have seen the finished Sonic Retro Nexus (with Taxman's amazing engine) but I'm still excited to see what this guy comes up with.

    Here's hoping he persists and completes the game. I look forward to playing the finished release.
  2. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    How the fuck did I miss this?! Echoing 360s sentiments, also adding that I was a little concerned about the project's physics without Taxman, but in that second video they looked pretty fucking good!

    Can't wait to finally play this game as it was meant to be played... right the way through! Please tell me it doesn't end in fucking space though.
  3. RankoChan


    I'm bored, k? Member
    Some random RPG project.
    I'm really excited for this, glad they decided to re-add Tails! It's interesting to see post-merger stuff like Robotic Resort being included too! I'm hoping they replace all the rehashed badniks shown in the trailer with custom ones and I'm curious about the music; hopefully they keep Final Fall's demo music.
  4. n00neimp0rtant


    EYES ONLY Member
    South Park, PA
    Creation Kit (Skyrim mods and patches)
    Holy hell, is that a time-manipulation gimmick in the crystal-looking stage, a la Blinx The Time Sweeper/R&C: A Crack In Time????????????????????

    External loop at 1:15 is really nifty and lovingly-defiant of natural physics. Inspired by Crackers?

    The golden stage is phenomenal. One of the most original level ideas I've seen since the inside-the-computer stages in Shadow the Hedgehog.

    The chunky-looking snowflakes are delightful.

    Metal Sonic looks particularly lanky. Really feels like he's "hanging" there, suspended by his thrusters, rather than just magically floating. I like it a lot.

    The sherbet-looking color scheme in the golden stage, the desert stage, and the mechanical stage is really effective. I don't know why, but it just evokes a sense of "this is new. This is something you haven't seen before." I hope it has something to do with the plot, as if Eggman is fucking with the world with chaos energy or some bullshit like that. I'm a sucker for that stuff.

    I'm trying to get in touch with this dude so I can donate him a couple of bucks via PayPal.
  5. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    It's funny because they're the same Sonic XG assets from over 5 years ago. :v:

    Not that it's a bad thing though, they've aged pretty well, and we're finally seeing the game being brought to life as it was intended to.
  6. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Oh hey, this is still a thing:
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Wow that looks like it'll be some serious fun when it comes out.

    How long has XG been a thing now? Are we approaching 10 years?
  8. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Is this project still using the Retro engine or something else?

    Cool that its still being worked on.
  9. The Taxman

    The Taxman

    Tech Member
    Retro Engine & Related Projects
    It's back in MMF2. Last year or so, I gave what graphical assets I had left of Retro-Sonic XG to Joe/Nitemare when he told me he was working on finishing the original Sonic XG. Glad to see it's looking like it'll reach the finish line after all these years!
  10. E-122-Psi


    Holy crap that looks lush. Even as someone who defends Sonic 4, this looks the part of a true follow up to S3+K.
  11. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    I gotta admit its looking very fluid, like the original XG build. are you sent any of the WIP builds he does Tax?
  12. Xilla


    I remember Euan sending me the very earliest tests of XG on AIM some 12-13 years ago. Great to see it'll see the light of day :)
  13. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Looks fucking incredible. There's obviously been some substantial progress made to the game since the last update. So glad it's finally going to see the light of day. It was probably the most promising fangame in existence back in the day so it's amazing that the game's finally going to be released. Looking at that trailer I seriously can't wait to play it. It's looking damn good. Hopefully Nitemare will reach completion and give us a solid release date soon. Definitely excited for this one.
  14. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Thaaaaaaaat looks awesome. I'm really glad to hear it's mostly finished after all these years.
  15. RankoChan


    I'm bored, k? Member
    Some random RPG project.
    Sunken Star Zone looks amazing! That was the one zone I'd been looking forward the most to seeing before Retro Sonic Nexus was canned and it did not disappoint. Really glad to hear the game will reach completion soon after all these years!
  16. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    I just heard about this; I've been out of Retro and the scene for years because of NDA related things, but it's great to see that this project is finally going to be a thing!

    However, I'm disappointed that it's clearly back to its MMF2 origins (the physics, the camera, everything gives it away). I would absolutely love to help shape this to be a better final product, but, it seems that the project has come a long way and is already near completion, and I doubt that Joe Waters would want to have to move everything over to a new something... else.

