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Street Fighter 4 PC Benchmark... haxing

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by biggestsonicfan, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Sure thing, for which level?

    Edit: Wait... Cammy's theme IS in the demo...
  2. Kurosan


    Samurai of Gaming Oldbie
    Err... I'm not all that familiar with SF4, I didn't know that characters had different themes depending on which stage they play in. I was referring to the song that plays in the battle between Cammy and SNK Girl-- I mean, Crimson Viper.
  3. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    I kind of meant altering audio within the demo, but here you go!
  4. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    I think he means Synth_CHARA_CMY_s_bgm_2ef_wav.aax.

    Kurosan, go to this site, download utf_tab0.2, and use the tools in there to extract the themes. It'll be faster than waiting for BSF to get back to you. You might still want to do this, just so you have it in its original format.

    For playing the extracted .aax files, get in_vgmstream (WinAmp plugin). Supports almost all of CRI's audio formats, plus a whole host of other types.

    BSF, would it be possible to cause the game to use the standard stage music sets? By listening to the cues, there might be more information gained on just how the fight's set up, since we can't see the HUD.

    For example, the Historic Distillery stage has three tracks (all of them do, actually).

    Synth_STAGE_SCO_s_bgm_18_wav.aax is the 'standard' music, and has the longest loop.
    Synth_STAGE_SCO_s_bgm_19_wav.aax plays when either both characters have at least 50% Revenge, or one character is performing their Ultra.
    Synth_STAGE_SCO_s_bgm_1a_wav.aax gets switched to when a character is low on health. It's similar to the SF2 series in that respect. This overrides using 19 no matter what.

    Edit #2: BSF, You've got PM.
  5. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Oh well that's a bit harsh =(

    EDIT: I was kidding. I didn't think you noticed the timestamps, no worries man. =P

    And of course! Here you go!

    I'm looking into the possibility of restoring the HUD.
  6. Kurosan


    Samurai of Gaming Oldbie
    Sorry about the misunderstanding, but thanks a lot for the theme, and especially so quickly!

    Thanks for the info, I'll keep it in mind for the future!

    EDIT: I just lowered the resolution of the game and now it runs at 60FPS! But DAMN, are you really supposed to play at that speed?
  7. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    I'm more interested in converting the voices into wave files. What program could be used for that?

    BSF, I already have the benchmark installed, but any chance you could send me the remaining Jpn+Eng files for the rest of the characters?
  8. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    Well, after conversing with BSF via PM, I replaced the music, and it didn't have any effect on finding out anything about who has meter(s) when, as I had hoped it would.

    I did hear, though, the announcer making his Ultra gain quotes, so that might be what we have to listen for?
  9. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Ugh, what you're going to have to do is convert the AAX files using the vgmstream plugin through Winamp.

    And sure, I'll upload what I got for ya... 81 Megs, so it should be done uploading in half an hour. But when that time comes, here's the file.
  10. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    Heh, didn't think Winamp would also export the audio to a different format. I hardly ever use it. Thank you very much for the audio files. this will help me and a few other people out a lot.

  11. I guess the fighting is too Hyper for you. :colbert:
  12. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    Oh, another thing that might help with hacking this are the abbreviations for characters and stages:


    AGL = C.Viper (Was she to be named Angel at one point?)
    BLK = Blanka
    BLR = Balrog (claw)
    BOS = Seth ('Boss' is a good placeholder)
    BSN = M.Bison (boxer)
    CHB = Rufus ('chubby'? LOL!)
    CMY = Cammy
    CNL = Chun Li
    DAN = do you need this one explained?
    DSM = Dhalsim
    FLN = Fei Long
    GEN = three-letter name, three-letter abbreviation. Do the math.
    GKI = Akuma (Gouki)
    GKN = Gouken
    GUL = Guile
    HND = E.Honda
    JHA = Abel
    KEN = 'Mr. Flowchart'
    RIC = El Fuerte
    ROS = Rose
    RYU = if you don't get this one, give up Street Fighter. Seriously.
    SGT = Sagat
    SKR = Sakura
    VEG = Vega (dictator)
    ZGF = Zangief


    AFR = Small Airfield
    BRA = Inland Jungle
    BRX = Pitch-Black Jungle
    CHN = Crowded Downtown
    CNX = Run-Down Back Alley
    EUR = Cruise Ship Stern
    JPN = Old Temple
    JPX = Deserted Temple
    LAB = Secret Laboratory
    RUS = Snowy Trainyard
    RVR = Overpass
    SCO = Historic Distillery
    TRN = Training Grid Room
    USA = Drive-in at Night
    VCN = Volcanic Rim
    VIE = Beautiful Bay
    VNX = Morning Mist Bay
  13. Unless Capcom isn't telling us something, what really is the point of the last part of the benchmark involve the camera moving around a circle of about 8 or so characters? You never have more then 2 highly-detailed characters on-screen at once and the backgrounds aren't nearly as detailed as them. It just seems to be there to knock people's average FPS and score down for no reason.
  14. Hybrid Project Alpha

    Hybrid Project Alpha

    It's what's for dinner Oldbie
    Douglas, NB
    Getting a life
    So did anyone rip the player models yet? :v:
  15. Yuzu


    Agreed, my average was 90fps, until the framerate went down to 60 during the character circle benchmark oh and it probably lowered my score by quite a bit too.
  16. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Here's how you solve that problem:
    All of StreetFighterIV Benchmark's settings are saved here:
    XP: [LocalDriveLetter]:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Local Settings\Application Data\CAPCOM\STREETFIGHTERIVBENCHMARK\config.ini
    Vista: [LocalDriveLetter]:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\CAPCOM\STREETFIGHTERIVBENCHMARK\config.ini

    While this looks to be completely editable, it isn't. The EXE has a limited number of parameters it can use within the ini. However, "Type=DEMO+BATTLE" can be changed to either "DEMO" or "BATTLE" by itself. If you wish to view the circle of character models by itself, use "DEMO", or if you don't want to see it after the fights, use "BATTLE"

    No one here has yet, but I know 2ch users have. I've seen Cammy's legs wrapped around Chun-Li's thighs. Not a sexual innuendo there, they replaced the texture.
  17. Kurosan


    Samurai of Gaming Oldbie

    So out of curiosity, just how much of the full game is really there? Clearly, everything needed to make the game function properly is there, but taking a quick look at some files, it seems like unused stages and assorted objects aren't present.
  18. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    I'd say probably about 30% of the game. Here's some snippit previews of what Capcom has in store for the full version of Street Fighter IV for the PC:

    ... wait a tic.... CONFIRMED ZLIB, GZIP, AND LUA FOR SF4

    Sorry Kurosan, but just take my word on this for right now, as I've got some cracking to do: Online multiplayer with voice chat, almost identical to the Xbox version anyway. Input customization, basically, you can program your joypad however you want. Other than that, I have yet to find anything really unique to the PC version.
  19. Kurosan


    Samurai of Gaming Oldbie
    So standard PC port then? That works.

    EDIT: Also, disabling the DEMO part was a huge improvement, thanks!
  20. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    No, actually... this is going to be a GOOD PC port! :v: