I'm a high school English teacher, and you'd be amazed how many times a day, even in a school, that I hear a Sonic quote. On my first day, I needed to print off my lesson plans, my subject leader told me to "find the computer room". I told a naughty student to get out of my lesson, he said "I take orders from no one. I do what I decide." Me moving through a crowded corridor: "You heartless humans! GET OUT OF MY WAY!" "Where's that DAMN fourth lesson in today?" Just the other day I told my class that, as a teacher "I and only I know what is best. No one can tell me what to do. This is WHO I AM." And finally, when I was watching a football game, I saw someone hurling a ball from the sideline towards the goal net, I couldn't help but scream "THAT LOOKS LIKE A HOMING SHOT!!" in utter reverance at the situation
What did Sonic do when he found out that he getting a new character design? He rolled with it. What did Classic Sonic need when Knuckles asked him if he had gained weight? A self-esteem boost. Why does Eggman keep trying to take over the world? He egg-spects to beat Sonic eventually. I am so sorry.
How fast does Sonic go? <spoiler>741 Miles Prower.</spoiler> What do people say when I do something cool? <spoiler>You DaHog DaHog!</spoiler> What is the name of Knuckles' long-lost brother? <spoiler>Brass</spoiler> Get it?
I presume situational humor is included in this? Then I have one that I've always found fairly priceless. Assume Silver knocks one of Sonic's friends into the road in the way of a speeding truck because he assumes said friend will destroy the future. Sonic goes to help them, as any hero would. Silver's got a lock on his feet, however, and as Sonic watches the truck growing ever closer, Silver poses this question: "Why did the hedgehog cross the road?" Answer: "To see his flatmate!" This was taken from this Sonic fancomic, so I can't take all the credit. But it did say terrible jokes, and I'm not sure what's more terrible: the cringe worthy pun or the gallows humor of it all.
You know the phone's for Sonic when it rings 50 times. XD Sonic hates the chilly weather, and so does his dog. Stars and stripes forever. Never pit me against Mystic Cave Zone. Yeah. I'm good at this.
Why did Amy tried to go to rehab? Because she's like 'no no no'. Sonic's the name, speeds.... THE GAME! Why did Sonic had a heart-attack in the cafe? Because he thought the hedgehog-slice was literally a slice of a hedgehog. Don't blame it on the sunshine, don't blame it on the moonlight, don't blame it on the good times, blame it on that frikkin pig-bot!
I bet Casino Night Zone will be difficult for my friends. What does Sonic do when he's sad? He sings the blues! It's hard to see Sonic if he's in the sky. He cracked like an Eggman. Humpty Eggman sat on a wall. Humpty Eggman had a great fall. All the king's horses and Crabmeats Couldn't put Eggman back together again! And don't even get me started on Shadow Boxing!! Sonic sure travels underground a lot. The next time Tails goes to a restaurant after racing against Sonic, he'll order a dust sandwich. Or how about becoming a Dust Hillbilly?
Eggman's so fat, when he falls, he can roll down green hills at Sonic speed. I'm sorry. It's really bad.. Please forgive me. At least now I got it out of my head.
What Sonic character would make the best traffic cop to stop speeders? Miles Prower, because he Tails them.
Not a Sonic one, but still Sega-related I suppose... What cologne does Ulala wear? Spoiler Space Chanel No. 5
So when Knuckles first met Miles "Tails" Prower, he was confused by the fox's feminine mannerisms and androgynous voice, not to mention her his obsession over Sonic. "So tell me..." he finally asked. "You, are you a guy or a girl?" Tails blushes profusely but steels himself and yells, as threateningly as could she could be, "Of course I'm a guy!" "Oh?" Knuckles replies, passing the flustered furball. He shoots back a sly grin and a raised eyebrown. "You could have fooled me." Sonic gave a pat-pat to Tails' shoulder. "It's alright buddy..." he comforts his friend then leans in closely to his ear and whispers in a giddy voice: "He's onl-echidn-ya!!" kill me
Hopefully not talking about terrible, but I was making four issues of "Sonic Anecdotes" back in 2009...2011, together it was approx. 80KB of pure text. Some anecdotes were originally written in english to even make them funny. -Hey, Eggman, what a hell are you doing here, in this strange world of Xen? -Good question, Sonic! My new... -OK, OK, enough of this, I got it. -Why don't you listen for him, Sonic? I guess, he means his new... -I said "enough", Tails! -So, Sonic, here I'll build my city, EggManLand, where I'll be rule it all!!! -You mean, Mordor?