Well, this project seems like it is still pretty early along. drx is sure to clean it up a bit by the time it is complete. I like it. It's excellent for a quick attempt, and I can't wait to see how it comes along.
The way I see it is, If you guys don?t like it then go make it better yourself. Good Job, drx. Hope to see more version?s soon
So the first Sonic hack you made had no bugs in it? The only way drx will make bugless hacks is through practise, so there's bound to be bugs at first which will hopefully get ironed out. I thought you'd be pleased with this actually, would you rather it was a boring palette hack? I'd personally rather have something interesting/unique that's buggy than something dull that works.
This is the stupidest crap I've ever read!!! Everything has bugs! Get over it! Please stop pluaging the forums by telling everyone their hacks are of poor quality. If you don't want to destory the sonic engine don't open the rom at all! Geez this is pissing me off. Merry fucking Christmas.
Get your head out of your arse you arrogant bastard and do something yourself then. You're first to criticise people for having bugs in their hack, but your hacks were nothing bug free and spectacular either. The way you go on, you'd think you fucking were Yuji Naka. You're not him, and you never will be.
I find this a LOT more playable, bugs and all, than Eggman in Sonic 1. Was that lack of quality and time?
Good Point. Actually, Eggman was programmed from zero in that hack, but anyway, LOst didn?t needed to say that, before remember his past. =P
lol LOst, make your own version plz. =P Or can you even? I wonder... You talk shit, but I hardly see you release stuff. Once again though, your project that seems close to release will really determine if my claims are solid. So I'll wait. Don't dissapoint me, or I'll be a sad panda. =(
Did you see me complain about Knuckles in Sonic 1? No, because it was GOOD! It was QUALITY! It was ORIGINALLY! And it didn't randomly hang. If you people want a competition, then do your own version and I will beat you 100 times over. drx's hack is not a competition. I would never spend time beating him. That would be unfair. He never asked for it.
I have to say LOst has a couple good points. Also, there are some flaws with the "don't knock it because you're not making better" logic. I can't make N64 games. I never even tried to make a better N64 game than Superman 64. Does that mean I lose the right to diss supermand 64? Not all wine tasters have to work at wineries.
Just curious.. Have you looked at the work he did in the ROM? I mean technically? A single typo could make the game hang like that, and I want to know how you rate quality.
It is not my job to find or fix drx's bugs. Here is one thing I can say for sure to all of you with hacks that I am not satisfied with: I am not going into your ROM to look for stuff to tell you what you did wrong. I feel that your ROM and your techniques are your private stuff. If you are asking for help I will help finding it. But I will never touch your work to prove or to steal your ideas.
I think everyone needs to lay off LOst this time. He thought it lacks quality because it hangs randomly, which I kind of agree with... I mean, it's a great hack and all, but it's totally unplayable for me at the moment. It hangs CONSTANTLY for me. I'm not knocking drx, and I know at the moment I couldn't dream of doing better, but I guess if it's completely unplayable, then I guess you could say it lacks "quality". Although that's not how I would word it, that's how LOst worded it, and I think you guys need to lay off him a bit.
See, then you cannot really say weather it is quality or not. For all you know, he programmed it just as well as Naka would have, but made a typo that made it hang like that.
However I got drx's source code so I don't need to look into the ROM. Quality can always be added with time. I think drx and most of you are rushing your learning process. The more you learn about the Sonic Engine, the more you will understand you don't understand everything in it. When I first started playing with the Sonic engine back in 2003, I was just like you guys, thinking I was the master. Thinking I knew everything. Well, it has gone 3 years and I still have work to do. You will understand in 2006 + 3 = 2009. Good luck!
Well fuck it, I did a typo. You can disable this by doing FFD380:0000 temporarily, sorry XDDDD I kinda have no time and I also have no internet (I can't read the comments so fast :P) Thanks for those who support me - that's nice. As for LOst - eh, your life - your business =P