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THE KEN PENDERS CHRONICLES: PendersCON Alert level 5- something actually made it to sale

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The KKM, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. BuffaloWilder


    One of these men cannot be right. Member
    I've always wondered something - if it was the drama and all the emotional stuff by itself that was most people's problem with Archie's Sonic comic, just it being introduced as an element in general, or the over-the-top, melodramatic way it ended up being executed?
  2. Mr. Pictures

    Mr. Pictures

    If that's true, I think it's a pathetic way of getting attention, instead of him receiving credibility through great contributions. His recent titles probably aren't anywhere near as popular as Sonic, but I'm afraid writing for Sonic was his only outlet to convey his ideas on a broad scale. Despite his small but loyal fanbase, I'm not sure if Penders has actually made a name for himself within the comic book industry. It seemed he gained most of his popularity in his day simply for writing a comic book about Sonic (and Knuckles), and because of Sonic already being a big franchise, his name became associated with it for a time. I don't think he'll go down in comic book history as an exceptional writer because of his work on Sonic, as his stories weren't exactly groundbreaking or original. I should hope he does have an understanding of copyright law, otherwise he's going to be losing a lot of money if he's going to court.

    I would say both actually. Sometimes the concepts seemed really flawed from the very beginning, while other times stories felt rushed and forced, and set a lot of expectations for itself.

    Edit: Been editing this post here and there for more clarification.
  3. Arctides


    I am a bloated bag of hate. Oldbie
  4. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    What exactly is it that that petition is meant to do? Isn't distancing Penders from Sonic what Archie is trying to do right now? Seems a little bit pointless.
  5. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member

    Well, I guess every petition has to start somewhere.
  6. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    That is the stupidest fucking petition ever. Whoever plans on signing that had better leave their names behind so I'll know who to scorn later.
  7. NomadTW


    I ain't gotta impress you fucks. Member
    Heh, long as it's bumped, a friend of mine went to Comic Con and guess who was there?

    That's right, our ol' pal Penders. He apparently had setup there and was whoring his new work out or some shit. Anyway, she told me that he really IS a bag of douche. Like, she brought up the whole Archie thing he went into a hissyfit "Oh. That. Well. See this..? *points to his setup with all of his characters he made up for Archie* This is all mine."

    Then he proceeded to go off on a tangent about how he's owed shit for his creations and about his new 'bland looking' project he has in the works. She was kinda like "Okay whatever dude.", and walked off.

    So yeah, in case you had any doubts he was a douche, there ya go, I guess. Just thought I'd share. :P
  8. Arctides


    I am a bloated bag of hate. Oldbie
    That's all a matter of opinion. Personally, if I was going to start a petition directed at Penders, it would be to have him lynched. There is no love in me for the man, and frankly I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say anyone who actually LIKED his writing is a fucking moron. Case in point: You.

    Then again, as I said before, it's all a matter of opinion~
  9. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    I always preferred Karl Bollers. I really liked the arc from #88-100, but it was Ron Lim's art that kind of ruined it for me.

    Penders had some good stories, but most mediocre. I may have grown up with them, but I realize that the majority of them are "meh," though the Knuckles arc during those same issues I mentioned were passable.
  10. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    Alright everyone, just a reminder to keep it civil.
  11. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    Way to miss the point. You think I actually care about Penders? The problem here is that this petition is mind-numbingly redundant and unnecessary. "Sign here to ensure that something that already happened (Ken was fired) will be further emphasized- even though it's already happening (Court proceedings)!" It's sort of like running into modern day France and shouting "WOAH HEY GUYS, WATCH OUT FOR HITLER!!!"
  12. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    ... Fucking wow. :colbert:

    Now, I'm no expert in legalities or any of that, but would someone be so kind as to tell me why Penders' actions make him a douche?

    You know what's being a douche? Hating on the man's desire to have creative rights over things he created / had a hand in creating just because you don't like his stories and like the gay little world Flynn created.

