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Tails Tube

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Blue Blood, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    @shilz @BlackHole I’d highly recommend reading the 2022 IDW annual due to the status quo changes it introduces for Blaze and Silver. For starters, Blaze has seemingly defeated all the pirates on her world now, with the story going some way with dealing with what that means for her.

    Meanwhile, Silver is back from the future and he doesn’t really know why. He’s positioned as not being able to adjust to the peaceful future he’s helped create. That does sound a little distressing, but he’s able to have a heart to heart with Espio about it (which I’m just now realising may be tribute to Rivals 2). The thing about this that I think is really clever is that it allows Silver to stay in the present without ruining the good future that was achieved after the Metal Virus. That good future will seem to always be there because Silver seems to have decided to stay in the past, so he’ll always be around to make that good future.
  2. Flare


    Oh jeez... having never played that game. I mean that is down to direction. Introducing a new actor often means trying to mimic what the previous actor did... and as much as I loved Travis's voice, he was playing a comedic version of Knuckles a lot of the time.

    I am much happier with the more serious direction, Sonic Movie 2 proved you could make that character likeable and funny without him being silly. Forces was just weird... but I feel that came from them fixing what Lost Worlds did. Like Lost World has him acting tough and then a coconut falls on his head... god what was that game haha.
  3. Knuckles has been so directionless as a character so I'm not surprised his voice acting has reflected that.
  4. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Yeah, this was pointed out on Discord. As I said on there, shows how much I ended up playing that game :V
  5. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction

    I realise this is already being discussed in the continuity thread, but I wanted to mention that I'm saddened by a complete absence of any kind of reference to Amy's feelings for Sonic. I realise the flanderisation of this aspect of her has led to some VERY unfortunate characterisation in the past, but I would've expected at least a line from Tails lightly teasing Amy about her affection and commenting on how far she's grown in comparison to how she used to be.
  6. MastaSys


    Overcorrection is one bane of Sonic unfortunately.

    On the tube's itself, I'm glad they trimmed the whole timeline/world mess back to what is implied on Generations.
    The less divide exists on one of Sonic's medium the better, in my own opinion.
  7. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    I think it's a result of them trying to figure out what Amy is without Sonic that they're avoiding her crush on him for the time being.

    That and Sega hating romance, lol
  8. Main problem is that there isn't that much to Amy outside of her crush. Amy fans hate hearing that, but its the truth and I don't even mean it as an insult either.

    Instead of using her feelings to organically build her character, they're omitting them entirely and trying to fill the hole with something else.
  9. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I don't. What's wrong with that? She's got a clear goal and she's accomplished a lot pursuing it.
  10. Amy got a lot of accusations of being one-dimensional due to how much of her character revolved around her feelings for Sonic.
  11. Snowbound


    I think it’s embarrassing that the identity of the main female character in the franchise revolves around having a crush. Amy has been fun to play as in many games but her personality has never interested me. I’m not trying to dismiss her fans. It sucks they aren’t satisfied with her portrayal. Honestly tho, I think characters like Tangle, Whisper, Bunnie and Sally are more interesting. I’d prefer for one of them to become more prominent and for Amy to be a funny background character. When there’s more female representation in the games then Amy’s stupid crush isn’t so embarrassing
  12. I honestly never had a problem with Amy's personality before, but I agree that she's really not fit to be the main heroine and she was kind of retrofitted into the role after Adventure.

    If Amy was just a funny supporting character who occasionally showed up, nobody would care about her feelings for Sonic. But because she's a main character, she has tons of expectations that honestly aren't fair. Like because she's a protagonist...she's just not allowed to love Sonic anymore and that sucks.
  13. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I like the dynamic the two have. It's a contrast from the usual knight in shining armor defies all odds to save the damsel in distress.
    Nothing embarrassing about Amy's romance. Especially when she's more active in pursue of her love rather than sit back and expect him to fall for her. She does shit and gets shit done.
  14. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    Amy being in love with Sonic is fine and I kinda wish they’d mention it more just for consistency’s sake, but there are a few games where they went overboard with it. I wasn’t a fan of her trying to beat the crap out of Sonic to make him marry her in Heroes.
  15. It definitely went too far at times, but the solution wasn't to just get rid of it altogether.
  16. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Maybe removing it outright is extreme but I'm just glad they did tbh. I legitimately enjoy her dialogue in IDW and Frontiers, Ian Flynn writes her wonderfully.

    I'm sorry but her character for 90% of her existence just never clicked with me, felt very one dimensional. I adore seeing her be the strong character she is now.
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  17. Ura


    I just feel that the "New Amy" is made mostly for people that never liked her character to begin with, and this is kind of a problem with Sonic in general, this series really loves ignoring the people that like it and try to appeal to people that don't care or even hate it.

    I never felt that Amy was too one dimensional, at least not for Sonic standards. Her character is simple, yes, but not everyone needs to be a Shadow the Hedgehog to work, I often enjoy the simple characters in the series the most anyway. My problem with how they handled Amy in the past was the same problem I have with most of the characters in the series actually, they are very poorly utilized to the point were they and everything about them feel more like a burden than something that makes them unique. Knuckles is another good example of that, Amy might be the one that gets the hate for being in games for no other reason than to follow Sonic, but Knuckles doesn't even get that, he's just there because he has to be and his only character is to be an idiot to the point that someone thought it would be a good idea to have him going to the wrong direction in the scene where Sonic died just for a joke, you get it? Because he's dumb!

    Not that I'm saying Knuckles is worse than Amy necessarily, my point here is that this is a regular problem with the Sonic series and its characters in general. Pretending that Amy's main thing isn't liking Sonic or that Knuckles is actually so not-an-idiot that he's the most suited character to be the leader of an army is incredibly stupid and gives the worst feeling for a fan of something. I'd rather have to deal with flanderization or even not having her appearing anymore than writing that is effectively saying that her entire character is wrong and she has to be something else to work.

    Maybe I'm being a little extreme here, but the only reason why something like Tails Tube has to exist in the first place is because of that mentality of changing Sonic's world to try to appeal to a specific audience that will probably not even notice that there was a change in the first place (Looking at you, two worlds) without taking older fans into consideration
  18. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Honestly, StC is the only time Amy's been written decently. I don't even dislike her in the main canon, but it's still true.
  19. Well yea, she may as well an entirely different character there.

    I don't really care all that much for Amy, her current or older portrayals. I guess her older portrayals were kind of funny sometimes but foe the most, she just existed to me.

    Even nowadays when they downplayed the traits that people didn't like, it's not like they really gave her some new motivations or goals, so she still just mostly exists but they have to pretend like she actually matters.

    I did kind it like her slowly trying to become more capable until they just stopped that and then she was just suddenly as competent as everyone else lmao.
  20. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member

    Quick question... Are they saying the same things as in the English version?