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THE KEN PENDERS CHRONICLES: PendersCON Alert level 5- something actually made it to sale

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The KKM, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. Tylinos


    We've had a bit of a lack of Ken the past few days, since stuff seemed to calm down after the whole poor wording incident which almost made Ken look even crazier than he already looks to some people. So, here's a few newer things of note. First, a response to the whole "evading questions" thing:

    Fair enough. Better than ignoring posts for no reason, at least.

    But then we have this. First, Ken had just said that if he isn't replying to something, he has reasons for doing so. In this case, he isn't responding to my (admittedly loaded) point regarding Sonic Adventure. I honestly hope this doesn't mean he actually does think he influenced the story of Sonic Adventure, because that'd be more than a little crazy and egotistical. But hey. Maybe he was just avoiding it because he didn't want to start a discussion on Sonic Chronicles.

    Oh, and there's the thing he did respond to, which pretty much confirms that, yes, he does believe that public opinion being against him is only that way because Sega is manipulating us. It's certainly not like we've formed these opinions on our own or anything.

    Then again, this is the guy who a few months back believed someone replying in his copyright topic at his forums was a plant by Sega.
  2. @Tylinos:
    Seeing Penders' responses to things over the past couple of months, I'd have to say that he's probably more paranoid of ARCHIE manipulating people's opinions. (I believe he even outright called someone an Archie Troll just for speaking out against him.) Either one, though, is quite silly. Especially considering, what has Archie said about it? Something along the lines of "We are responding through the proper legal channels." Essentially, that they're taking care of things and that their fans have nothing to worry about. They wanted to keep people from freaking out over it (and some fans might have), and to say that they're doing something while being professional enough to not really talk about it. SEGA and EA haven't even said ANYTHING. The only person directly involved in these cases who is saying anything or trying to change or manipulate our opinions in any fashion at all is Penders himself.

    Quite poorly so, I might add. Anyone who has talked to me outside of these forums will know how much of an effect Penders' old work on the series had on me and my life, especially the Knuckles series. Until the last year or so of his work on the series, he was my favorite writer, flaws and all. But, after the first time he spoke out after leaving Archie, my personal opinion of him and of his professionalism has decreased and continues to do so just about every time he opens his metaphorical mouth.

    No, Penders, Sega isn't manipulating fans against you. Besides the sheer stupidity in doing so, why would they? They don't have to. You're doing such a wonderful job on your own. I'm a prime example of it.

    Part of me still wants to see him get royalties from the reprints, true. But, the more childish part of me, as well as the anger that he's inspired from the way he's handled this whole thing.... I don't think I want him to see so much as a cent anymore. He doesn't care about the fans. All he cares about is money. I've tried for months to see otherwise, but his actions have made it impossible.

    Wait. Did he just imply that Tikal was based off of his work? What.
  3. Kaosu Reido

    Kaosu Reido

    See, this being Ken Penders, it probably goes something like this.

    "Knuckles was last of the Echidnas. I made him Not Last of the Echidnas. Now Sega has made more Echidnas. Ergo, they have stolen that idea from me!"

    Also, other things of note Tylinos skipped over:

    Two or three more "characters" are incoming from him, before or including "Lara-su's father". The implication being that it's not Knuckles. Also that he's "saving the best for last" on that note, IE. Not-Knuckles. He also says he completely anticipated questions about how he's going to get around this entire "you can't fucking use Knuckles you fucking hack" thing, but he can't tell us just yet because he's trying to generate exposure.

    The only person he replied to directly regarding California Raisien-da's was one of his little suck ups, who noted that the uniform she was wearing reminded him (positively) of another property (Vorax, Mortal Kombat TV show or something). Ken quickly cleared up that it is absolutely not based on anything else, is 100% original, don't even suggest otherwise, this was totally created before the Knuckles comics were even released.

    (Edit: I am specuul, Tylinos already posted about this.) When a poster named Lammy brought up the fact that there is literally a spread of Knuckles' ancestors from the comics, all of which other than the single female are direct edits of a single base piece of Knuckles art. IE, this image: This ran in the comic. This isn't something that was dug up from like, a book of random fanart, or something Penders posted somewhere. This ran right in the comics, as an example of Knuckles' family tree.

    Penders responded:

    Apparently, everyone on this planet looks exactly the same depending on gender, with different accessories. Also, it's ok that he can't design a character, because Sega designed Knuckles and that means that Knuckles must not have enough to him. That means that any failings on the part of the Knuckles series can be directly attributed to Knuckles and Sega, and not to Penders.

    In other words, he completely missed the entire fucking point of the image, which was that he based his entire series of characters directly off artwork of Knuckles, a character no one can dispute belongs solely to Sega. He then goes on to say that, of course he had to stray from Sega material, because to have not done so would have tanked the comic. A point no one brought up at all, since the actual point here is that he's a fucking hack and instead of making something original, he cribbed his ideas from whatever movies he'd watched recently.
  4. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Care to explain?
  5. Tylinos


    Oh, yeah. I knew I forgot something. In before her father ends up being Locke, thus undoing any possible chance of people being able to consider what he wrote in the comics as canon with his graphic novel. Or he'll use an expy of Knuckles. But I doubt that considering he sued Sega and Bioware/EA over considering the Dark Brotherhood expies of the Dark Legion, and even he wouldn't be stupid enough to undermine his own lawsuit. ...Right?

    To be fair, that one could have been a coincidence, at least.
  6. AuroraRedwinters


    Sonic Sez: "Broz b4 Hoez!" Member
    Can't be 100% confirmed, but it looks like Ken (or someone that knows him very well) is selling some of his Sonic collectibles on Ebay given that many of them say that it can be signed by Ken himself and the seller is located just outside of Los Angeles, CA. ( Maybe trying to get some money saved up for the trial? (or publishing that graphic novel... or whatever)

    Also I registered for Ken's forum, validated account, etc. However it appears I am not allowed to post or anything. What is the point of registering? :v:
  7. Tylinos


    I think they need to confirm your email address before you can post, due to spambot issues. Either that, or an error that popped up a month or so ago preventing posts is still stuck on new members. Do the post buttons show up at all? If not, it might be that error, and you should email BobR about it. (His email is in the rules topic.) Otherwise, wait a few days. If you still have no post permission, then email BobR.

    And yeah, it probably is Penders or someone friends with him. The biggest evidence? Who else would actually mark Ken's work as "© and ™ [Year] - 2011 by Ken Penders" ?

    EDIT: Speaking of BobR:

    Wow. Seriously, BobR? The massive chunk of people on nearly every Sonic forum who have spoken out against Ken are a small percentage of the audience? Really?

    Also, the people of Sonic Retro all thinking alike? Ohoho. That's a good one.
  8. AuroraRedwinters


    Sonic Sez: "Broz b4 Hoez!" Member
    Yeah the email address is confirmed and everything - registered the day it reopened even. No post buttons show up and can't click on anyone's name to view their profile, either. I might have to reach out to see what is up though, bummer.

