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The future

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by LOst, Mar 3, 2005.

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  1. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    Yes, well I'm not comparing it to the games per se - I'm comparing 'modern' Sonic (as seen since SAd and continuing today), with 'classic' Sonic (as seen prior to SAd).

    The issue is, several hardcore fans (especially the ones that have been a fan since day one, such as myself) feel that Sega could do a better job keeping classic Sonic fresh, without diminishing what they put towards modern Sonic. For example, just going on gameplay alone, all three Sonic Advance games suck ass, in my opinion. The only reason I bought SAd1 was because I didn't have my laptop at the time, so I bought it more because it was a Sonic game, than because it was actually good. It was actually one of the few games that I didn't bother completing legitimately before using an AR.

    As I have said before, speaking only for myself, I'd be happy right now with a 2.5D version of any of the classic series-defining games (even if they only did one at a time), from the perspective of a realtime 3D game that plays like a 2D game.

    LOst has other ideas which I think are good as well, and (if followed through on by everybody involved) can help add fresh new life to our enjoyment of classic Sonic.

    Essentially, it's an issue of abandonment, of sorts - we made Sonic what he is (by making him extremely popular and worth continuing by Sega, and by making them rich, and it seems that our interests are ignored as Sega chase after the casual gamer market (which will dry up as soon as Sonic is no longer perceived as 'cool' by said market). Sega aren't the only ones who have fallen into this trap, even Nintendo has done it (if only here and there - witness the complete lack of official support for Super Game Boy enhancements on anything but an actual Super Game Boy).
  2. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    LOst, from what I'm understanding, you want to produce Sonic games, or something along those lines, because you feel we can do better than SEGA.

    This is where I'm not sure. Do you want to produce these because SEGA won't? Or are you trying to convince SEGA to get off their asses and put out some good work? Maybe even both?

    Regardless, my one track mind has kept me trying to learn 68k ASM...And the fog has been lifted :P

    I doubt you have any intentions of going Genesis with this(actually, I'm pretty sure of it), and since the only programming language I know at this time is JAVA(Oh joy of joys!), I'd like to see what language I could learn that would actually be helpful to your project. Please, tell me! Because I'll need to start now to learn a resonable amount by the time this begins(Topic name being "The Future" and all).

    Can you throw some details out, LOst? Even ideas would be good at this point, I need to know where to go.

    Also, correct any of this crap that's wrong :cool:
  3. Frigidare


    Above picture copyright of IFG Publications Member
    The way this is turning (ie. writing our own 3D looking classic Sonic) leaves me with no really helpful skills. However, put my name down LOst. If you want me to learn something useful, I'll give it my best shot. I've got loads of spare time to burn.
  4. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    That wasn't necessarily what LOst was talking about. I just threw that out as an example of how Sega could show the hardcore, longtime fans that they're not ignoring us.
  5. Frigidare


    Above picture copyright of IFG Publications Member
    Hence why I want my name down anyway.
  6. G3K


    Internet needs more petrol Member
    Airdrie, Scotland
    Alphabet successfully learned, now working on numbers 1-10
    Flinging my name in as well; I've got a bit of experience in Flash if that's any help, and I'm always up for learning new things :P
  7. LOst


    Tech Member
    we re guing to maek a shedwo game *shot*
  8. .hack//zero


    Working on a vulkan game engine for fun. Learning Ray-Tracing.

    Once there done that. There gonna make a Knuckles fighting game.
  9. LOst


    Tech Member
    Anything but Sonic. That's why Sonic Team fail. Why not name themselves Shadow Team?
  10. Frigidare


    Above picture copyright of IFG Publications Member
    So LOst, what exactly do you have in mind?
  11. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    Shadow team isn't nearly the word to describe them. Sonic team works just fine. Just because you don't like their style doesn't disqualify them from their own IP. And if anyone would be good at making a shadow game, it would be ME, not them.
  12. Dioxaz


    Sonic Rush No Vocal
    The problem is to know in what extent it's dangerous to violate the law in this particular case. Most of us, including me, seem to have forgotten this.
    What are the real consequence of this? It seems legitimate for a corporation or someone to protect its materia.
    By definition, we may don't have to know what behind this materia. Just as if it was "secret defense".

