What did Robotnik say to the IT Support hotline when they asked if they could check if his internet connection was working? Spoiler Sure, Ping us.
Hey, so I heard there's a new echidna in town who wears metal on his gloves. You could say that he's a Brash Knuckles. :v:
Eggman programmed the Egg Viper for the Java Virtual Machine, hoping garbage collection will help him destroy Sonic more easily (though it took forever to show up and just blew up at the end taking out a lot of other platforms). Anyway, what's Eggman's favorite JVM opcode? Spoiler Code (Text): aload_0 Spoiler http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-use-the-java-keyword-this.html http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se7/html/jvms-2.html#jvms-2.6.1 Java is an object-oriented programming language, meaning much of the work is done via entities called objects, which contain both data and functionality, the latter in blocks of code called methods (this discussion ignores so-called static methods). Each type of object is defined in a class. While each concrete object of the same type may have different values, they have the same methods, so Java's interpreter virtual machine implements a method as a function tied to the class, not each object. To reference the object within such a function, the JVM passes a reference to the object itself as a parameter. In the everyday Java language, such a parameter is called this, and is most frequently used implicitly, not explicitly. In the Java Virtual Machine, arguments are stored into local variables for each frame of the call stack, and argument 0 is the reference of the object itself, with other arguments following after it. Local variables can't usually be used directly, instead they must be loaded onto the frame's current operand stack through one of the various xload opcodes, where "x" is the mnemonic for the type ("a" for reference types). Normally you'd have to specify which variable you want to load from, but because loading reference types from the first couple of variables is so common, the JVM provides various opcodes with baked-in variable numbers, in the form aload_y, which pushes the reference type from variable "y" onto the stack. In other words, aload_0 is an opcode that loads this. I hope that even though this wasn't funny, you at least learned something.
I refuse to ever have learned anything! This is the internet! Anyway, jokes. So Eggman served up Shadow as a dish at his new Restaurant. The food critic there said, "is this meat artificial?". On that day I realized, I can't make jokes.
Sonic's best buddy was sitting down to play the newest WayForward platformer that everyone's been talking about, and decided to choose the hardest difficulty. What did Sonic say to him? Spoiler "Good luck, Tails!" Also, in case you haven't heard it (and even if you have, there's some differences at the end from when it was posted in the mashups thread):
Sonic and Tails play King of Fighters. Sonic picks Billy Kane. Sonic: HEY HEY HEY! Spoiler see its funny because "HEY HEY HEY" is one of Billy Kane's catchphrases and Sonic sometimes says "HEY HEY HEY" when you race him as Tailsin SA1 Okay here's a better one. What song does Tails listen to when he's dissecting something/someone? Spoiler OPEN YOUR HEART
Vector was just sitting around being all sad and miserable. So Espio asked him, "Hey Vector, why the long face?"
After being defeated by Sonic in Sonic CD, Metal Sonic seemingly went insane and was taken to a robo-psychiatrist. The diagnosis was + - Metallic Madness I'll show myself out now
Nobody cares to click my spoiler tags Unless I'm not fully seeing where you're going... ...I can't think of any good jokes right now. I'll come back later.