    Ah, good catch. Seems that way. In fact I think one of the items had a copyright to Floating Island Productions or something, too.
  9. I didn't think that people would really be interested in my life history, but if you're curious, I'll give the short version for now. My parents divorced when I was really little, and after a few short years, I cut off all connections to my father. As a little kid, mind you. I wanted nothing to do with him, having felt abandoned in more than one way. I refused to see or speak to him, and my mother never pushed it. I was a little kid, and couldn't understand that people fuck up (and that the military made it hard for him to see me, particularly when deployed). I didn't realize that he could mess up and still love me. I also grew up with the Sonic Archie series, and (though my readings of it were out-of-order and sporadic until a few years after they were published) the Knuckles series particularly hit me, due to his separation from his own father. Something about how Locke still looked after him from afar started to spark a notion in me. Then, issue 25. The reunion. Suddenly, that notion bloomed into an idea, a concept I hadn't considered before. Just because my dad messed up (a lot) and also had to spend time away from me, didn't mean that he had stopped loving me. It still took me a little while to come to exact terms with this and to reconnect with my father, but the point is that it was the Locke/Knux reunion that inspired me to reforge what has since become one of the most important relationships in my life (especially now that I'm in college and need input from experienced people other than my mom and professors). Now, I have to remember that the writer who inspired this action from me is a complete jerkass who wants to take that beloved memory away from me (metaphorically, of course, since that can't really happen), and to prevent any new readers from sharing in that moment, to keep me from sharing that special influence with my nieces and nephews (never having my own kids) as they grow, and for what? Money. ...It really puts a bad taste in my mouth. And kinda... breaks my heart. Not that I'm a softy, or anything. Not that Penders cares how this affects the fans that were actually MOVED or TOUCHED by anything he wrote for the series. Just money....

    And, yes. This is the SHORT version (I can really ramble when giving the full story). If you want more silly stories about me, or any further elaboration, I'd be happy to discuss it elsewhere, so as to not clog this thread with my life story.

    I'm also a closet Remington fangirl to the point that I would name my first son Remington (even though I'm never having kids). He's an everyday dude trying to do his job and keep toe-to-toe with the special heroes (and in the case of Knux, perhaps TOO special). The notion that someone can be worthy of note in this world without being SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME (or have some weird, contrived reason) is rather odd and was a rather nice touch. Especially considering that Penders had to give each and every character some sort of sparkly, special-ness that ended up making them all bland instead.

    Anyway, BACK ON TOPIC!

    @Kaosu Reido: Of course he would avoid the actual question/image. Did you really expect him to be upfront and admit that he's being rather hypocritical? (Yeeeeep. I sound friendly...) I mean, Fleetway itself proves that Knuckles doesn't need a shitton of Echidna clones to give him relevance. (I haven't even read it, but all my friends/acquaintances who have love it to death, so they did SOMETHING right.) And, they may be "Dead" officially, but I heard that was due to Executive Meddling, not from poor sales. Which is why the Archie Knuckles series failed after 32 issues. Poor sales.

    The outside influences can all be summed up with three words. The Twilight Zone. It doesn't get any more obvious than that. Yet, the rather interesting and mild homage/expies of the Nocturne (which fit in the established canon much better than Penders' work in Knuckles, in my opinion) are utter ripoffs? Try harder, Penders. Please. Not to mention, there's so many Trek and Star Wars references alone, that I still haven't made note of each one (I always noticed the Wynmacher/Vader costume thing, but I never realized that the Soultouch was ripped from Trek until recently). Just... I don't even know how he can be so self-absorbed and entitled anymore.

    But, I don't think that beating that dead horse anymore will get him to see it.

    (Also, I wanted to say a massive thank you for your posts at his forums. Their blunt, hard, and no-bull points were rather in tune with things I wanted to say to him, but I refuse to join there. Seriously, they were refreshing reads.)

    As for the eBay thing... am I the only one who is put off by the concept that this would mean that he's funding his legal battle to remove his "copyrights" from the Archie series, and later to fight Sega with... Archie publications and Sega merch? Does his hypocrisy know NO bounds? This just... bugs me.
  10. Tylinos


    That story actually was pretty touching, Zephyr. Well, except for the whole present day part, of course, but yeah. I really wish Ken could really see how this is affecting even people this way, since it feels to me like he believes the people against what he's doing never cared enough to begin with. I was tempted to mention your story in my latest reply to him, but I didn't because I wasn't sure if you'd be okay with that or not.

    Well, that's assiming it's him. It could just be one of his friends, like BobR or something.

    But you guys don't want more talk about BobR or auctions. No, what you guys want to see is Ken finally admitting there's a lot of negative reation to his actions, and then immediately passing the blame onto Archie/Sega for all of it. ...Wait, what?

