Dotemu have put up one of the tracks for free download here. It's one of Motohiro's. I hope the option is there to turn it off personally!
Two things: -What's with the Time Over sound being played again and again? It's so effing distracting. -Why do the hits sound like they're slapping each other with a fish?
I always thought that was an issue with Streets of Rage 3, too. The lessening of the hit stun, increased gameplay speed and lighter sounding impact sound effect really made the game feel less satisfying compared to the slower, crunchier SoR 2 for me.
The Time Over sound plays when you are hit after a special, with the new system where you replenish health by landing combos. Really wish they'd change it.
DotEmu have released the full version of the BGM track from Cherry's reveal trailer - listen here:
Did anyone grab the download before it was removed from Bandcamp? Would love to have an mp3 or flac of it on my PC.
I only thought of downloading the MP3 V0, there you go:!4A8wBaqC!RJ9rLBYwYt4QSl8B5unQso9jTpaONBgPCkoeUK6qs6c but you can also find it on youtube anyway EDIT: They actually decided to move the track to SoundCloud:
Nice to see videos where the players are aware of the existence of Blitz attack! Also...jumping Specials seem to be a thing.
So are we to presume that the sound effects aren't final? Because they aren't great. And there's a lot missing too. I was going to point out how "empty" the whole thing felt but then I noticed that none of the attacks make a noise and enemies don't moan when they die. So that'll be why then. Although that would only bring it up to par with Streets of Rage, a game from 1991. Again, I feel a 2019 game should be setting its sights higher than being an HD remake. Anybody else notice that the "streets" don't seem to be filled with "rage"? Like, there's people just getting on with their lives, and the main characters seem to be starting fights. I'm thinking it should be more like the beginning of RoboCop 2
The game has no release date yet, so I feel everything is a work in progress. Streets of Rage, despite the name, never really were filled with angry mobs. There were gangs, but they weren't actively harassing anyone or causing destruction. That was more Golden Axe, now that I think about it. Except 3, which aside from that one guy in the bulldozer, all the chaos was in cutscenes. More footage. Big mechanic I feel is missing for a sequel is only Cherry can run, a la Skate. Wasn't that a non-contentious part of 3?
Some behind the scenes footage. An interesting tidbit is that they try to play SoR2 and SoR4 at the same time to make sure it has a similar rhythm.
I still preferred all the mechanics and gameplay rhythm of 3. It's like the game might as well not even exist at this point.
Ok, not specifically SOR4, but this is the 7th gym in Pokemon Sword and Shield, and I can't help but think it's overall inspiration is from Streets of Rage Spoiler Music is kinda inspired, locked to side scrolling, "GO>" sign, neon, enemies pop out from background, and it's a dark type gym, so you need to use Fighting type pokemon (ideally) to beat it.
I, for one, am praying that they change the sound effects because the current ones suck shit. The punch attacks especially, they just... feel so powerless.
Pretty sure they tweeted a response to someone a while back clarifying that all SFX/voice in the demo was non-final - not surprising as there's a distinct lack of the latter in the footage shown compared to previous games. The game still has no defined release date as such bar "2020", so there's still aways to go yet - I'm sure all that will be given a thorough polish prior to its actual launch.