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The internet lies: cheat code edition

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Black Squirrel, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. Bobblen


    And to bring us back on topic, I have started the Saturn Street Fighter journey!
    Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams/Hidden content - Sega Retro
    I am sort of trusting that Akuma can be permanently unlocked as described, whereas I can cheat my way to beating Bison and getting Dan to challenge me quite easily (curiously there didn't appear to be any taunt requirement like the internet says, I just won 6 fights in a row on hardest difficulty and he showed up), getting all those super combo finishes will be a pain!

    EDIT - hmm, but on a second high difficulty playthrough with the save reset, Dan didn't challenge, so maybe there is more to it. How annoying. Testing continues.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
  2. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    The easiest method to fight Dan in Alpha 1 is to have the same end-of-match win quote appear five times in a row. You can influence this by holding a button after the last round was won. After the 5th time, Dan will challenge you next stage.
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  3. Bobblen


    Thanks, and indeed, if I'd just read a well researched FAQ like this one (instead of trying to pick apart the usual confusing cheat pages), I'd have discovered that I hit the third(!) method of getting Dan, there's a random chance it happens if you fight Adon at the right time on the hardest difficulty. But yes, I need to include the code for forcing a specific win quote as well as fleshing out the various ways of getting Dan. Then that should be everything covered for that game.
    Street Fighter Alpha - Move List and Guide - Arcade Games - By Kao_Megura - GameFAQs (

    Out of curiosity, did you try out the CPS Changer 'ura' mode? Must admit that until I went down that internet rabbit hole, the only thing I knew about it was that it was a home version of capcom's cps1 arcade hardware. The history around it is really interesting.
  4. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    I used to play that version of SFZ when it was first added to Callus (before even XOR-based CPS-2 emulation), and used those codes myself. That's how I remembered what they did, since I thought it was odd the 'full character select' modified the 3rd row to have 5 spaces centered, rather than 4 with the split being along the center line of the screen.
  5. Bobblen


    Road Rash CD does indeed appear to have nothing, but Road Rash 3 has three title screen codes that give you a bit of money, better bikes and skipping to level 2 or 3 which are actually real. I was sure given how weirdly specific they were that they were made up, but they all work.

    Road Rash CD is a very strange version, basically Road Rash 3 graphics mixed with a CD sound track (based on the 3do version apparently, though I've never played that one) and some low quality FMVs. A classic mega cd quick and dirty port. Although thinking about it, I might quickly try the Road Rash 3 codes on it, given that it's the same engine just with fancy sound.

    EDIT - 4 title screen codes, and no they do not work on the cd version, it doesn't have 2 player support at all!
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2022
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  6. Bobblen


    Bio-Hazard Battle (aka Crying) seems to have a lot of these. We already note that the secret level is made up, but there's also bonus ship and infinite lives codes which don't seem to do anything either. On the other hand the view credits code is real and we don't have it!

    There's a bunch of different versions of the game so still a bit of effort required to see which codes work where (for example stage select is known to be US only).
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  7. Bobblen


    A new (to me) Saturn mystery, Tomb Raider surely has an all weapons cheat to go with the level skip? Every Tomb Raider game has one, it must do, and yet the codes on the sites clearly aren't right. @Black Squirrel figured out a much shortened version of the level skip, but so far I haven't been able to figure out the other code. Can you remember if you found a source for that or did you just try it by cutting down the common code that's on all the sites?
  8. Bobblen


    OK, so the Sega Retro level skip is on a few of the sites, but holding Up+A to skip instead of just A (or C) definitely doesn't add all weapons.

    Also, you can put the same code in on the inventory screen which triggers something, but nothing obvious.

