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Summer of Sonic 2012

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Overlord, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Figured I'd stick a thread here so everyone's on the same page with regards to ordering tickets, bearing in mind how small the window of opportunity was last year (like, 5 hours):

    This was posted 6 days ago - only noticed it today. =P
  2. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    Shit's gonna be tiiiiight, son!

    I, as you can probably tell, am already psyched. Every year is better than the last and how the hell they can make it better than last year is beyond me.
    I reccommend interested parties share as much contact information as possible, so that as soon as tickets go up, we can all jump on it.

    Regarding accomodation, I know no concrete venue has been set yet but once that's changed, if anyone finds a decent, cheap-ish hotel with a good amount of vacancies, let us all know. Being in the same place = cool, particularly for the following Sunday.
  3. Blanche Hodapp

    Blanche Hodapp

    *urp* Eternal Queen
    Now that I'm going back to a steady shift pattern I might be able to plan this in advance. You know, as soon as they've set a date for it.

    Of course it might be the same thing as last year, where I end up in the pub all day :V
  4. H Hog

    H Hog

    The Ultimate Oswald! Oldbie
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Sonic and the Rings of Order (Artwork)
    My girlfriend (one of last year's Tails cosplayers, the one with the full-body outfit) and I are totally planning to be there again this year. =o
    Having a paired-up cosplay in mind as well, gettin kind of psyched!!
    I believe Roger van der Weide (aka "Rogerregorroger", the IMP guy) might be attending as well.
  5. Sploit


    Really looking forward to it, hope I get tickets as last year ended up crap/a total waste of time for me 'cause I missed the tickets...

    After about 2hours and 30 odd minutes queueing in the sweltering heat, me and my girlfriend gave up, went to get food at the Hard Rock...then went to sheperds bush (close to the prior year's venue) to a concert we got tickets for (which we had planned to go to after the convention) - Cinderella...awesome classic rock band! (seeing them live was the up side to the day)
  6. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    Was she the one with the Tornado backpack?
    Some of the costumes last year were awesome - not that cosplay's my thing, but you can't help but be impressed by some of them. :v:
  7. Malpass


    Fell at the Battle of the Wing Fortress, 1992. Member
    It's gonna be July the 7th, apparently.

    Assuming I can get tickets, I'm more than up for this!
  8. Definitely heading to this again this year. Should be able to hang around a bit longer too. Nova, if you find out before myself when the tickets are available or what not, let me know on Facebook or something so I don't miss out. Same goes for any awesome deals on accommodation.
  9. Blanche Hodapp

    Blanche Hodapp

    *urp* Eternal Queen
    Looks like I'm off that weekend! Of course it's still a couple of months away and things might change...
  10. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    I will do, as long as you promise 'a bit longer' means more than 60 measly minutes! =P
  11. Kojichao


    Mmm... That's hot... Slurpee action! Oldbie
    Station Square Chao Gardens
    ORIGINAL Project Shadow S2 hack: More Than A Memory
    Whoo! o.o I wish I could goto onna these. XD I bet it'd be a blast!

    Too bad, as far as I know, there isn't a US or Canadian type of event like this. XP I'd be there in an instant.

    What kind of things happen there?
  12. Neowl


    feels good man Member
    London, England
    There's Sonic Boom in America, you might want to check the thread made for it right here.

    As for this years Summer of Sonic, I should be able to make it this year, funds weren't on my side last year which was a real shame, but this year is a completely different story. Was great meeting some of you guys at SoS 2010, would be cool to see you guys again, and to have a day full of Sonic-WIN.
  13. Of course, with the death of Trocodero, and not much in terms of stuff to do in London, especially with the likes of the olympics going on, I shalt be wandering off on adventures in such a hurry this year. I would however have a request though in the opportunity to see the countdown clock at Trafalgar square. Although depending on plans and such, this can be done on the sunday and what not if sufficient accommodation plans are sorted. :P
  14. H Hog

    H Hog

    The Ultimate Oswald! Oldbie
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    Sonic and the Rings of Order (Artwork)
    Naw, I said full-body, the Tornado one had her face still exposed. =P
    Steph's the one that visibly modeled her costume after the "Impact Innovations" Classic Tails plush, and brought a remote control prop.
    (EDIT: Might be easier if I just link a pic instead of being all cryptic. XD )

    And yeah, definitely. It's gonna be my first attempt at it as well this year, but it's not going to be anyone... expected. =P
  15. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    SoS is a lot more accessible to me than Boom is, since I have family in London and can justify a flight to the UK to see them as well as attend this event. Sadly...that's probably not going to happen this year :E
  16. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness

    First ticket run of 400 (seems a bit low if they're only doing two ticket runs. 870-person venue - wasn't there talk of 2000 person sites?) is Sun the 13th - is this about time we start looking for hotels? It'd be awesome if we could get a lot of people in one place.
  17. Jen


    #lapidot Moderator
    Various drawings
    Brighton? Well, that was unexpected and certainly isn't a good thing for me in terms of transport - 4 hour train journey by the looks of things x_x And yeah, I thought the venue was gonna hold 2,000 people as well; didn't last year's SoS have around 1,000 people? Seems a bit weird to go for a smaller venue if that's the case...

    In any case, Orenge and I will definitely be there :) Looking forward to it!

    And I agree Overlord, we should try and get as many people in one hotel as we can once we've got the SoS tickets.
  18. Malpass


    Fell at the Battle of the Wing Fortress, 1992. Member
    Brighton? Well that was certainly unexpected, and might be more of an issue than London (post-move) might have been, but I can see what I can do.

    +1 to the Hotel Retro idea too :v:
  19. Blanche Hodapp

    Blanche Hodapp

    *urp* Eternal Queen
    hay guys Brighton's pretty expensive but don't worry, I'm sure we can all stay round Nova's for the weekend :v:

    (I'll get back to you on whether I'll be able to make it this year)
  20. Brighton sure is an oddball. If you guys can sort out Hotel Retro asap, then count me in. Whether the hotel be in London (for London antics on the Sunday?) or in Brighton (for now uh, Brighton / Seaside antics on the Sunday?) Let us all know~