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The internet lies: cheat code edition

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Black Squirrel, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. Bo102010


    Woah, were we thinking about Savaki independently of each other? I wrote up some cheat codes for it last week! I also got the X68k game working on emulator, but I should have checked this thread before going through that process!

    Savaki: X+Y+Z during bootup, then at the title screen X+Start (all characters unlocked), C+Start (sudden death), or B+Start (debug features and all characters). The coolest thing is the debug mode animation viewer.
  2. cartridgeculture


    Wiki Editor Member
    Thanks! I got these added to Savaki/Hidden content if you'd like to expand or add anything.

    Question: when you say X+Start, is that "hold X and press START", or "Press X and START simultaneously"? being nitpicky for the wiki :)
  3. Bo102010


    For Savaki, holding X and pressing Start is fine.



    The Internet lies about PlayStation, too! Swagman's level select cheat doesn't work there either.
  4. Bo102010


    Here are a couple fun ones for Gun Frontier:
    • Press C 50 times on the options screen to get a new "Credits" item that can give you unlimited plays
    • Plug in a Virtua Gun and shoot the Options screen to get the Credits item and a Round selection item
    I don't think it was known that this game had any use for the lightgun peripherals, ha!
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  5. Bo102010


    Didn't expect to find a new cheat code for Saturn DOOM, but there was one just sitting there next to the rest.

    Pause and press X, Right, B, Y, X, Right, B, Y to make the walls transparent! Some screenshots are here.
  6. Bobblen


  7. Bo102010


    For Dragonheart: Fire & Steel, these two codes work:
    • Level select: At the mode select screen press Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up
    • Add health and endurance: Up, Up, Up, R, R, R
    The other ones on GameFAQs I couldn't make work.

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  8. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    For the record, I don't have time to keep on top of everything, so again I must delegate Sega Retro mirroring to someone else.

    Although I made an exception for Doom, because I like Doom. Even bad versions of Doom.

    And this semi-transparency is kind of a weird feature. It lets you see what's behind a wall... but most of the time, there's nothing to see, because the game is culling geometry that it thinks is out of the player's view. It means in a sense you're seeing the... "unoptimised bits".


    So here for example, there's a window on the right where you can see the skybox. Because of the way it's written, all of the skybox is rendered, even though more than 75% of it is usually invisible to the player. As soon as that window goes out of view, the skybox disappears.

    So as a gameplay aid it's not very useful, but as means of checking how much the game is drawing, it might be a decent tool. Curious to see what this would have looked like in earlier (presumably less optimised) versions or the PC.
  9. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Oh yes the other thing:

    the code is XRBY XRBY (right being R). And I can't help but think given its function, it should be XRAY XRAY.
  10. TapamN


    I'm not sure calling it "unoptimized bits" is right? I would expect that its using VDP2 to handle the sky, and drawing directly to VDP1's framebuffer. (Saturn Doom uses software rendering.) The Saturn has video modes where the VDP1 layer basically has alpha bits stored in the framebuffer that the VDP2 can use to blend the framebuffer with the tilemap layers. This is how Sonic R does its fog. My guess is that the code causes walls to be drawn to the framebuffer mostly as normal (that is, not doing any read-modify-write blending, and just doing normal writes to the framebuffer) but with a semitransparent alpha value, so the VDP2 blends the walls with the sky. So "drawing" the covered up parts of the sky has no effect on performance since VDP2 is doing it for free; it can't be optimized any further.

    I haven't looked at how Saturn Doom actually uses the various VDP layers, but I think that's the most likely explanation. It's odd how it hides the sky when it can't be seen, though. If it really is using VDP2 for the sky, there's no point in hiding it when it can't be seen...
  11. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    I think the idea is that "theoretically" you shouldn't see anything behind a wall, semi-transparent or otherwise. You're always going to have a bit of wastage due to the way polygons work, but if you start seeing sprites or level geometry with this code that's usually obscured, the engine is doing unecessary work.

    A quick check - I think VDP2 does the "skybox" and the HUD, with VDP1 doing everything else. But you're right - reducing VDP2's workload shouldn't make any difference to VDP1, so it's weird they bothered to optimise it in that way. Maybe it's a holdover from the PlayStation or Jaguar versions or something.
  12. Bobblen


    @Bo102010 was reading your Golden Axe - The Duel write up. Just wanted to note that the code for it appears to be a variation on the classic konami code (which is UUDDLRLRBA), this one adds an additional DUDU before the final BA but surely it's not a coincidence. Doesn't get any closer to revealing the missing part of the cheat, I just find this stuff interesting.
  13. Bo102010


    Added to the page for Z: a password that lets you watch all of the movies. I confirmed that all of these level passwords are correct also.
  14. Bo102010


    Here's a new password for Baldy Land, but it's hardly worth documenting because the effect is the same as the already-known "last level" password.

    Tomb Raider: I finally looked into the "End level" code. The NTSC-U version has the function at 06018bf8 checking your button history for the sequence at 060627e4. If you enter the code properly, the flag at 060627bc will be set. That gets read when you go to exit to title.

    All of this is missing in the PAL version - it doesn't even even record your button history when the game is paused. There's not a separate button sequence or anything; the relevant function just isn't there. The "exit to title" code is also missing the check for special conditions.
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  15. Bobblen


    Which means finally we can definitively say there's no 'all weapons' code in Saturn Tomb Raider. Disappointing!
  16. Bo102010


    Coming all the way back to the first post in this thread, I found the missing codes for the PAL and NTSC-J versions of Saturn Earthworm Jim 2.
    upload_2024-9-19_12-15-27.png upload_2024-9-19_12-15-37.png

    I also came up with two new codes whose effect I can't really discern. Notably, one of them is the same across regional builds. Any Earthworm Jim experts out there?