    I like Flynn, I like his stories, I like Archie's new staff for the Sonic stuff, and I like some things Flynn has done. And I wouldn't like to see him lose his job, he's a fan of the series, he cares about what he does, obviously, and I think he's generally professional.

    But I love Penders' stories. I like the drama and how focused they were on deeper things, you can attribute some of those deeper things in Archie Sonic to Penders, by the way. Unless that's too 'gay' for you. I liked the more realistic approach on their personalities and character builds. I have things I don't like, such as the older artwork, (but only when it was on official SegaSonic characters) but these are vastly overshadowed by what I do like. So maybe take Penders' side partly as personal preference.

    But I do not see any reason why everyone needs to cry douche, make BS petitions just to serve to make an already upset man even more pissed off, and hate on his actions, which despite popular belief, are actually quite sane considering he went through the legal channels instead of trying to raise a death cult to crush Archie or attempt to burn down their building. He isn't killing people.
  13. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    That made me lol.
  14. Scarred Sun

    Scarred Sun

    Be who you needed when you were younger Administrator
    Tower 8 ️
    Welp, this.
    OK, even though this has been explained four or five times in this topic.

    You do not own the intellectual property that you create when you work at nearly any creative outlet, including Archie Comics. What Penders is trying to do is claim retroactive copyright that he doesn't own in order to get money from Archie. This is the very same reason that Mighty creator bullshit is just that—bullshit.
  15. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    This is true, I like the man's work on the comic, I think he should get royalties, I think some of what he is claiming is outrageous, I think it might really help him out if he went to see a therapist every so often. (That isn't an insult, I really do think that would help him, or at least begin to. I don't think he's a stupid man, I think he's just doing some very stupid things.)

    But this makes him a douche? Doesn't that seem extreme? I think he's a frustrated, possibly depressed man who's making a royal ass of himself and is in so far he'll never dig himself out. I hope he gets royalties for this, but some people even went so far as to make a petition just to slam him. He's digging his own grave and planting the flowers and this is still not good enough for some people. (Not directed at everyone who disagrees with him, only the extremists/haters)

    I wonder how, emotionally, Ian is dealing with this. He acts professionally, but I wonder if he feels any pain from it. Wasn't he a fan? It has to suck to grow up being a fan, only to have the person writing the comics you loved hate you. Seems like some sick and twisted form of irony. Ian just got caught in the crossfire of a man against a company IMO, if things suck for Penders, they really suck for Ian...

    You mean a cliche? A cliche is based off what can be called expected human nature, they are often the founding for deep personalities and they give some readers a general relation to a character. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that some of those fans like characters that have familiar cliches to them, which is actually common and perfectly acceptable. The problem occurs when they're badly used, which I don't think these characters were, but that might be more opinion. Some people are just drawn to certain character types, and no matter how many times they've seen it before, it remains their favorite, or the one they relate to the most, if this makes any sense. (I think that was off-topic, and yes I know the post is old, but I had something to say.)
  16. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Arguing the man's character when none of us know him personally is a bit pointless. Rather than call him a douche, I think it more reasonable to call him an idiot.
  17. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    I don't see what the big deal is as long as Archie is still able to make the comics. They just have to be sure to avoid writing stories that have to heavily reference the previous stories until they get all this crap sorted out.

    If this does in fact stop the comics (I.E., they were in the middle of some multipart saga that greatly uses Pender's characters and such), that's where I see a problem.
  18. Uh, Penders is claiming content all the way back to issue #40 or so. Avoiding nearly all of that would essentially mean rebooting the series from its SatAM roots, or, perhaps, the game continuity.
  19. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    I wouldn't mind that too much actually. Ian is a good writer, he can probably make some sense out of the hot mess that is Sonic's continuity, and hey, if they reboot the series back to Sonic 1/SatAM, I would love to see what he does with the Death Egg Saga, or the Adventure games, or ... Well, anything. :v:
  20. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    It would be absolutely ridiculous to have the comics rebooted because Ken. As far as I'm concerned, he's an absolute twat for suing and I hope his lawsuit results in him losing money.