    Yet, here, I'll still offer my services to polish the system/programming stuff that are in dire need of polishing, namely the physics and the camera, to make them the most accurately possible to a Genesis games (I'm anal when it comes to accuracy). Well, as much accurate as MMF allows me to make it, anyways; I don't mess with/never used any of these game making suits, so I don't know how much freedom you are allowed with them. And I usually never ever offer myself to do any non-comercial projects; I'm already occupied with professional game project contracts. So my offer is kind of a big deal, actually.

    I mean, a game that is sort of like the spiritual sucessor of the Genesis trilogy? It must at least play like the originals, I am right? As even Knuckles' Chaotix—which is the de facto sequel of Sonic & Knuckles—plays like the originals (up to a certain point).

    Tell him to hit me up if interested.
  17. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    That's quite the kind and generous offer. Maybe send Nitemare a message on Sonic United and direct him to your post? I think that's where he is active now in terms of posting updates on the game. I highly recommend you contact him directly. If you can genuinely offer your services to make this game more accurate and even more amazing I'm almost certain he'd welcome the offer.

    Also just checking out Sonic United now Nitemare posted this along with the video:

    Sounds promising! It sounds like he's made some substantial progress as I posted earlier. The final and finished game is probably still at least a few months away but it seems like the finish line is in sight. It's exciting really. Since Sonic Classic and Sonic Axiom we haven't had a high quality and completed Sonic fangame in what feels like years. I know Hez is still plugging away on Classic 2 which I'm also looking forward to but games like this only come around every couple of years or so. I'm so excited to play XG when it's done. It just looks so damn fucking good from that teaser.

    Here's hoping Nitemare makes the final push and finishes the game. I'm sure it'll turn out amazing.
  18. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    I think you're forgetting something.


    Sonic: After the Sequel came out only 14 months ago and it was one of the most impressive completed fangames to come out in the history of Sonic fangames. I had a friend play it last night and he thought it was better than Sonic 1 and 2, which says a lot for the quality of that game. Not to mention it had the most ambitious and arguably best soundtrack of any Sonic fangame out there that rivaled much of the work from the official games. Nowadays, it seems like a great fangame seems to come out every year or two, with 2011 in particular being the most remarkable year for Sonic fangames. However, Sonic XG finally coming out will definitely be a big deal. Its current incarnation might not be as ambitious as it once tried to be when it was a three fangames combined project, but it still has the potential to be a great game and the new trailer has me really excited about it. It's fantastic that game with such a long development history looks like it'll finally come out. Though I wonder what happened to Sonic Nexus. Will content from Sonic Nexus ever be released as part of a completed game?
  19. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Man, I need to chat with Nitemare again. I've known he's been chipping away at this for years now.
  20. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    I stand corrected. Yes you're right there's always been Lake's games beginning with Before The Sequel, then After The Sequel and finally Sonic Chrono Adventure. I don't think Lake should be disregarded because he's very talented (check the Spark thread for my review of his original game; I absolutely adored it) but Lake's Sonic games kind of slipped my radar because I wasn't exactly enamored with them. I don't want to take away from what are universally recognised as exceptional games but they just didn't click with me. They deviated too far away from the Classic formula and design and weren't aligned with what I class as "Classic Sonic" in the same way Sonic Classic and Axiom are. However I think it might be worth giving After The Sequel a shot following your glowing recommendation. I never did try that one.

    As for your other comments I think that Sonic XG in this current incarnation will turn out better than it ever would have as Retro Sonic Nexus. The team behind that merger were never that committed to the project because of their real work behind the scenes with Sega eventually taking over. Sonic XG by Nitemare who it's worth noting is one of the original creators along with Euan seems far closer to the original ambition and design of the game than Retro Sonic Nexus ever would have been. To be honest I'm much happier we're getting Sonic XG as it's creator intended as opposed to the game we would have received when it was merged. I think the essence and beauty of the game is far better preserved with Nitemare at the helm. He's not that far off from finishing it too so is clearly passionate and committed.

    As for Sonic Nexus you'd have to ask Brad about that. From what I remember he's now moved onto other things so I think the project is finished with for now.