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Tails Tube

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Blue Blood, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    Yeah, it’s a pretty direct translation from what I can tell.
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  2. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Cool, thanks!
  3. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    Dawww, JP Tails (Miles?) sounds so cute! :3

    Gotta love how the Japanese have enough respect for voice artists to not replace them on a whim for greedy contractual exploitation! Nice for consistency as well.
  4. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Really don't understand a lot of these Amy takes going around. I really cannot see that huge a difference between Amy in SA1 and SA2 and Amy now. Sure, they don't have her project her feelings directly into the camera, but I really have to wonder if people just don't like the character all that much in general, if broadcasting her crush slightly less is all it takes to call her bland with no personality. It feels a little bit like people are actually nostalgic for her creepy overbearing moments, which lines up 100% in my eyes with the...I'm just gonna say it, revisionist attitudes that stuff like Shadow and 06 receive these days.
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  5. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Thing is, IDW uses that crush. She and Sonic have exchanged teaseful, practically flirting barbs since she first showed up in the book, and in more recent issue's she's still shown herself to be eager to go on adventures with Sonic in that manner that's just a little too eager to not suggest her feelings are on her mind. And that's okay, that's good! She has a well rounded character outside of that as a take-charge and get-it-done gal, someone who was able to step up to lead the resistance but ultimately found herself in over her head when the work transitioned from fighting Eggman to fixing the world more generally. I don't want Amy to be defined by her crush on Sonic but it's still an important part of her that did define her once upon a time, so I don't think it should just go away.
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Hey you’d think after 30 years of rejection in the romantic department one would try to move on so good for Amy for keeping it in check more these days lol
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  7. big smile

    big smile

    Amy used to be my one of my favourite characters. Past games might have over done the marriage aspect, but I liked how it was a springboard for her going on her own adventures. She'd often pop-up when Sonic least expected her, and then unnerve his cool demeanor with her marriage requests. While she often needed rescuing (usually as a result of her trying to bite off more than she can chew), there were many times when she'd end up rescuing Sonic in the process.

    The marriage angle brought the laughs, while her adventuring was endearing.

    This new Amy is bland. With the marriage aspect dropped, the comedy has gone. And she no longer goes off on her own adventures, where she helps Sonic when it's least expected, so she's no longer endearing. She just become "girl Tails".

    They've ruined a good character by being oversensitive to all the marriage complaints.

    It doesn’t help that her new voice sounds too old. With her voice and personality, she’s feels more like Sonic’s mom. It’s tragic.
  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I will agree I don’t like Amy’s current voice direction. I’m not sure if her voice actor has changed in the past decade, but initially they gave her like a Minnie Mouse voice and it’s deeper now but that and her inflection kinda makes me think librarian when she talks?

    I liked her Adventure era voice and the Sonic X voice even but ever since Generations, yea no thanks. Also hate the run cycle they gave her as of late with the goofy run and the arms in like cactus pose.
  9. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    I do miss her vallery girl attitude from the Adventure cast, but the current direction for her current voice actor is good enough. It would be hard to bring that valley girl back at this point, so I guess it's taken as maturity. The direction of the characters overall went that way for Frontiers, anyway.

    Her coming on way too strong will not be missed.
  10. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Yes I am 100% nostalgic for Amy having a Psycho mode because it highlights her immaturity & is good for shenanigans and they didn't properly grow it from there, the change just kind of happened one day.
    I'll be honest, the way they write the romantic aspect seems more like it's for Sonamy fanservice than for the sake of her still expressing her love of Sonic, specifically because Sonic is willing to casually hang out with her. If people don't like psycho mode, fine, whatever, she doesn't HAVE to do it, unleashed wasn't going for that, but it was still clear it was meant to be an exception, but letting the story itself genuinely entertain the idea of the two without any hint of incompatibility is more disrespectful to her origin than not having a romantic aspect at all. She's a subversion of a love interest, not a love interest.

    Anyways, outside of some bigger gag it doesn't really have a place in Tails Tube since it's for explaining lore in a way that doesn't entirely feel like regular people reading off a list of facts. I also don't think some things like the characters saying Classic Sonic can be taken as an in-universe thing, if not the whole series itself, it's basically just non-interactive more tactical Twitter Takeovers.
  11. RDNexus


    Despite SA1&2 having turned the series more into a shounen manga story, the characters still seemed on-point with their classic profiles and depictions.
    But since Heroes, things started to change. And I can't say for sure they went for better.

    It's not a matter of characters retaining traits from their prior days, but the fact SEGA simply devolved them to Sonic's sidekicks of one type or another.
    They lost some of their defining traits that had been expanding and developing until SA2.

    Forces (IMHO) was the worst offender, trying to put Freedom Fighter elements on them, to the point of seeming like troopers to me. Didn't like it at all...
    One of the main reasons I dropped the IDW comics early on, it's simply not to my liking.

    Frontiers kinda tried to bring back their primary traits, mainly (IMHO) to reintroduce them to newcomers alongside them reminiscing the past with Sonic.
    Keeping the franchise on Nostalgia Goggles alone may help a little now, but not for long.
  12. Levi Church

    Levi Church

    Icon art is made by Christian "Kris" Dobbins Member
    You might like Scrapnik Island then as it doesn't have any of the Sonic Forces baggage.
  13. RDNexus


    By now I totally stopped caring about the IDW comics.
  14. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    That’s fair enough, but ya by now most of Forces stink is gone.

    curious how IDW tackles Frontiers. It’d be weird if every other game applies save that one.
  15. MH MD

    MH MD

    It’s different enough and stand-alone story with only 4 issues that i think maybe you could check it out anyway, it’s my go-to recommendation those days for anyone who want a taste of good sonic comic without wanting to invest themselves in a larger comic serialization
  16. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Scrapnik is sick. I want more of that instead of Freedom Fighters 3.0.
  17. Lambda


    I'll be the 4th person to say Scrapnik Island is awesome, 4 issues long, and 100% standalone from the rest of the comics.
  18. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Naw, it works
  19. RDNexus


    Amy has been depicted as a spunky girl with stalker traits.
    As far as I know, that's a typical character archetype.
    Like Tails being the brainy sidekick and Knux the no-nonsense brawler.
    Most Sonic characters are that, archetypes in anthro guise.
    Take those away and they can be painted in any kind of way.
    And that, for consistency's sake, ain't a good thing, IMHO.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
  20. lupinsmask


    I rather have stalker Amy back over whatever the hell she's supposed to be now which is very boring. Don't have to do what Sonic X did which was excessive, Sonic Adventure 2 did it right; when Amy took her shot while Sonic was locked up, he said no, oh well... mission time now try again later.