  11. @Tylinos:

    Thanks, I think. I always thought it was silly, but.... OH SHIT SON. I just refreshed the Penders forum page... I did not expect anyone to quote my first little blurb to him. Not surprised that he basically ignored that I was saying how it was his handling of this whole thing that turned me against him. (EDIT: My surprise at the quotation is one of glee. Just in case that wasn't clear. The reaction to Penders' response, or lack thereof, would be in a flat tone if spoken aloud.)

    WAIT. The only difference between a professional and an hobbyist in writing (or any similar creative work) is that they get PAID? Dude, Penders, I've been published and shit since I was 13. Before I even entered high school. Before most of my friends could even apply for a job. And I've yet to see a single cent. But, I don't care. Why? Because I know that having connections and not burning bridges will be a lot better for my career in the long run than trying to milk that story I wrote almost seven years ago. A professional isn't necessarily the paid one. Hobbyists get paid all the time. It's called Commissions. Are you saying that the person being paid to write furry porn that only one person will ever see (Note: I'm not saying anything bad about furry porn or furries. Just an example.) is more of a professional than myself, even though I've been published in several different publications? (Granted, many were things like school lit books, but they still dealt with a publication process.) Just because I'm unpaid, at least money-wise? Wow, Penders. You're actually managing to make me mad on an even more personal level than before.

    He's also proved even further that money is still the primary driving force for him at the end of the day. I mean, he could have done a webcomic on this if it was really about the fans. If it did well, then he could have designed and sold Merch that was very clearly independent from anything official (like with quotes or some de-fictionalized stuff like plushies of the more original designs... or something).... Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else. (Oh, silly me.) Point is, he didn't have to destroy the main, LONGEST-RUNNING LICENSED SERIES just because he felt it was "within his rights" to make a quick buck.

    How HARD is it to do something original? I'm doing it NOW. I'm literally doing a crapton of research (a lot of biology and psychology stuff at the moment) for my own ORIGINAL work. It's hard, yes, but it pays off in more ways than just money, and then I have something that's truly mine, something that will be judged on my merits, not on those of another works'. Also, since he mentioned it before, this is what Rowling did for her books. This is what any respectable novelist does (the extent depends on what they're writing). Simply coasting off of the popularity of other works (not just Sonic, but of Star Trek, Star Wars, the Friggin' TWILIGHT ZONE, and so many others I'm not even naming) ....No. If you need money in the interim, get a job. They suck, but they put bread on the table.

    As for what you quoted from him in your post.... I just.... I can't even form a coherent sentence. I'll try to come back to that, as I must go play chauffeur now. (Please, no Harry jokes.)

    Before I go, feel free to quote whatever you like to him. I don't think he'll really care. He'd likely just say "tl;dr" or some shit. Plus, apparently, "bad language" is ban-able offense there. (what.) But, yeah. If you want to quote anything I say, feel free. (Though, I don't plan to directly respond to his lackey's defenses here. Only Penders' replies to whatever I wrote/write. And I will gladly tear down his lack of evidence.) If anything I said didn't make sense (I just woke up), I'll gladly clarify upon my return.

    EDIT: Lammy, who are you? Seriously. I love you for all this. Even though he'll deny the real meaning behind it, it's solid proof that we're not crazy or manipulative here. Like I said, once upon a time, I'd be on his side, but the way he's handling this (as well as it being out of greed more than creative desire) is what poisoned me against him. I've never given a shit what other people thought of my opinions; I've always formed them on my own (you should see my political debates with my family...).

    If he says the word "fact" one more time... I may kill something. Also, if he's unable to relay all the facts now because that would be improper, or whatever, isn't it wrong for him to also say "Hey I'm gonna publish this" based off of characters he's currently IN legal issue over (and, since Archie is the one suing him, it's perfectly reasonable that they'd continue to use the material), particularly considering he maywill lose that right at the end of the month? (Don't quote this little paragraph to him, please. I really don't want to hear his copy-paste stuff about his rights again. I'm just pointing out something that bugs me so I can move on from it.)

