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Street Fighter 4 PC Benchmark... haxing

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by biggestsonicfan, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    What exactly would this file replacement be doing?

    Or are you going to try getting the whole thing going?

    Actually, since this game uses FuckUROM on the PC, I'd be laughing my ass off if it got 0-dayed (my definition: copied stripped and torrented within 24 hours of release).
  2. Skaarg


    I was actually really happy with my performance. Turning on 2xAA though dropped my FPS to an average of 30.

    Turning off AA though I got really good results with just particles and shadows on low settings.
    Average: 57 FPS

    Windows 7 Ultimate
    AMD X2 5400+
    2GB DDR2-800 RAM
    Geforce 7900 GTO

    Shows I can still stay in the DX9 era.
  3. Hitaxas


    Retro 80's themed Twitch streamer ( on hiatus) Member
    I played around with the settings a bit... To find that if I turn the model quality to mid, I can run this game at a a bit over 60 FPS. :)

    Edit: More messing around, and I got it to 75+ FPS.


    PC specs:
    Windows Vista x86 Nvidia Evolution edition service pack 1 (I plan to change that tomorrow, to x64 with service pack 2).
    4 GB RAM, the game claims I have 3.33 GB (recent up from 2 GB).
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Windsor 3.2GHz 2 x 1MB L2 Cache Socket AM2 125W Dual-Core Processor (Recent up from a 2.1GHz 3600+).
    Evga GeForce 8600 GT (I plan to upgrade to a 9600 GT soon, unless someone has a suggestion within a decent price range).
  4. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Is it me or the frameskip option does nothing? o_O
  5. Hitaxas


    Retro 80's themed Twitch streamer ( on hiatus) Member
    I don't see a frameskip option... Unless you mean the frame rate setting?

    The frame rate setting forces the game to run at 69-70 FPS, without going higher or lower... so it works for me.
  6. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Alright, aside from replacing audio files, nothing can be simply "replaced" until the emz container format can be cracked. Looking into that now. First task: Sakura outfit replacement.
  7. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Is it the one below VSync? If so, it does nothing in this computer =S
  8. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Kind of off topic, but Sik, in your sig, I'm pretty sure I said "I just closed all processes I am not familar with" ... if I didn't, that's what I meant... lol
  9. If you try and play online, the game won't play slower because of your FPS, it'll just skip frames so that both players remain in sync.
  10. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    Perhaps the three files in %installdir%\Game\Benchmark\Battle might be a better start to the container cracking quest?

    Knowing that the Ryu/Sakura fight ends with Ryu performing a standard Ultra setup, ryu_skr.emz can probably be analyzed to find the inputs for Right, Down, Down + Right, Punch (unsure what strength was used), Strong + Forward (Focus Cancel), Right, Right (quick succession, the Dash part of a Focus Attack Dash Cancel), then Down, Down +Right, Right, Down, Down + Right, Right, Jab + Strong + Fierce (Ultra Input).

    It's a longshot, but maybe if by using a outside program, we can keep the test from KOing either character (infinite health), we can see if there are any inputs afterwards and add them to the search.
  11. Yuzu


    Surprisingly, my framerates in battles were around 60-120fps, fully maxed with c16xQAA with texture filtering on 16X at 1280x768 with all other settings on maxed and no frame limit.
  12. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Unfortuinately, the EMZ format seems pretty universally compressed for all files. All things considered, you are right. These are definitely all the variables which control the fight between the two characters. However, it's not quite as simple as assuming fighting techniques and attempting to create an algorithm. In fact, the file appears to be just a single file, not made up of multiple textures or anything. If I had to guess, the files are probably scripts. With Sakura's costume, we know textures and models exist, and within the exe, a list of those files within the container exist. What I assume the containers are compressed with is a modified gzip compression. By analyzing the costumes between the PC and 360 formats, I can guess some of the larger blocks of hex which are common between the two files are filenames. In fact, some of the other scripts between the two formats just appear to be byteswapped, and nothing more.
  13. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    Well, I'm thinking they're actually the input data alone, which is why I suggested looking for the motions necessary to pull off the combo Ryu wins with.

    The fact that the same thing happens every time, no matter the framerate (higher-end systems see the game running at Turbo speeds), suggests that each input window is one frame long. Being that they're likely input recordings played back at a constant rate, even not knowing exactly how this game handles them (though I'm thinking there's only two bytes per side per frame, one for directions and one for buttons), it would be simple enough to find out, and from there crack the containing format.

    But, this is just me playing theory fighter.
  14. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    An interesting theory, yes, however, I don't quite think that's how replays work in situations such as this. Tool Assisted replays, sure, but these kind of replays are a bit different. This also goes under two assumptions. The first is that the file once uncompressed will contain a script of recorded input values. The second is that the file itself is recorded input values. For all we know, this could have been a recorded match between two computer players. As far as I know in fighting games, moves are calculated and executed, there is no middle in which an input sequence is required. My assumption is the file is calculated AI data, giving the match the exact same conditions each time the match is started, thus the match will always be consistent every single time it is played. It's not a factor of recorded and played back inputs, it's the fact that conditions are set so that game will pit Ryu and Sakura or whomever in the exact same way every time.

    That's not to say I won't run some tests, however.

    EDIT: Not only is it just the fight, it also determines the characters of the match. Interesting....
    EDIT2: Corrupt executable is now corrupt. I just got so anxious I forgot to backup the exe...
    EDIT3: Ohho, some final code left in the benchmark?

    EDIT4: Create a 0 bytes "tieup.emz" file under game\Benchmark\Tieup to get rid of that stupid logo.
  15. Kurosan


    Samurai of Gaming Oldbie
    You mean the SF4 logo, right? I tried that out and it didn't work, so maybe it was something else you did.

    Awesome work so far, by the way! I'm closely following this topic and your discovery of what appears to be the controls brings me a lot of hope!
  16. Hybrid Project Alpha

    Hybrid Project Alpha

    It's what's for dinner Oldbie
    Douglas, NB
    Getting a life

    Oh murr :3
    I really didn't expect to do well, haha
  17. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    Here, use this. Included are dummy files which won't crash the game but also remove the logos. A folder with the original files are provided just in case you want to go back. Originally found on 2ch.
  18. Kurosan


    Samurai of Gaming Oldbie
    Oh, thanks a lot! By the way, my bad; the 4Gamer logo was removed, I just forgot about it.

    EDIT: Works perfectly! It does take some time for the game to reach the title screen, just like if you were watching the intros, but it works.
  19. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
  20. Kurosan


    Samurai of Gaming Oldbie
    I'd love to have Cammy's theme, personally, if it's not asking too much.