Y'know, the godawful kind of jokes like these, that wouldn't look out of place in that infamous 90's Sonic joke book? Except in this case maybe actually Sonic-related? Yeah. Let's think of some of those. To groan and facepalm, and possibly frighten small children. How does Eggrobo cross the water? In an Eggrowboat. What did Sonic say when he was waist-deep in Sandopolis' quicksand? "I'm waaaading!" (Wasn't sure if this topic fit better here or in the Member Lounge, feel free to move accordingly.)
I feel like we had a thread about this already. I really don't know if it's just me... Ok, let's see... What should Sonic use to knock on a door? Knuckles. Sonic's entering a watermelon contest, with the prize being awarded to the one with the biggest watermelon. He's trying hard to make his big on time for the competition, but he's having a rough time. Which song starts playing? Gotta Grow Fast Man these suck. Wait, isn't that the point?
Watched that new Green Zone film the other day. Imagine my disappointment that it wasn't about the first level in Sonic The Hedgehog.
This fucker, wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog mask to conceal his identity, came into my jewellery store and held me up at gunpoint. He ran away with 100 gold rings, among other things. I'll fucking kill him. Twice, if I have to. ........................................ My girlfriend and I got into a massive fight because she believed I was cheating. I don't care how much she screams, I will not tell her how to become Yellow Sonic.
In retaliation for ramming him 8 times, a furious Robotnik made sure Sonic lost his ring. Come on, that's pretty terrible!
When the Sonic Colors announcement trailer was released, my best friend asked me if Sonic had joined the Miles high club.
Hey guis, how does sawnic knock on da door when knuckles isn't around? He RINGS the doorbell! HURR HURR
Sonic and Tails are arguing over which way to go. They decide to flip a coin. Sonic calls "heads", but it doesn't land that way. Sonic smiles and says, "Tails, you win!" Knuckles got his name in the porn industry for his fisting movies. What is Tails' favorite natural disaster? A Tornado.
Why does Sonic wear gloves? Because his hands are cold. What's Motobug's favourite dance? The robot. Why does Tails have two tails? Because it's actually the tail of a symbiotic twin that he absorbed in the womb.
What did Sonic say when the room he was in got cold and he felt the need to verbally exclaim something referencing the coldness of the room to call attention to it as well as point it out to any sentinent creatures who happened to be nearby with the hope that with their help there might be a higher possibility that they may find a remedy to this dillema? "Wow, it sure is CHILI DOG in here!"
When you think the Blues Brothers is a Sonic fan club. What is Rouge's favorite city? Baton Rouge. What goes great on bagels? Cream... cheese... I give up.
Although not exactly terrible joke related, I wonder if that was actually the case, that he absorbed twice the neurons, thus twice the intelligence?