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THE KEN PENDERS CHRONICLES: PendersCON Alert level 5- something actually made it to sale

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The KKM, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. Azookara


    yup Member
    So essentially he did this so he can go out and sell his fanfics without Archie getting in the way.
  2. MathUser


    3rd top wiki contributor Researcher
    Sonic don't need hundreds of friends anyway. It'd be awesome if this meant they had to use only Sega characters such as nack the weasel from now on.
  3. Facebook

    Seems like this case is going to blow over. Let's all chill, but remember how damn silly Ken Penders is.
  4. NomadTW


    I ain't gotta impress you fucks. Member
    Well that's certainly reassuring to hear. I'd hate to have to see Ian suffer because of Ken's butthurt. He does such a great job writing nowadays.
  5. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    I hope you understand this was made in 2007...
  6. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    ...Honestly? A bunch of echidnas that look exactly like Knuckles, and you're not infringing SEGA's rights? ...Seriously? Wow. Either copyright law is supremely fucked up, or Penders's understanding of it is.

    Maybe I should get into Sonic fan-character artwork. If I work up a following on DeviantArt, I might even be able to springboard it into a gods damned career.
  7. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    A couple of quotes loosely on topic from elsewhere, but that I thought were worth noting, seeing as they slag off the current staff in favour of Penders and co:

    The best part of all of that, is that it implies Archie is something other than fanwank. Which it isn't.

    In other words, exactly what Archie did when they set the comic up?

    That all said, I'll echo what Shad said: Most butthurt case of ORIGINAL FANCHARACTER DO NOT STEAL ever (especially fucking SCOURGE, who is essentially Recolour the Fanhog anyway - (he is an EVIL GREEN SONIC. THAT IS THE ENTIRETY OF HIS CHARACTER BIO)). Sega/Archie will STEAMROLLER this idiot in court.
  8. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    So wait a sec, this doofus wants to sell a novel featuring Locke, who is listed in the series as KNUCKLES'S FATHER, and things he'll not only get away with it, but it'll sell?

    WOW. This is HILARIOUS. As said, I eagerly await the legal butt raping.
  9. Azookara


    yup Member
    These people are the biggest hypocrites ever.

    You mean like how Sonic and Sally were forced together every other comic, and Sonic and Mina, and Sonic and bla bla bla, and Bunnie and Antione, and Tails and Fiona? Yes, Penders, those weren't shipper fantasies whatsoever.

    So what about Sonic running through about 10,000 soap opera-esque relationships, super huge Echidna tribes talking of war and power and drama, A SUPER HUGE STORY ON ROBOTNIK'S DEATH AND REBIRTH VIA MACHINE BUT THEN TURNED BACK HUMAN AND A SPACETIME WARP WHICH CHANGED EVERYBODY'S EYE COLORS, bigtime government talk across the Acorn family, a story about how Sonic dies from an over-the-top alien invasion but isn't dead and traverses across time and space to come back and make out with Sally only for her to get mad at him for what he does, and a crappy story about how the Mobians and Mobius came to be.

    How are any of those things not too mature for a "G-rated" comic book, and even CLOSE to what the original writers at Archie or the SatAM show even intended?

    Agreeing with OL, you mean like what SatAM was in the first place?

    tl;dr - Ken Penders is pretty stupid, wants to make money off his really bad fanfics; his "fanbase" is just as stupid.
  10. Mr. Pictures

    Mr. Pictures

    This is what's most interesting to me. How far do you have to cross the line, appearance-wise, to say the character belongs to you? (Or doesn't?)

    A lot of them seem to have gone into hiding, but if I checked several popular Archie Sonic message boards a few years ago, there would have been topics by them rampant with praise of Ken's characters. It was actually pretty astounding how anyone could be such a fan of a Knuckles or Sonic recolor with some added accessories. If you dared to question their taste and argued it with strong evidence, they would eventually admit the design of the character wasn't what mattered to some of them, it was the character's depth and personality. I still found that a really flimsy reason to enjoy his characters so much, they weren't a far stray from the standard archetypes seen in all kinds of entertainment media. It was probably the lack of personality in these characters which gave the fans so much freedom to envision their own ideals for them. They began to formulate such strong values for these characters, they would whine to no end if another writer stepped and did something they found disagreeable, which was as protective as they could get. After a little more thought, the part about not caring for the character's design made sense to me, most of them were fanfic writers who couldn't draw, but wanted to be in Ken's position as a writer for the comic. They may have been fans of Ian's work too, but when they found out he was writing for the comic instead of them, the tables turned.

    I agree with the comic being fan wankery, it's been written like fanfiction for most of its printing.
  11. Considering I hate everything Ian has done since he took over the comic, I want to see Ken win this.

    Though what he'll do with the characters I can't imagine...
  12. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Apologies for being way off topic with this, but this is something I need to ask you guys.

    I have never read any Sonic comic because if I remember, they don't sell them here, due to being a rather small area, or something...anyway, I'm 100% sure there's scans of the comics and such around here, but I need to know, which is better to read? Archie or Fleetway? I kind of want to read Fleetway due to the evil Super Sonic, but I dunno. Which is better?
  13. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Read them both, you don't have to pick one.
  14. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    This makes me angry. How on earth can anybody be so completely oblivious to bullshit? My understanding is that he basically didn't have any other option to because the disaster Ken and Karl left behind was such a tangled, jumbled up clusterfuck that it wasn't really worth straightening everything out individually. It was easier just to say "And now the castle explodes and everybody is captured and Dr. Eggman pretty much wins, at least for now."

    Thus overriding any previous dangling plot threads with a blanket answer of "Well, they got captured. Probably died."

    Seriously, I don't nerd rage about many things - or at least I try not to - but the fact that anybody could be rooting for this guy makes me want to punch somebody in the throat. He stagnated for years, wrote himself in to a corner more times than I can remember, stretched out story arcs so long even he forgot that they existed, and probably would have killed this comic book if it wasn't for the license attached to it. He certainly doesn't seem to be doing very well outside of Sonic if he has to resort to squelching Archie for more cash on the basis of "copyright infringement".

    And somehow, this man developed his own meager, demented fanbase that still post about Sonic comics on his forum to this day even though he hasn't touched the characters in almost five years.

    Getting fired is what he deserved. Even he admitted that he overstayed his welcome. But apparently he didn't overstay it enough if he's come back asking for a handout.

    Ken Penders can eat a dick.
  15. Quarterman


    Just another day in paradise. Member
    Opinions on that matter are sharply divided. I prefer the Archie series, but that's strictly my opinion. Like LordofSquad said, you gotta make your own opinion on it.
  16. There is an applause emoticon, but I don't think it's on this board. This will have to suffice. :thumbsup:
  17. Well, Archie's series has the problem that every 25 to 50 issues it pretty much reboots, and the continuitity is incredibly hard to follow. Ken Penders had this problem, but a lot of the other writers did too. Ian finally stabilized the comic ar 160 but it's so mediocre I wouldn't bother reading it.

    With Fleetway it has a very strong continuity and deep story that goes throughout the entire run. I suggest you read Fleetway, and if you really want, the first 70 or so issues of Archie are pretty good too.
  18. 0r4ng3


  19. Mr. Pictures

    Mr. Pictures

    I still don't understand. The works which he's copy written include characters he has absolutely no ownership of. A lot of it, if not all, are entire issues.
  20. Andlabs


    「いっきまーす」 Wiki Sysop
    Writing my own MD/Genesis sound driver :D
    Yeah this is blatant trademark infringement. I'm surprised Sega (and the guy who owns Mighty the Armadillo now) hasn't responded yet...