    I have developed some more arguments (Like, how I most certainly HAVE decided to not buy his little fan fiction BECAUSE of this case, or rather HIS ACTIONS in it...), but this post is already way too long, so I'll wait and see what happens over on the other board....
  12. Kaosu Reido

    Kaosu Reido

    It's still so odd to see people thank me for telling Ken he's a shit head on his forums, but with a long, thought out post or two. It's like... a warm, fuzzy feeling. Thanks for your thanks, and you're welcome I suppose. It's so strange to have people read my "Work", such as it is, completely undirected at them, and have it resonate enough they want to tell me about it. So, thank you, again.


    Now he has stated that, A. comics are only cancelled if they aren't making money, and B. Fleetway was cancelled for this reason. Of course, this ignores C. his Knuckles comic was cancelled, thus we can assume it was not making money, thus D. fuckhead ain't got room to talk.

    Also, he specifically points out that he comes "from the school that recognizes comic books are a business". I hope that doesn't mean there's another school out there, that recognizes comic books as a pastry. The point he seems to be trying to make is that comics have to make money; I don't see anywhere it says that they have to be creatively bankrupt though. Or that their writer has to be a shithead. In addition, he elaborates on his "certain parties are out to twist the fandom against me" lines, by saying that HE didn't say it was Archie and Sega who were doing so. WE did. Which means that, nah nah nah, he didn't say it, he can whistle innocently and not be hit for libel or the such. Oh, also, he's in litigation with three different major corporations, so "fair play" and "playing by the rules" aren't applicable here. Since, you know, that comes as news to anyone. It's not like he's trying to stir up trouble with his announcement of his Original The Character Do Not Steal comic on his website, which, oh by the way guys, TOTALLY uses my creator owned stuff that I TOTALLY haven't settled the court case over.

    Another fun little thing mentioned by BobR, his little friend/moderator, concerns Penders' attempts to get a Sonic/Echidnas movie made. In short, it goes that Robert Leffler at SoA was a big driving force in this, and when he died of cancer the entire thing went off the rails. However, the movie is not abandoned! Why, BobR already hears you asking, would Penders try to sue Sega now, while still trying to get this movie made? Statute of limitations! Well, that just clears up why you would sue someone whose intellectual property you want to use to make a film wait what the shit is wrong with you

    More fun things: Lammy mentions that the French Echidna Girl was brought up purely to show that Penders did not have a monopoly on creating Echidna characters, nor can he claim to be ahead of his time with the idea that Knuckles needed more supporting cast. However, Lammy also mentioned that another point, with bringing up Fleetway, was that Knuckles could remain the last Echidna and still have a world and stories built around him. In other words, that there was enough material there to work with in creating something interesting, as opposed to BobR who stated that Knuckles was an empty shell of wasted space until Penders came along and wrote him an entire fucking civilization out of nowhere.

    To finish, Penders also says that if we knew the specifics of what will happen when he gets his day in court, the entire fucking comic fandom will explode. If we only knew what he does, the facts as he sees them. If only we knew which publicly available documents to look in, to see what's going on! If only he linked said documents, instead of simply claiming their existence! Even if he loses, the book may never be the same!

    No shit. After all, his name certainly ain't ever gonna be on it again.
  13. Quick one before dinner/other obligations:

    @Kaosu: No problem.

    How many times have we said that it was the publisher screwing up and just randomly stopping new stories in favor of reprints that ended Fleetway? Yeah... he ignores that little tidbit. And, since Knuckles WAS cancelled due to poor sales... something was wrong with it, clearly. But, Penders admitting he's being a hypocrite is about as likely as me dressing in a frilly tutu and prancing about the campus in the middle of the winter whilst singing show-tunes. (Yes, I am female. And I would NEVER even wear a tutu...again...)

