I know DLC wouldn't have been likely without it, but I wish the physical version came out after the DLC was finished. Either way, I'll probably get it.
My god, Yuzo Koshiro personally praised Tee Lopes. This is so wholesome to see : https://twitter.com/yuzokoshiro/status/1380225562493382656
I kept meaning to buy the retail version, hopefully they do what they did with mania and make newer retail prints come with the dlc or at least an up to date patch with the free content being added on cart. *edit* for what I understand there's a sonic mania vanilla retail, a plus retail, and now a plus digital code in box being the newest version on shelves.
Surprising nobody, Shiva is the last playable character to be added as part of the DLC. Estel, Max and Shiva is exactly what I'd hoped for based on the silhouettes, so I'm completely fine with this and can't wait to take to the streets with the three new additions. Here's hoping a release date will be the next announcement...!
So Shiva can't hold weapons again huh? Nice to know he wont be affected by that bloody pickup bug that's survived MULTIPLE patches despite it being pointed out within minutes of the game launching!
It looks like he doesn't use weapons traditionally, but the trailer shows him picking up a mop and immediately throwing it near the end.
Bit of gameplay from the 3 DLC characters: Spoiler Can't help but notice Max's pipe swing doesn't have the range to hit enemies standing behind him, as it should....
I like how each character is played on the same stage where they are also the boss, but the footage stops just short of them reaching the boss room. Makes me wonder if they have something special planned for those scenarios.
As is tradition... Will definitely be buying it for the three extra characters, but Survival Mode....I dunno. The more I see of it, the more I think it looks like a bit of a mess. Theres also a balance patch coming with this update. Hopefully they toned down that horrible section that got added to Round 12 in the previous patch.
Heads up for anyone who still hasn't bought this game - Merge Games has announced an "Anniversary Edition" physical release, containing the game with the DLC on-disc/cart, with cover art showing the Mr. X Nightmare promo art. The announcement only showed a US box, so no idea if it's coming to other regions. From memory, I believe it may only be coming to PS4 and Switch too.
DLC is technically out now, though there's an issue preventing Switch users from getting it for some reason; the accompanying update is live and you can select to purchase the DLC from the in-game menu, but it seems the eShop page hasn't gone live on schedule so you can't actually get it yet. Apparently they're aware and trying to get it sorted ASAP. All other platforms should now have it available as planned.
Played a bit of it. Liking Shiva alot. Also...... Spoiler Victy/Roo from 3 has been added, selectable via cheat code!
That's on Nintendo. The same day that it came out was the same day Nintendo did...something...to every single piece of DLC on the eShop.
Did a full arcade run as Max last night. I REALLY wish they'd fix that sodding Legacy Mode pickup glitch that was pretty much reported within minutes of the game launching on PSN. Falls on deaf ears everytime though.