Maybe they weren't aware? Maybe they were like "well fuck it it's the furries' problem let em deal with it". Sonic's world has a caste system confirmed, or there's some kind of specism/racism problem. Sonic they consider "one of the good ones"
If you want to apply lore to it, then Forces quite cleanly blankets it by saying that Eggman had successfully taken over 99.99% of the world, leaving just a small resistance in Green Hill and "the city". You can wrap up GUN and literally every other force in the world as being defeated of you really want to. But the more accurate assessment is that Forces didn't a give a fuck about lore and continuity. It didn't care about being consistent with previous stories and characters or even with its own elements. Like, can anyone explain to me what the Phantom Ruby and Infinite do and where they came from? Because between Forces, the Forces prequel comic and Mania, there are multiple contradictory explanations of each. We've had big plot holes and retcons in the series before, like Blaze and Eggman Nega's roles and origins. And we've had smaller retcons, like Hidden Palace and the Emerald Altar. But Forces has a total disregard for almost every piece of established lore in the series. There's no halfway good reason for all of the issues that it has with continuity. I can't be bothered to try to explain it and think the best solution is to accept that it's a mess and just ignore it. At least games like Colours and Lost World didn't try to put a focus on their rubbish plots.
I think this has been accepted as the way things were by fans for years now. Glad to know it's officially canon.
I'm liking the human girl they've teased. Her outfit actually seems to have a 'park ranger' vibe to it which makes sense considering Frontiers' working title. Edit: Hm Is this from Frontiers? I don't remember seeing it in the last trailer. Also those ribbony footholds
Glad to hear people are liking this, it's cute! Definitely feels like a good way to explain the lore to newbies while also provide plenty of fanservice to us weird Sonic nerds. I think this'll be a good thing to have going forward. there will be porn of her within picoseconds, mark my fucking words
No that's from Sonic Riders, the Babylon Ruins or something. It also floats after Sonic, Jet, et al. do something with some kinda cube key Jet had (sorry it's been almost 15 years since I played Riders) EDIT: Babylon Gardens, as @Blue Blood said below
Ah, my bad, I've never really known the Riders series. It sure looked like Frontiers at first glance though Got myself a little excited with its bendy terrain there XD
In terms of their Vtubing set up, it's nice to have the English VAs get in on it, finally. Though the lip flaps could use some work. I wonder if SoJ has been working on other characters.
The Japanese version went up. It'll be pretty interesting to see if there are any major dialogue differences (although it mostly seems the same)
Mystery Girl is interesting. I think she's affiliated with Eggman somehow. Her outfit doesn't look too far off from the Egg Boss jackets from Archie. This would also make sense if she's a villain, as she would be a foreign element in the Starfall Islands of Sonic Frontiers, since we're apparently using Islands VS Continents to distinguish between furry and human colonies. I'm saying this just going off the fact that it's a weirdly-specific thing to reveal otherwise, and so I'm also predicting that most of the NPCs in that game will also be animals. It's also the perfect time for them to have leaned into the "Eggette" meme from a few years ago, maybe she and Eggman are family. I can see her heel-face turn in the climax of the game already. That, or she's just Sonic's obligatory human companion for the game and it's none of the stuff I'm saying, but I hope it's not that dull. I'm glad to see official confirmation that Sonic was never a series spanning two planets, but I do think people made too big a fuss about it. I always assumed it was some kind of internal development logic, the reasoning behind why one game had humans in a realistic setting and another had furries in a fantastical one, not so much a canonical fact with its own implications and lore. That's why it was never a part of any actual story or official material. It's hardly different now anyway, since humans and animals live in different societies with apparently an extremely low immigration rate (Amy is the only one in an entire NYC ripoff?). I have to admit my brain did say "Sonic lives in a racially-segregated society" to me as I listened to this, but I think it's more a case of "literally all of our strongest equipment could not do a thing to Robotnik alone, why do we even try". Or maybe Shadow successfully disbanded GUN from the inside since they're kind of a fashy international paramilitary organization on the face of it. He's a true hero. Anyway, can we maybe get "Islanders" going as the new name for Sonic-style characters? "Mobian" is outdated, "furry" probably brings up the wrong associations, and "animal" just sounds wrong. Plus, now it reminds me of Animal Crossing.
Gods, this is an overwhelmingly smooth and satisfying retcon delivered so casually in the middle of the movie news blitz. Good show, and a fantastic start to this new social media segment. Fully cosigned. Maybe with the complementary "Mainlanders", avoid dwelling on the term Human in this new context..?
Just going to throw this out there in this thread as well, are we sure she isn't just Unleashed concept art that never made it to the final game?