    I almost forgot about the NOT-CANCELED movie. How on Earth would that even work? "Hey, I'm gonna sue you. By the way, I'm gonna use your flagship IP to make a movie and get filthy rich." Just, no. Granted, this may be morphing into a more Echidna/Knuckles movie (something I've heard was he REAL goal for it, and apparently part of what made it fall through), but it still seems to be screwed up in the logic department. Or, maybe I'm crazy.

    Also, I've been saying since day one (offline, so I can't link you to much, clearly, though the FUS forums and a certain deviation on my dA both have similar arguments that I can link you to if you want, just say so) that his lack of presented evidence has been the first and foremost fallacy in his arguments. Even TSSZ news went in-depth to see that he doesn't quite have the legalites behind him that he thinks he does, and even linked/quoted a few...

    Where did that article go...? (I'll search for it after dinner)

    Also: "I hope that doesn't mean there's another school out there, that recognizes comic books as a pastry."
    I MUST DRAW THIS. Seriously, this mental image almost made up for how angry his post made me.
  14. Tylinos


    Pretty much Ken's entire response earlier annoyed me, especially when he accused Lammy of twisting his words and then went and twisted Lammy's own words. With stuff like this and all of the other hypocrisy and ignoring of facts he does, you'd think he'd at least at some point realize he's doing something wrong. He can't be that blind to what he's doing, can he?

    Also, just a word of caution, Zephyr: TSSZ links generally aren't allowed here, so don't bother. Long story.
  15. That's why I'm starting to think that he's actually crazy or something. Or at least mildly delusional. I mean, come on.

    He and his lackeys still haven't said ANYTHING about the last quote of my little rambles. Though I like the new member there. Their post was so neutral yet pointed out his fallacies. I really hope that they don't twist their words and try to make them out to be some sort of mind-controlled troll. Since that's the thing they're doing lately...

    Thanks for the warning, by the way. I'm still learning which communities don't like each other.

    EDIT: fixed a grammar issue.
  16. Tylinos


    I really wanted to wait until something larger to make yet another response in here, but I can't bring myself to ignore Ken's latest stuff. It's just too deluded.

    Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Ken is seriously trying to claim people picked up the Knuckles series for anything other than brand recognition. And this right after saying people bought Sonic the Comic for brand recognition. Ken, there's a difference between "Picked it up for Knuckles, stayed for your stories," and "Picked it up even without giving a damn about Knuckles." I'm sure there were people who went for Knuckles and stayed for the stories, but claiming more than a very tiny fraction of people went in to begin with not because it was a Knuckles comic is

    Also, my favourite part: " don't want to accept my answer simply because you're a big fan of SONIC THE COMIC." Lovely excuses, Ken. Classy.
  17. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Is this all really worth it to him? I can't imagine he's really up for losing all of this support just to prove a point, but I doubt he's even considered that. This whole debacle is so petty I can't imagine that it will amount to anything, even for Penders when all is said and done. I'm just very curious about how this situation will pan out in court, if only to see how long this will actually take from start to finish.
  18. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Ok that sinches it hes gone dr. eggman level crazy!

  19. Kaosu Reido

    Kaosu Reido

    Copyright law is a complicated and delicate thing, and even lawyers don't understand it.

    Ken Penders does, though.

    -The World According To Ken Penders
  20. I know I'm a little slow (coursework and the SOPA blackout made me forget to reply sooner), but I saw Penders' reply to the quote of one of my rants Lammy put on his board. (Seriously, is Lammy one of you guys/gals under a different name? Because you're pretty awesome.)

