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The internet lies: cheat code edition

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Black Squirrel, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Those alternate passwords don't work either, but I can confirm the original set you posted work in the PAL version.

    Well... within reason. Not sure if PIZZA and FLOOD do anything, CREDITS doesn't actually show the credits and VIDEO SLUG crashes the game. Next stop: the Japanese version!
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  2. Bobblen


    I'm gonna guess quick and dirty port, didn't bother testing the cheats, so just dummied them out in the later US release. Interesting.
  3. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    So I can probably guess why VIDEO SLUG crashes in the PAL version - unlike the NTSC versions, there's no introductory video.

    But in the NTSC-J version, that code does work. It's otherwise a match for the PAL version.
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  4. Bobblen


    PIZZA is apparently meant to give you 99 lives, but if you hit Y to go to the in-game status screens and scroll through to the screen that lists your lives, it's still 3, so that one's a dud.

    I was inspired by this thread to have a look at some Saturn ports of some of my favourite DOS games. SimCity 2000 has an infinite money cheat listed that is rubbish (the slot machine cheat is already covered), but there are a few PSX codes I can try if I can figure out how L1/L2/R1/R2 might map to the Saturn pad with only 2 shoulder buttons.

    Worms has a cheat to enable banana bomb/sheep/minigun without finding them in crates. That one is real (at least on the PAL version that I have) so I'll add that in.

    Civ is Japan only and delightfully bonkers, completely redrawn graphics with an isometric perspective instead of the classic top down boardgame look of DOS. Not much chance of the DOS debug menu being there (hold SHIFT, press 5,6 in case you wondered), but I'll see if the various well known exploits still work (1 turn settler improvements, building roads in the sea, etc)
  5. Bobblen


    The other Worms cheat floating around on the net is a fake, or at least it's sort of a fake. It says that if you put a code into the weapon select screen you enable a 'free movement mode' with the ninja rope. You don't. What it's actually describing is a well known exploit I know as the 'Indian rope trick'.

    Face right, aim your ninja rope directly at the ground and fire. This allows you to extend the rope straight up into the air and reach an enormous height, then you can press left or right to tip the rope in the direction you want and traverse enormous distances along the map, avoiding obstacles along the way. No code required!
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  6. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Less of a lie, more of a "misunderstanding":

    Crimewave has a hidden "tate mode".

    I mean they don't call it that - that terminology is new, but it's still a thing. GameFAQs calls it "backwards screen", so imagine my surprise when it wound up being something better!

    Does the game play better this way? Maybe. Camera movement is a lot jerkier than I remember it being back in the day, and changing the screen orientation doesn't solve that (there's also stutters, though that might be an emulation issue). Interesting though.
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  7. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Yeah, I discovered this one on the PlayStation version all on my own back in the day. Well-known indeed =P
  8. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    I was always curious about Courier Crisis - 3D city, couriers... a crisis perhaps. Sega Retro just describes it as "an action game", which translates as "nobody has played it". Now I have, and it's a bit of a mess (with the same stock screaming sound effects as Command & Conquer). Think Tony Hawk's Pro Skater crossed with Crazy Taxi... only clunky and on the Sega Saturn.
    The "cheats" are really bad.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    These ones work - you can play as an alien (XFIFTYONEX) or a gorilla (SAVAGEAPES).

    A wireframe mode I discovered after thinking I found all the Saturn games with wireframe modes (GameFAQs calls it "wire mode" so I guess that's why it didn't turn up in search results)

    There's a code that makes trees more wobbly. There's a code that makes the camera suck. And there's a code that leads to a "bonus level" (which seems empty and unfinished and I don't know what the story is there). Everything else kinda sucks.

    GameFAQs lists four other "characters". "STS 1", "The Pantera" and "The Zasker" are actually bikes, and these codes do technically work... but I'm not sure they're "cheat" codes. "IFKFKFKGKJ", "KFKFKFOEKJ" and "FDFKFKHCJK" look like they could have been generated by the game normally. Also they're not characters. There are also more bikes than those.

    "FINALSDFIN" which is meant to let you play as a fish... doesn't work at all. Maybe it's a holdover from the PlayStation version?

    The "Change Size" code doesn't make sense. It talks of a "main options screen" which doesn't exist, and it's a combination of A, B and C buttons, which are used for navigation (i.e. if you start inputting this code, you'll leave the options screen).

    Some sites list a "free movement" cheat, using the password "CCOALIKBJJ". Not sure that does anything.

    And you can perform rude gestures at traffic. Which isn't a cheat - it's in the manual. See: nobody has played this game.

    I fired up a hex editor to see if there were any clues. There are a few unused strings that TCRF already found, but next to XFIFTYONEX and SAVAGEAPES was the string BUILDSTAMP, which is indeed a working password:


    Guess I found a thing.
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  9. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Claim it forever.
  10. Bobblen


    As the world famous discoverer of Bug Too! PC's debug mode (a game which nobody bought, ported to a platform where even less people bought it, which doesn't even install on modern systems without shenanigans), the fame can get a bit much at times... :-D
  11. Bobblen


    That's an interesting one, as one of the cheats working sort of suggests that maybe the others are in there somewhere as well. It's horrible trying to disassemble codes like that though, as you can't just search for simple lists of button combinations in the binary because you're holding multiple buttons instead of just pressing them.
  12. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    NBA Live 98 promises so much:

    Teddy bears playing basketball underwater. Except no - none of these work.

