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The Greatest Thing Ever

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Slingerland, Aug 25, 2010.

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  1. Otama Sanshiro

    Otama Sanshiro

    ~Phantom of Blue~ Member
    Why does the model remind me of Sonic 2 XL?
  2. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    I personally fucking love that 3D. Sonic model. Thanks a bunch for posting it. Looks like an almost perfect fusion of Modern and Classic Sonic to me. :thumbsup: Honestly, it's the first mix of different era Sonic styles I've seen, that I absolutely adore.

    I agree - the slightly longer quills work really well here. The only thing I would change (As others have said.) is make the middle quill oh so slightly shorter. ;)

    Oh, and warm welcome to Sonic Retro, BlobVanDam. Glad you're part of this community! (As well as the YouTube community, too!) :)
  3. I had considered that, but I had a couple of reasons why I didn't want to go that route. First of all, it means I couldn't really come up with any new gimmicks and obstacles, because the gameplay would be restricted to the original level. And secondly, clever folks like you would notice, and then realize I'm not displaying any original level design, and the reason for making an original level would be to eliminate similar criticisms.

    Good improvements on the face. I think the feet are too small though. His feet are pretty big in the Genesis Sonic games, and even though it's a pain to animate a walk cycle of clown feet with stump legs, it does make the run animation look great when they're forming the circular motion. Next time I would make the legs a tiny bit longer, but I like the feet at this size to balance out the spikes.
    Speaking of the spikes, your spikes do look a lot closer to the Sonic model from S3&K. I'm probably not as oldschool as people here with my spike preference. I don't like the really short triangles of some of the old designs, but I also laugh whenever I see any modern designs that have led to me using the phrase "hung like a hedgehog". I went sorta halfway with this Sonic. Just my personal preference though.
  4. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    Aren't we ALL part of the YouTube community? Pretty much everyone watches YouTube videos, and I'm sure most of the people here have watched at least one Sonic-related video on YouTube.

    I even uploaded one a few years ago, although my computer and the recording software were both so terrible that it ended up being a no-sound-3-fps abomination. I have no idea how it managed to attract nineko's attention quick enough for him to comment on it shortly after I uploaded it...

    On-topic: Can't we just agree that Sonic looks better in sprite form and cannot look perfect in 3D form? Unless you have some proof, that is.

  5. One problem is defining the perfect Sonic. He's gone through so many different incarnations over the years, and looks entirely different now to how he did in 1991, and it's as much about design changes as the technology of 3D. That said, I have yet to see a 3D Sonic that has quite captured the charm I've seen with 2D Sonics. But even with the classic Sonic designs, there's a lot of variation from one design to another.
    I even mostly really like the more recent 2D official Sonic artwork (such as the Sonic Advance box art), and even though the 3D Sonic technically follows as closely as it can, it just doesn't look right for some reason (the ridiculous spikes are probably the biggest culprit though).

    I'm thinking of taking another stab at a 3D Sonic model, and this time try to follow a more specific style and design rather than keeping it generalized, and see whether it can be done. The redesign Sonic thread has inspired me.
  6. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Sonic the Fighters is probably the best example Sega have given us of a 3D "classic" Sonic, though obviously the polygon count is a bit low these days. It's not flawless, but it does follow the Japanese design a bit more closely.
  7. Imadjinn


    Seeing the video for the first time: Happy Face!

    Finding it's an animation: Saddest Face...

    Still, maybe this'll trigger a long, long, long, long road to an actual 2.5D S&K.
  8. Greg the Cat

    Greg the Cat

    I'm gonna draw it! Banned
    A Zone Unknown of Title
    Comics from the Mind of Yours Truly, A little workshop of animation, Sonic FreeRunner
    Aren't Damizean and Blob working together on EggEngine to try to make this into a real game?
  9. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    A bit off-topic, but I was wondering what your [BlobVanDam's] thoughts are of Sonic 2:HD that we're creating (which I assume you'll have seen by now), and if you're interested in providing us with some inspiration/ideas/models/etc.?