    First of all, okay, I'll admit that a paying job is important, and does determine certain criteria, I'll give him that, but he utterly ignored other points I made in it (like the whole Commission thing, which reminds me...). Also, I said I never saw a cent. I never said I wasn't paid. It was a misleading statement, but I did get a savings bond (which I won't be able to cash in until long after I have a job, anyway, so it's a moot point). And, I'm a little miffed that he made an emphasis about writing since he was 16 (for pay or not), but said that my work as a minor was unimportant. Publishing isn't an easy feat, unless you go for vanity publishing. If it was, I'd have published my works already (I have a ton of short stories and stuff I could spruce up and sell if I wanted, but I want my first full-length novel to be the first thing under my pen name). He also utterly ignored (even though it was quoted in his response post) how I mentioned that burning bridges isn't always worth the monetary payoff. Basically he missed the overall points of my argument, which were that money isn't everything in professionalism (Hey, Dr. Horrible was paid for out of Joss Whedon's own pocket and was originally released for free. They only put a price on it after it exploded with popularity so they could throw some money to the actors and the rest of the crew. Does that make it an unprofessional work? Is Eddie Lebron's fan film unprofessional because he'll be releasing it for free?) and that ACTING like a professional is a lot more important than CONSIDERING YOURSELF one.

    Also, I'm female. Way to research, Penders. I'm not deeply offended over it or anything, but him assuming I was male, instead of using the more acceptable "they" version of pronouns, was a slight bit irritating. (I have some old wounds, I admit, from people thinking I was a boy during my childhood, but still.) I'm not gonna go all femnazi or anything (because that would be stupid), so don't worry. Just pointing out that this seems to prove how he just jumps to whatever conclusions he wants.

    (Don't quote any of the above at his forum, please. I don't want to restart that whole thing over there, I just wanted to give you guys my response and then let it go for now.)

    I also saw the whole Fleetway vs Archie debate, and... what. Being a fan of Fleetway over Archie doesn't mean he can make a rational decision on this. Just because I prefer the classic Sonic games overall doesn't mean that I can't find things to both enjoy and criticize about the modern ones (or the re-releases. Don't get me started on the new Sonic CD special stages...). Besides, Tylinos seems to be taking in the entirety of each post in their replies, whereas Penders is only looking at what he wants to reply to. Him saying "I'm in a bad legal position to talk about this right now" is no argument, since he really shouldn't be talking about it at all. It's a rather unprofessional way to handle a legal case (talk about it in private, sure, but to outright say poor things about your opponent in public, before the trial even starts? Really?). If he wanted to work on his little fan comic ahead of the trial, he could have done so behind the scenes, maybe shown his work to some close personal friends in private. But to do this basically says "I don't care what the courts decide, I'm in the right, no if ands or buts about it and I'm just gonna do whatever the hell I want." Maybe I'm being too hard on him (ha), maybe I'm beating a dead horse (maybe? I am), but still. (What was my point again? Oh.) He doesn't understand that people from all points of view can still come to a rational decision on their own, without bias. Look at me, I'm a huge Archie fangirl (to use the term lightly), and I adored his work as a kid (minus some characterization issues), but his attitude in all of this has given me criteria to stand against him in this argument.

    As for that image, Lanzer, I have to say that Eggy's a little more sane. I mean, at least he admits that he doesn't give a damn when it comes to the law. He just does whatever he wants. Also, that image will also be haunting my nightmares now. Thank you.

    And, then there's this little gem: "Copyright law is a complicated and delicate thing, and even lawyers don't understand it."

    Right. People who spent YEARS of their upper education studying law don't understand it, but you magically do. Learn how to word your responses in a way that doesn't make you look like a jackass, Penders. You also subtly insulted your four lawyers, intentional or not. Way to go. (Also, my neighbor's mom, who studied law and became a lawyer before moving to politics would probably like a word with you....)

    Anyone else feel like there might be another "revamp" released this weekend? The dread's leaving a bad taste in my mouth already. (Please don't be Remington. Please. He was fine, really, don't ruin my childhood further...) Can't wait to see his NOT-KNUCKLES. It's like watching police videos of car wrecks, horrifying but you still can't look away...