Apparently this album and maybe this anime, I wouldn't know because this sort of thing hurts my head, has a song called "???" or "Wakai Chikara" which loosely translates to "young power" or something of that ilk. This is apparently the official Sega corporate song. Yes, there is an offficial Sega corporate song. Which might derives from this? Supposedly they added vocals or something, but it might be something different, idk. Since 1991 they've been giving out CDs exclusively to new employees.
Heh I wonder if the Segagaga theme tune was supposed to be a sort of semi-spoof of this? Fascinating stuff.
HOLY SHIT, BLACK SQUIRREL. This was the song I found (and subsequently lost) maybe two years ago and everyone was like "um, you're describing the Segagaga song." But yes, there are vocals, and I wish for the life of me I had them again.
The Japanese Wikipedia has a page: It seems to hint that it was a pre-order bonus for Segacon: The Best of Sega Game Music Vol.1 or something. It's not one of the bonus tracks - they're just BIOS screen themes.
I've heard this with the original lyrics before, but there's a SEGA version of the song? And it's their corporate song? Always learning.
I doubt it's a coincidence that Sega hard Girls anime ending theme is called Wakai Chikara too...
Big bump but I don't care - Wakai Chikara ^ the version from Segagaga has been uploaded onto YouTube, in all its pseudo-anthem glory. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what Sega sounds like. Fills you with some strange Japanese pride. ...I feel like invading Korea.
Polygon interviewed Mike Fischer, who worked at Sega in the early 90s, about the company song: tl;dr: Being inspired by how Sonic was created, Sega held a contest within the company for who could come up with the best company song. The winner was Young Force by Eiichi Takahashi, who worked in the parts procurement department. He received shares of Sega stock as a prize. The song is based on Sega's slogans and mottos. Sega got a professional composer to arrange the music, and after it was recorded every employee got a commemorative CD. The song was played every Monday morning at the company, and was sang by all Sega employees at yearly all-employee company meetings.