    I just love the idea of what you're doing! My only hope for now is that you're going to finish this level off (or even to the end-of-level boss) - that would make me very happy :)
  10. I've been chatting a bit to Damizean, and I'll most likely be donating my Sonic model/animation to his cause, but that's probably about where my involvement will end. His engine is very promising, and I can't wait to see where it leads.

    If/when it gets finished, I think it could be great. It's a shame I'm not very good with pure 2D, so I'm probably not much help, unless they had some use for 3D graphics, but that doesn't seem to be the approach they're going for.
  11. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    The special stages are being done in 3D. PM Canned Karma about getting involved if you want.
  12. Phos


    Going for the high score on whatever that little b Member
    Keep in mind that by making his muzzle area reach further back either forces it to be made wider (and giving his head strange proportions) or forces you to narrow out the surrounding blue area.

    It looks to me like the vertices on Sonic's shoulders are merged, but the tan part doesn't need to be. His arms can just simply clip through the sides of his body. I feel like the quills are curved too sharply to make up for being too slender.
  13. I'm working on an updated Sonic model to fix some of the problems that have been raised. Not quite at the level of posting pics yet, but here's what I've done so far-

    -Mouth area extends a bit further back.
    -Green eyes (sorry guys :v: ), with slightly bigger pupil/iris.
    -Arms are thicker
    -Legs are slightly longer
    -Eyes slightly reshaped to be more towards the front of the head
    -Tail has been slightly thickened. Will probably also be lowered slightly.
    -Nose has been angled down slightly and tapered more.

    future changes yet to make-
    -I may detach the arms like Phos has mentioned. All of the Sonic 3D models I've seen from the official games have them detached, but at the time I made the model, it seemed weird to have an animal with technically detached arms. But I guess they deform better at the shoulder with them detached (also my shoulder bone wasn't well placed, so it deformed worse than it needed to)
    -Spikes. The most difficult part to replicate properly in 3D. Getting them to look good in 3/4 and front view is a pain. Side view is easy though. Still not sure exactly what changes I will make here, but this is where the biggest changes are likely to occur.
    -Feet will be shortened slightly and better shaped. Undecided whether I'll keep the white sole, or have it just red all the way to the ground.
    -Reshaping ears to be less sharp and slightly more towards the front of the head.
    -fixing glove to restore the ruffle shape like the shoes, instead of the donut shape.
    -Mouth. Most likely will just be textured on.
    -Belly skin area will be reshaped similar to Dude's suggestion.

    If you want to make any more suggestions, I'm interested to hear them. :)
  14. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.
    If you detach the arms I suggest doing it the same way Unleashed did, with having a balljoint type system. It hides the fact that his arm isn't attached while letting it have a full range of movement. I'm not really happy with you changing the face though, it was the best part to me, it just model just needed shorter feet, a mouth to show expression, and thicker/shorter spines.

  15. CriticalMass


    Your notion of art direction is very good, Blob. Kudos. I find really interesting how you mixed the realistic environment lighting with the cartoon style. Although the ground initially looked a bit "off" to me since it was a bit too photo-realistic, the final style was fairly good.

    With the right engine and pixel shader support, it's very possible to turn all of this a real-time game or simulation.
  16. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    Someone mentioned Sonic Fighters. I suggest using it's model as a basis, too.
  17. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    I actually love the model. The quills aren't perfect but Dude made an outline of how they should be, but everything else looks great. His shoes are fine the way they are too, I like them long like that. Makes it seem more believable when his legs turn into cartwheels when running at full speed. Stop making me miss the old design so much Retro.

    Honestly, the model is absolutely fantastic. Welcome to Retro by the way BlobVanDam.

  18. It seems many people like the Sonic Fighters model of Sonic. Personally I don't like the sharp triangle spikes, I just don't like them so big that they lose all shape and look unbalanced with the rest of the model either.
    It will be interesting to see how people respond to my redone Sonic model, because in many ways it's much closer to modern Sonic than it was, but it also has a lot more character.
  19. trakker


    The guy that's been warned! Member
    Man, if you could make a modern style Sonic run in a classic way, AND make it look good, you will have totally destroyed Sonic 4 lol

    If your making a new video, is there any chance, since its a sequel, to include Tails following along? XD
  20. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    Modern Sonic you say?

    Well, I personally think the response will be very interesting.
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