I think we'd be better off riding the train together - we should meet up at the station (or possibly elsewhere, but the station is a point everyone would pass through) and aim to get on a certain train, that sounds like the best plan. We can then meet the ones not coming from Brighton at the usual point at a set time.
If we're gonna meet anyone who's not coming from Brighton at the usual spot in London on Sunday, maybe we ought to look at getting the train that leaves Brighton at 10:40, so we can get to London just before the usual meeting time of 12:00. This also means we'd have time in the morning to get a coffee or something before we leave (and have breakfast - dunno about anyone else but Orenge and I have booked breakfast at the hotel so it'd be nice to have the time to get it rather than rushing around really early in the morning). What do you guys think? I'd really like to get these tickets booked this weekend if possible just in case the prices go up
Speaking of meet-up times, what about us not staying overnight in a hotel in Brighton? What time are people meeting up to begin le queuing on Saturday?
Going to be extremely annoying here and say that I can't make London - don't change your plans or anything, though, I'm skint anyway. I'll still be at SoS, though. =P
Sorry for the double-post, but I've been looking on the Summer of Sonic website today, and we're getting the opportunity to submit questions to Steve Lycett and Takashi Iizuka: http://www.summerofsonic.com/news/submit-your-questions-to-iizuka-san-and-sumo-digital (I know it's old but I've only just spotted it ;P). Guys, can we think of any good questions for them? Most of the questions on there at the minute are the same shit again and again, "WE WANT SA3", "WE WANNA PLAY AS SONIC'S FRIENDS" etc, surely we can do better than that! I remember this really old, interesting topic on here about SA2's development and I've put down a couple of questions for Iizuka based on that because it'd be seriously awesome if he can shed any light on anything as it's something we know very little about: basically I asked what major changes the game went through that he might remember (using the examples of the alleged branching paths and the famous "submarine" example of this, as well as the fact that only 3 playable characters were shown at first). I also asked him how Shadow changed during development and whether the whole "concept art of a 'Dark Sonic' with missing limbs/missing eye and a creature made up of eyeballs" thing has any truth whatsoever as far as he remembers. It's worth a shot - I mean, when I submitted THAT question to Yuji Naka about the Sonic concept art last year, I didn't think we'd get anything from it (how wrong I was) =P I'm trying to think of some good questions about Sonic Adventure 1 but I don't know where to start really.
http://www.summerofsonic.com/news/search-for-a-singer-results-introducing-jam-with-jun/ So, I'm doing a thing. :v:
Sonic Wrecks will be providing a stream for everyone to watch, but do remember that it all depends on the venue's internet connection on that day.
Haha, amazing! Can't wait to see this! Best of luck mate. :D I see Daryl is doing a violin performance as well! I've met the guy at meets several times, smashing bloke, can't wait to see what he's capable of too! This year is going to be awesome, especially for you guys! :D
So, who are Brighton on the Friday and what is happen? Because am maybe to arcadings. Comprehensible? If you can, chuck them my way would you? Ta much.
Assuming you're still reading this topic Blanche, it's a real damn shame you're not coming to either event. As Overlord said, you will be missed =P Same goes for you Nova. It would have been great to have you at the usual Barcade run on Sunday. At least we'll see you at the main Summer of Sonic event. That's absolutely amazing. Well done and wish you all the best on that. Look forward to it! Assuming the questions we had in mind don't get asked on stage, we'll send them your way along with any others. Cheers! Right, Jen and I's train tickets have been sorted. As Jen mentioned, we'll be making it into Brighton somewhere around 9:00AM on Saturday (can't make it on Friday for obvious reasons). We'll let everyone know when we make it to the venue (via either here or Twitter). We'll be leaving Brighton at 10:40AM to go to London (our stop will be at London Victoria) on Sunday. You guys are more than welcome to join us on the same train (would be ideal if we're all going from Brighton to London). Otherwise we'll see you at the usual spot at say the usual time (12:00PM)? We know the fallowing people are definitely going to this Barcade run in London on Sunday: 1. Me 2. Jen 3. Overlord 4. Cinossu 5. NiktheGreek Narstyle - Are you still interested in going to this Barcade run on Sunday? If you are, we'll give you the details of where to find us that day. Anyone else attending this year's Summer of Sonic and haven't spoken about it yet? Anyone else interested in attending this Barcade run we're doing in London on Sunday? If you are interested in the Barcade run, we'll give you the details of where to find us that day. Other than that, we'll see you all at the main event!
Narstyle - can you please post as soon as possible as to whether you'll be at the London Barcade run on Sunday? After tomorrow morning, though I'm taking my tablet with me, my access to the site will be rather sporadic.
As usual I am bringing some things. These include a Neo Geo Pocket Color with games (including Sonic Pocket Adventure) and a link cable. Also, a DS and potentially the PSP, with the usual gaming selections (Sonic stuff plus Mario Kart, Wipeouts and Pokeymans). I have a thing for sale! Sonic Pocket Adventure, UK version, transparent plastic case only (no box/instructions). It's small so I'll bring it with me and we can haggle, yeah? Yeah.
Bring your 3DS' if you've played Sonic Generations 3DS. I've actually been getting streetpass hits on it lately so people HAVE been playing it! :specialed:
Well yes. =P Last year I got through almost all of StreetPass Quest, this year I'm hoping to beat the second =P EDIT: Right, I'm now heading off to Brighton - I'll try and keep an eye on the thread but access is gonna be much less easy for me. See you all at SoS!