    That page also has a new code for Revolution X.
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  17. BSonirachi


    Wiki Sysop
    Heyo, I got a batch of Dreamcast-related bugs on GameFAQs that could do with verifying for bug pages:
    Awesome stuff! I've gotten them up here: Earthworm Jim 2/Hidden content

    The "instant money worms" cheat works in Villi People and Inflated Head where mealworms are used for the quiz show and Hammer Head respectively. I don't know what the last two cheats do, but I put them up on the page regardless.
  18. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh

    A while back Akane added tables of extra PC content for Saturn games, i.e. files you'd find on the disc, should you attempt to read it from a PC or whatever.

    And that's great, but it would be better to actually mirror the contents, i.e. images, text files, whatever. This doesn't include the abstract/bibliography/copyright files recommended by the CD-ROM spec - we want those too, but we're listing them here because they're not "hidden" per se (though some have interesting messages), and with literally thousands of discs out there, it would dilute genuine hidden content.

    Anyway after lots of copy-pasting over the last few days, I've got a list:

    2Tax Gold
    Airs Adventure
    Akumajo Dracula X: Gekka no Yasokyoku
    AnEarth Fantasy Stories: The First Volume
    BackGuiner: Yomigaeru Yuusha-tachi: Hishou-hen Uragiri no Senjou
    BackGuiner: Yomigaeru Yuusha-tachi: Kakusei-hen Guiner Tensei
    Battle Athletess Daiundoukai
    Battle Garegga
    Bomberman Wars
    Brain Battle Q
    Bubble Symphony
    Burning Rangers
    Code R
    Dark Savior
    Densetsu no Ogre Battle
    Doukyuusei 2
    Doukyuusei if
    Dragon Ball Z Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu
    Falcom Classics
    Falcom Classics II
    Fighting Vipers
    Goiken Muyou: Anarchy in the Nippon
    Gun Frontier Arcade Gears
    Hankou Shashin: Shibarareta Shoujo-tachi no Mita Mono ha?
    Hansha de Spark!
    Harukaze Sentai V-Force
    Heir of Zendor: The Legend and The Land
    Honkaku Pro Mahjong Tetsuman Special
    Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai Mecha Genteiban: Hatsubai 5 Shuunen (Toku) Package
    Iron Storm
    J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! (Saturn)
    Jikuu Tantei DD: Maboroshi no Lorelei
    Kaitou Saint Tail (Saturn)
    Langrisser III
    Langrisser IV
    Langrisser V: The End of Legend
    Lode Runner: The Legend Returns
    Logic Puzzle Rainbow Town
    Lunar Silver Star Story
    Magical Drop 2
    Mahjong Kyou Jidai: Cebu Island '96
    Maria: Kimitachi ga Umareta Wake
    NIGHTRUTH: Explanation of the paranormal - "Maria"
    Ninja Jajamaru-kun: Onigiri Ninpouchou Gold
    Noël 3
    Panzer Dragoon Zwei
    Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 2
    Private Idol Disc Data Hen Race Queen G
    Private Idol Disc Tokubetsu Hen Campaign Girl '97
    Private Idol Disc Tokubetsu Hen Cosplayers
    Private Idol Disc Tokubetsu Hen Kogal Daihyakka 100
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 10: Masaki Mai
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 11: Hirose Mayumi
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 1: Kinoshita Yuu
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 2: Uchiyama Miki
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 3: Ooshima Akemi
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 4: Kuroda Mirei
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 5: Fujisaki Nanako
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 6: Yoshida Satomi
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 7: Asou Kaori
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 8: Furukawa Emiko
    Private Idol Disc Vol. 9: Nagamatsu Keiko
    Quiz Nanairo Dreams Nijiirochou no Kiseki
    Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus
    Sega Touring Car Championship
    Senkutsu Katsuryuu Taisen Chaos Seed
    Sentimental Graffiti
    Sentimental Graffiti: First Window
    Sento Monogatari Sono I
    Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner: Akuma Zensho
    Sotsugyou Album
    Sotsugyou S
    Steep Slope Sliders
    Strikers 1945
    Super Casino Special
    Tactics Formula
    Tactics Ogre
    Taiheiyou no Arashi 2: Shippuu no Moudou
    Thunderhawk II
    Tokimeki Memorial Selection Fujisaki Shiori
    Tokimeki Memorial: Taisen Pazurudama
    Tokyo Shadow
    Tomb Raider
    Twinkle Star Sprites
    Virtua Cop
    Virtua Cop 2
    Virtual Open Tennis
    Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon
    Winning Post 2 Program '96
    Winter Heat
    World Advanced Daisenryaku: Sakusen File

    According to us, all of these Saturn games have extra files which we're not currently mirroring. And that's just discs we know of - there'll be hundreds that haven't been checked (including the vast majority of demos). Also I suspect only the Japanese editions have been listed. And virtually nothing on Dreamcast has been checked.
  19. So hey, the two listed here I can comment on from experience! The Start thing doesn't really negate enemies/traps. You normally run when pressing the analog stick at full tilt, but when you're near traps/enemies, you slow down to a walk and your character switches to a fighting stance. Having the menu up (accessed by pressing Start), the game no longer forces you to walk. You're not negating anything, but it's a lot easier to dodge attacks/traps since you're moving faster.
    For the moving through blocked doors by exploiting the fact that the third unarmed hit moves you backwards, I remember trying it back in the day and having difficulty getting it to work. I'm not sure if that was user error in lining myself up correctly, using a character class whose unarmed attack combo doesn't involve a step backwards, or some other factor, though.
  20. cartridgeculture


    Wiki Editor Member
    got these added. I don't know PSO at all, or how the movement in it works. Could you take a peek at the page and make sure I got it right? (can you still move while the game is paused?)