I played this at EGX Rezzed on Thursday, it was actually pretty fun! You can charge infinitely to just smash everything in front of you, shoot water to put out fires or grow plant platforms or what have you, ground pound, a diagonal ball bounce attack which comes out pretty fast, an uppercut to get things above you and some kinda flutter jump like Yoshi or Klonoa. Played a tutorial and two levels, which basically have you going through a level smashing up bad guys and saving hostages. Definitely something to consider getting. It also has a really nice cartoony artstyle, with everything producing the SFX effects like it's something from a comic book.
I'm loving everything I'm seeing and hearing from this game. Game Freak really should make non-Pokémon games more often...
It looks like they will. They talk a bit in this interview about how Game Freak now lets its developers make smaller projects aside from the usual Pokémon stuff. So far from that they've made HarmoKnight, Solitiba and now Tembo. Besides that they've also been making various prototypes.
Played it at rezzed as well. Kind of fun, reminded me of Wario a bit. Although I was a little annoyed that a sega/gamefreak game was allowed to be shown in the indie section of the event.
5 minute full zone gameplay video available here (thanks NeoGAF). Looking pretty good! Not entirely sold just yet but looking promising. EDIT: More footage of two new alternative zones also available here. Apocalyptic stage and a desert stage. Both look wonderful.
I keep thinking of Shantae's elephant form turned into a full game when I watch this, can't help it. :specialed: The one part of this that actually bugs me is the HUD, so that's saying a lot about the rest of the presentation, when that one tiny detail is bothering me. Tembo's looking too good to be using a cheap little HP bar like some crappy Mario fan game from the late 90's. Maybe vaguely shaped Peanuts units that split in half when subtracting damage would look better.
The game can now be pre-purchased on Steam, it'll be released on July 21st: http://store.steampowered.com/app/341870/
Well...thats an interesting game. I didn't remember hearing about this but a platformer by Game Freak? I'm all up for that, been a big fan of Pulseman so I'm all aboard that. Confuses me that there's no release on Wii U but I'll manage, Steam version it is for me then
Launch Trailer http://youtu.be/_3bcAUZTRT8 I still don't understand how on Earth this game came to be, and how they ended up getting SEGA of all companies to publish it.
Fun facts about the Steam version: - Name is either "Tembo" (title screen) or "Trumbo" (game window). - Has to be launched from its install folder, won't launch directly from Steam. - Is a demo version. Ends after the second stage with a "coming soon" splash screen. - Doesn't save settings, have to redo options and cogfigurations each time. - My 360 controller works, but has to be remapped every time. Buttons use generic "B1" "B12" etc. labels. - A configuration screen pops up before the game starts, but it's very half-assed. It's either twice as tall as it needs to be or is missing a gigantic graphic logo. That's what I get for preordering a game on Steam the day before release. :v:
You know, that version should probably be archived, seeing how it's an accidentally leaked beta version. I've been playing it on PS4, finished the first world and am enjoying it so far. Was surprised by how easy the first boss was though, I beat it in half a minute on my first try.
I played the demo. It's decent, but hasn't really taken me. Maybe I was just trying to rush my way through it too much? It didn't feel like anything particularly new or exciting really.
Between a botched Steam launch, NA PSN accidentally having this game as double the retail price for a few hours (fixed now), and the lack of marketing / attention for this game, I kinda worry it's gonna slip on by without really turning any heads. Which I find to be a shame, as SEGA publishing quirky console titles like this is pretty much my ideal SEGA. I've bought this to support that effort, but it's so frustrating to watch SEGA just slip out interesting titles like this to barely any fanfare. I figure digital games are much tougher to market and I'm probably just a bit too invested, but eh.