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The Greatest Thing Ever

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Slingerland, Aug 25, 2010.

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  1. The problem with the 3/4 perspective issue you've raised is that I can't just rotate the model, because then he's no longer moving in the direction he's facing. Not a problem in the pseudo-3D angled look of the original of course. The best solution to that graphically would probably be to have the camera be a bit further ahead and angle it back towards him, although from a gameplay perspective that seems somewhat counter-intuitive to be slightly facing behind you rather than ahead. It might work in practice, but on paper it just seems off. Something to ponder.

    You're completely right about the eyes. I did infact originally have the specular highlights for the eyes and nose, but unfortunately that's too reliant on the lighting, and with the HDR lighting I was using, it was too unpredictable to be worth it considering how small it would be on screen anyway. In realtime you could use a cheap environment map, which would probably look perfect. Now I think about it, there's no reason I couldn't have done it that way rendered either.

    It's always a tough call on how to convert the graphics. I wanted to go for a fairly realistic look for the ground, and it was the basis for my conversion of
    MHZ to 3D. I don't think it would have had the visual impact if I'd used the less realistic checkerboard look. I tried my best to keep the original feel in 3D, but sometimes I just had to say "screw it" and go with something more realistic. The problem I've seen with other mockup images of Sonic in 3D is that they go too realistic and forget the fact that Sonic levels looked great because of the strong visual cues and palette. I tried my best to balance that out. The purpose of this video was to see if that balance was possible while maintaining that vibe.

    The HUD was a bit of an afterthought, so it was a bit meh. I tried sticking to the original design, but it just didn't feel like it all fit together to me, so I made it a bit more consistent. Maybe not quite as good, but it stood out nicely against the level. I'm not too happy with it, but 2D design isn't my strong point, and it would have taken too long for me to get it looking good.

    Now to respond to your 3 notes-
    1. I didn't try it with the perfect sphere flickering, but I personally really liked the way it looked this way, so never felt the need to try it the other way. Something to think about in future perhaps.
    2. Just plain laziness on my part. I meant to add an alpha map to it to create a rougher edge, but this was only a quick test, and I just wanted to finish it up. If I were to make this for a real project, that would definitely be the first thing I'd fix. Well spotted.
    3. See above. I forgot to add the flickering before I rendered it, meaning that to do something as simple as flicker Sonic, I'd have to re-render those frames without Sonic. More of a nuisance to fix after it's been rendered, so I didn't bother. I didn't feel it detracted from the overall video, even though it was a glaring inaccuracy. Surprisingly few people have mentioned it luckily.

    Cool. I didn't know the Egg Engine was done with Unity. I've only recently gotten into Unity myself, but I'm not new to programming, and I've even attempted a basic platformer engine in it myself. I'd be interested in finding out more about how you're achieving the movement. You can go ahead and PM/email/IM me and we can discuss sharing some resources. What program are you using to create your models?
  2. Liliam


    I think you could get away with using a 3/4 perspective for the non running/spinning animations (standing still, bouncing from the mushroom, taking damage) and just have the head in a 3/4 for the running animations. Like I mentioned, though, it'd be great if you could have Sonic turn his head left and right while he's in his walking cycle instead of constantly facing forward or another single direction, which looks a bit odd.
  3. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    A word of advice: Don't listen to anything this guy says. Nobody respects his opinion and you shouldn't either. In fact, coming here was probably a mistake! It's all fun and games now, but once these people rope you in, they'll work you like a dog and they'll never, ever be satisfied.

    Honestly, this is the best Sonic model I've yet seen. Doesn't look too appealing in motion from a profile view, but the design is solid.

    OOZ? Yes, please.
  4. He does turn his head left and right while walking, it just doesn't move enough to make any difference in that regard. With how fast the animation plays when he's walking quickly, I thought it would look weird to have his head turn too quickly. Perhaps the angling of the camera can be based on how fast you're moving. When Sonic is standing still, it can have a 3/4 angle, and as you get up to speed it can level of to flat so you can see ahead better.
    I didn't do anything to adapt the camera work to the 3D perspective (just a direct copy of the 2D movement), since it didn't need to be playable, but if anyone were to make this playable, the camera work would be more of an issue to consider.
  5. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    I'm working on my own 3d rendition of CPZ for my SADX hack, I think if you did your next video in Chemical Plant it would give me lots of design inspiration =P
  6. Neat! Kinda reminds me of the model used in Sonic 3D Blast.

    ...Were I to make some nitpicks, though, I'd say that his spines are just a tad too long. There's also the "no expression" thing but you mentioned that already.
  7. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    Stop being a cunt.

    Also the design is just classic Sonic mixed with everything bad about current Sonic. Long arms, and spikes. I would not define that as good design.
  8. So find me YOUR perfect 3D Sonic model, because all I ever see you do is shout at people about how much their efforts suck.
  9. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    There is no perfect 3D Sonic model, that doesn't mean one can't be worse than others.
  10. Then find me one that you LIKE, you know, I just want to see you say something Positive for a change instead of hating on everyone.
  11. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    You are so incredibly lazy, and awful at giving critique. The least you could have done is give him a drawover:
    (image by of Nr1_sonic&tailsfan)

    srsly jim you're good but you're not the god of 3d
  12. Mr. Pictures

    Mr. Pictures

    Hey Blob, you said you had your own ideas for a Sonic stage? I'd love to see what you can come up with.
  13. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    What? He certainly doesn't have the ridiculous long legs that have plagued current Sonic. He doesn't have current Sonic's dumbass smirk:


    The model isn't perfect, but it's nowhere near as bad as current Sonic, and it doesn't have many of the problems with current Sonic.
  14. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.


    Well I can say I adore this one. It has some problems still but is it's own style and it was put together very nicely.
  15. Namo


    take a screenshot of your heart Member
    And most importantly, his hands aren't fucking gigantic.
  16. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    Not trying to act like an authority on this forum, but I really don't like the tone of posts and exchanges of words this thread is starting to head in....
  17. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    Hmm, personally I'd like to see your own original stages. :)
  18. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Wolf, Ritz, Rogers, stop being such fucking idiots and derailing this thread with your horse shit. Keep the comments related to the model rather than taking shots at each other.
  19. Bostwick


    I have an idea: Maybe record a video of you playing through any level of your choice, then creating entirely new graphics when animating over the video so it looks like a brand new level. Cheap technique maybe, but it would still look awesome.
  20. Subtle but nice improvements there, I liked his original 3D model to, if I'm honest, the SLIGHTLY longer quills here arn't bad, they are nowhere near as long as Modern Sonic's that kinda makes him look like one of the Aliens from, err, Aliens. At least from a side view point anyway.
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