    You can't create teams in the Saturn version, only players. And given some of team names are "Hitmen" (as in, Hitmen Productions, which didn't work on this game) I can only guess it's from a different NBA Live entirely (though I've no idea which one).

    Accessing some fabled "secrets menu" by inputing your name as "Secrets" is also impossible. The code says you need to be case sensitive... but you can't change the character case.

    The PlayStation version has the same cheats listed, but whlie the game is quite a bit different, I suspect they don't work there either.
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  13. Bobblen


    Once again I have taken the bait, this has to be one of the most obtuse UIs I've ever had the mis-pleasure of coming across. Every menu seems to change whether it's B, C or Start to confirm or C or X to cancel, it's maddening. I started a season and saved it, but the user option is always greyed out and my name always defaults to 'player 1', even if I start a season and create some save data. As black squirrel says you can create players but not teams. But the manual says that the 'users menu becomes active when there are one or more saved user names'. But how!? Time to crack out the hex editor again and see what I can find.

    On the other hand, the PC version is still being modded externally to update rosters to this day, which is kinda awesome! All hail microsoft access.
    NBA Live 98 Toolkit - NLSC Wiki (

    EDIT - That website also confirms the cheats are for the playstation version, with a subset also working on PC (the team names, but not the so called 'secrets' menu). Sadly it pretends that the Saturn version doesn't exist, boo!

    And yes, you can indeed put a lower case username in on the select controller menu before you start a game, and view it in the users menu. I am dumb.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
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  14. Bobblen


    Yes, I know, it has no business here, but I couldn't resist checking the Playstation version. It's real! Shame on Realtime Associates for not porting that menu to the Saturn version.
    upload_2022-7-15_16-35-4.png upload_2022-7-15_16-35-17.png
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  15. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Life was easy with NHL 97:
    There is one known code, and it lets you play as the nets. That is how you make a video game cheat.

    NHL 98 (which despite being an annual EA sequel, is an entirely different game) has a couple of annoying codes that expect you to understand the sport.


    Even the game doesn't have faith in that. It doesn't even call our team by the correct name (although to be fair, we don't either).

    There are two codes floating around the net: "MASKDMAN" and "3RD". These are meant to force your team to wear either their away kit, or their third kit during matches, "if one exists". I got something out of MASKDMAN, and 3RD is mentioned in the code, but I'm not sure the latter actually works.

    The problem is that on the team select screen, the team on the left plays away, and the team on the right plays at home. It's not immediately clear which of the two teams the codes actually apply to, in some conditions the cheats get overruled, and sometimes it seems to pick the third team colours, presumably because the two team's kits are too similar and there needs to be more distinction on the rink.

    And some teams don't have alternative kits at all.

    Why is this difficult, EA - just have three options and let the player choose. Are you after realism? Because the teams can play themselves.
  16. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
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  17. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    What about the internet forgetting codes? Back before CPS-2 emulation was a thing, the 'latest arcade' Street Fighter was Zero that was converted to CPS Changer, and it had a whole bunch of neat codes you could input by holding buttons and directions on the 1P and 2P controls while booting it up, among them a full character select. Thing is, these seem to have been lost to time since CPS-2 emulation became prevalent, and I can't find them anywhere anymore. Has anyone happened to see these?
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  18. Bobblen


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  19. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    can you tell I'm filling in gaps

    T-MEK on the 32X has loads of codes which are activated by giving naming yourself special things. GameFAQs only had one of them wrong, but they're missing a bunch - they've got something like 31/46 listed in total. Of these, the most important omission is the code "BILL.TED", which has the announcer say EXCELLENT every time you hit something.

    Though to be fair, there are tons of codes that appear to do the same thing. Case in point: you can also use PRAISEME to get the same effect as above.

    There also seems to be six codes that max out stats (BUGLE, EDDIE'H, MR.CUBE, RICHRICH, ROLLINS and PETEROCK) and a seventh, "TOYAH.W!" that seems to have the same effect in gameplay but gives you a slightly different HUD:


    It was when I found myself looking for red-related things associated with Toyah Willcox that I realised what my life has become. I stopped at her 1988 album called Prostitute (red lights?).

    There's also five codes that don't seem to do anything: FINBARR, HAL!!!, LOZZA, RUNDMC and SPOOKED!. I mean I don't know the game very well - perhaps they're dicking around with the AI (make it "tricky?") or changing things in later levels, but none of this is documented.
  20. Bobblen


    @Tiberious found it
    They look like fun cheats! Although like NBA 98, not Sega. We do need to do a sweep of the 10 million Saturn versions though, they're full of secrets.
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