    Now, everyone want more betas, more hidden materia... because it's "so fascinating to discover this that we always wanted to know". But by doing this... are we getting out from common sense? Or, just simply, are there too many useless secrets on earth?

    Someone may want to bring a good answer seeing my naivety. :P
  13. Kles


    I'd try to answer that question if I knew exactly what the question was... or it could be that your avatar is making my eyes spin. :o! It's weird.
  14. Dioxaz


    Sonic Rush No Vocal
    Usually, we're not pleased when someone reveals one of our secrets. The same goes for comapnies... or what they release or sell. But in that way, it becomes trickier. In what extent releasing a beta is harmful? Or... is it only the kind of secret you wanna keep secret... just because it's secret?

    OT: what's wrong with my avatar, it's too big? ^^;
  15. Lostgame


    producer/turnablist. homebrew dev. cosplayer. Oldbie
    Toronto, ON
    The O.I.C.
    Yeah, I have no respect for Sega anymore. They've screwed up their greatest achievement to no return. After playing SA1,SA2,SAdv1,Sadv2,Sadv3,Sonic Battle and Shuffle all the way through, I have decided it is a disgrace to Sega, and everything it used to be to me. I used to respect them. But now, "Shadow the Hedgehog"-the game, that's even worse. If we can make a difference, then let's do it. I don't care what it takes, what the heck am I doing with my life now? Programming? Yeah, but what? Nothing. So, let's do whatever this is, I don't really care, and make a difference to Sonic.
  16. Simon


    ...did you just reply to your own post?

    I doubt Sega is upset because of the nature of those "secrets". They're probably more concerned about their intellectual property freely available online, rather than people finding out "there's a green emerald in hidden palace!" in an old game. Then it's a bigger issue about Sonic ROMs in general, not just leaked prototypes.

    Well, they threatened Rika because he pretended to be working for Sega, not because of asking for prototypes, nor because he's been hacking Sonic games. :P

    Still, if Sega is really that anal, they'll probably have better legal ground (and PR image!) sueing the employee who obviously breached the non-disclosure agreement that s/he signed, than sueing a bunch of fans disecting the already-leaked-all-over-the-place game for non-profit/educational purpose. And before anyone suggests... I'm not the one who "leaked" it, some unknown dude did in 1992. Just because people say "Simon gave us the beta!" doesn't make it true. All I did was basically come in and say "sonic 2 beta? fools! It's on the geocities site AND in real life too for years!".

    As for LOst's plan, I'll have to know more details before I can make a comment.
  17. Frigidare


    Above picture copyright of IFG Publications Member
    Wow, materia really exists.

    [size=-5]Sorry, couldn't help it.[/size]

    So yeah. What are we doing? Programming a game from scratch? If so, me and a few others could knock some game music together. I've got a good bass line for a boss music done.
  18. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    If that's the case then I can do art for it easily. I don't think that's quite what he LOst had in mind though.
  19. Lostgame


    producer/turnablist. homebrew dev. cosplayer. Oldbie
    Toronto, ON
    The O.I.C.
    Yeah, that wouldn't exactly "Knock Sega out of its boots"... You might as well quit asking, LOst isn't going to tell you, simply because it would be stupid. As I mentioned before, if any random person in Sega happens to read this, we're screwed. Secrecy is a big deal, and LOst told us that we would be told when we needed to be told.
  20. While I disagree on what many of you say about every single 3D Sonic game being a complete and utter disgrace, I'll do just about anything in my power to help get more betas, or even just plain prototype information. I think enough fan's names on a petition could help greatly increase our current information, and even stagger the great pedestal of Sega of America.

    I am a member of three Sonic sites, and think that with our combined efforts, we could get most of the online Sonic fans to join in this petition. But you guys are experts beyond a level of mine in such topics. My knowledge in the Sonic Universe, though great by many opinions, stays within the borders of story information and continuities.

    This is your guys' realm, so is this a good idea, or not? I'll be happy to lead this petition if it is accepted, and compile all the names obtained through all of you.

    (If this is accepted, send all petitioned names to [email protected])

    I can make official page for it, or something, if it's accepted.

    ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper, Feel my pain and all my sorrow, feel the wrath of my Chaos Inferno!
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