    Also also, none of the codes work on the PAL version. We have another Quake on our hands with region specific codes!
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  9. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    I can't quite remember, but I would guess I marked the page as incomplete because I couldn't get some of it working. I probably didn't check the PAL version (or the Japanese version).
  10. Bobblen


    You'd think that for such a beloved franchise, someone on a Tomb Raider fan site would have documented this stuff at some point, but it's all just 'I haven't actually played the Saturn version, but I grabbed these off the net'. Very odd.
  11. Bobblen


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  12. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Odd? No, that's normal.
  13. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    It may be worth checking the prototypes too - sometimes you find magazines printing cheat codes for unfinished builds of a game.

    One of the other tricks is to try and "convert" PS1 (or PC) codes to Saturn. In Tomb Raider's case, Lara doesn't say letters (or symbols) in-game - she says "ACTION BUTTON" and "JUMP BUTTON". So convert the PS1 controller symbols into "Lara speak", then map those commands to Saturn buttons.
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  14. Bobblen


    No luck with alternative codes sadly. I did discover that the usual newgame+ all weapons unlimited ammo does work, but for some reason you have to finish level 1 normally to activate it from level 2 onwards (probably a bug)

    Not sure whether to add it, as it isn't really a cheat, just a reward that you might not notice given there's no indication that it exists and you don't get it straight away.
  15. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Yeah, I didn't notice it when I played them on my first PC, but found that happened some years ago when played it on Steam. I remember having some level skip code that involved jumping in various directions, but not sure if it was the first or the second game in the series, I just beat those games legitly by abusing the poor AI. XD
  16. rata


    Trying to be useful somehow.
    One fun one about Need For Speed 3 (PC) is that all sites list the code ALLCARS to unlock all cars. I've also seen codes being NEWCARS and MORECARS. The truth is the code is just CARS.

    NFS3 is a fun one cause lot of sites mix up the PC and PSX versions, but also some cheats from NFS2 are still listed in some sites.
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  17. Galvatron


    Fatal Fury 2 for the Mega Drive has a boss code: at the Takara logo, do a half circle back motion, then press B (Krauser will yell if you do it). Then at the character select, go to the bottom row, hold start and then press down to make the bosses appear. I had been trying this on the Mega Drive II Mini version and I think the Takara logo part is only applicable for the Japanese version? In the non-Japanese versions you can select the bosses without it.

    The Takara has a different design in the Japanese version, maybe that has something to do with it?
  18. Bobblen


    Back to Tomb Raider again, I've done a little more testing

    -Level skip works on Japan version as well as US (not PAL)
    -Weapons cheat doesn't work on any version (including Japan)
    -US and Japan both also let you put in the level skip code on the inventory screen which triggers a sound effect but seemingly does nothing.
    -I had a look at 2 prototypes, for the really early one that starts on level 2, you can't input the cheat because Start acts as a 'cancel' button instead of 'C'
    -The other prototype is newer than US, it's an almost release ready version of Japan. I haven't tried it yet but I'd expect it to act like the US/Japan versions.

    So the all weapons code remains a mystery. I think I'll add 'all weapons and infinite ammo' new game+ to the 'bugs' section at least, as it shouldn't require you to get to level 2 in a new game to trigger, that makes no sense.
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  19. ReBirFh


    Could someone take a look at this? Google translator isn't helping and there is nothing similar on gamefaqs so might be a "new" code.

    It's for Alien Storm, try the japanese version first.


    The source is a bunch japanese pages I saved in 2010 when I was researching all aspects of the Brazilian releases. The page seems to be long dead but just found the same code here:
  20. Bobblen


    Curiously this does actually work, if player 2 holds down A+B+C during the Continue countdown, then on the game over screen where your score is tallied, the player 2 score shows up as 777 when the screen first loads, then the score is wiped, then the actual score is tallied. This was tested on the World version which I had to hand.

    The question is, what's the point of this? It doesn't set your actual score to 777, just displays it briefly before showing your real score. Is it an easter egg? A wacky programming bug? Are you meant to do something else when you see 777 on the screen? Strange one.

    EDIT, you actually only need to hold down player 2 B button to see it, A and C are not needed.

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2022