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The hacking of Sonic 3 problems

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Guardian, Feb 6, 2006.

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  1. Stealth


    Tech Member
    Sonic Mania, HCGE, Sonic Megamix, SonED2, [...]
    Well, there are actually two problems. I just realized what it is you're editing in the example; You weren't clear in your text, but the label in your hex editor implies that you're talking about the Wily art you're trying to replace Eggman with. Eggman's sprites are one of the things that are duplicated in Sonic and Knuckles because they're needed when playing Sonic and Knuckles alone. Duplicate data like that is read from the Sonic and Knuckles ROM reguardless of whether you're playing a Sonic 3 or a Sonic and Knuckles level, which is another reason certain changes to Sonic 3 won't appear in Sonic 3 and Knuckles. You have to change their Sonic and Knuckles counterparts

    As for the offset Sonic 3 data , I mentioned in my first response that Sonic and Knuckles has updated pointers for them. It's just a matter of basic math and repeating the search method from Sonic 3. The only unobvious thing is the more hardware-related matter of where the ROMs exist. Because Sonic and Knuckles is the main ROM, it exists at the beginning of normal ROM addressing space, so Sonic 3 has been re-mapped and no longer starts at $000000. The next best place for it to be is right at the end of Sonic and Knuckles, starting at $200000. In that sense, think of the absolute 32-bit pointers as relative pointers from ROM start. I'm hoping I can give you just enough for you to get a start and fill it in yourself, so that you actually understand
  2. Guardian


    Pending Member
    Sonic & Mario
    Indeed. That is the sprite I am replacing. Among other sprites as well. Sorry I wasn't too explainable from my last post. Changing the Sonic & Knuckles counterpart's is going to be a problem for me. Because I have absolutely no idea where Robotnik's sprites offset's are located in the "S&K" rom. You see, Sega Data Compressor doesn't list that game at all. Even if I do start at 00200000, I wouldnt know where to begin to search for it.

    I know that in hex workshop, in a converted S3&K rom, S&K seems to located on top, ending at 00200000 and S3 on bottom, ending with 00400000. The problem now is to locate it. Finding that second pointer. I thought I saw some offset location's for S&K on this site somewhere. Perhap's I could use those and just paste my compressed art in that rom as well. Then it should work. However I don't know where they are on this site. IF they exist. Look's like I won't be able to hack into that game. 'Sigh'. Thank you for your help Stealth. I appreciate it.
  3. Liliam


    Well, I'm no ROM hacker, but my instinct tells me that if the art in the S&K ROM is an exact duplicate of the one in Sonic 3, a simple search would find you the art, provided that it is indeed the same as in the Sonic 3 ROM. Then you would just take the offset, add your art and change the pointer from the offset found through your previous search to the new art's address. This is just speculation, however.
  4. Tweaker


    I told him this for like an hour straight and he didn't get it. S3&K, while combined with S3, runs on S&K programming. as such, each pointer to S3 data will be seperate from the S3 pointers themselves. It's not hard to understand... Just change the S&K pointers and you're set.
  5. Quickman


    be attitude for gains Tech Member
    omg porjcet
    I'd just like to congratulate this guy for being a significant rarity - an intelligent newbie.
  6. Guardian


    Pending Member
    Sonic & Mario
    Apparently not. I did search for address 18041E in S&K, pasted my art, sadly no. It still did not show up in the rom. That means that it's located at an entirely different offset. Thank's for the help though. Tweaker, I did change that pointer in S&K. It's not the correct offset.
  7. Liliam


    Did I tell you to paste your art in the same location as on the Sonic 3 ROM? I don't think so. I told you to search for the content of the art found in Sonic 3 on the S&K ROM. If the art is the same, you should get a match. Then, you would take that offset, search for it, change the various pointers that match, and add your art to the new location.

    At least I think so.
  8. Guardian


    Pending Member
    Sonic & Mario
    :boxing: Oh hell yeah! Of course. How idiotic of me. Your right Neo Chaotikal. I just searched for that offset in the S&K rom. I had many results, but it matched exactly the same. Pasted over my art in that rom, converted it. And what do ya know. It shows up in the S3&K rom. Oh happy day indeed. Thank you very much. Now I can hack over that rom now.
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