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Special Stage Development

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by Canned Karma, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I forgot to answer this.

    Maybe. It's something that needs to be seen in motion. I just feel the logo would just look too busy for them when there is a multitude of them, mainly when the bombs are in a ring. I also feel that something else than a logo would be better. Like some flashing LED's or just one flashing LED in the middle of the red spot. If anything there should be more concept ideas than just logo's.

    Here's some ideas....

    As above. LED light or lights it the middle of the circle.
    Have some neon trim around the circle and triangles.
  2. I don't think this is such a good idea, because players tend to perceive objects that look different as objects that behave differently (e.g. yellow springs vs. red springs), so this could be confusing.
  3. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Not entrely sure why people are desperate to put logos on this bomb, but wouldn't it be slightly better to at least put it on the black section rather than the red one? That way you're not really changing the design of the thing. Some sort of indent or something might go down well.

    Also slightly obvious point here but wasn't Doctor Robotnik supposed to be after these Chaos Emeralds as well? Doesn't make much sense if he's able to plant bombs nearby but not actually take the main goal of the special stages for himself.
  4. Cerulean Nights

    Cerulean Nights

    Sonic 2 HD Sprite Artist Member
    Basically I would go with steveswede's idea of having the red part be a glowing light. Possibly even the arrows on the sides. There's no reason at all to have the bombs be more distracting than they need to be.
  5. So to summarize... (as based on my logic)

    We don't know how these special stages came about, so putting Robotnik's logo inside the special stage might be a bad idea as it implies that Robotnik is already somehow in control of the chaos emeralds.

    If a logo were used anyway, some think it should be option "C", since it has already been used. However, I see no reason why we need to assume that Robotnik only uses 1 logo... he may have a couple. Personally if I had to choose, "B" looks best.

    Gambit makes a further point in favor of NO LOGOS, in that it probably won't be very noticable anyway.

    Someone had mentioned that logo "C" should not be used because it was from Sonic Adventure onward, does this really matter? Who is to say Robotnik hadn't been using it already? For that matter do we even have a confirmed timeline of events?

    **** seems to me there is already reason to not use the logo on the mines****

    Now, the glowing center of the bomb is the direction we ought to head in.

    1. Because it makes the bombs more dynamic

    2. It makes the object appear more volitile, and intuitively dangerous.

    3. It will bypasses the logo business, while adding necissary upgrades towards the HD meme.

    4. It remains an open question as to what level of involvement Robotnik has in the special stage.

    4. It should look great!

    Lastly, I personally enjoy the change to the spikes, makes them look more like triggers.
  6. Are we talking something like this then?
  7. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    The spikes look great. You've done a fantastic job there. That flashing of different colours is a neat concept. Just need different ones to see which one's would be best. Do a glowing red trim or some LED's in the shapes. Also can you do one without the flashing that you have got at the moment.
  8. Here's a non flashing Ver. Not sure what you mean by 'Do a glowing red trim or some LED's in the shapes'. Can you give an example of some kind, to illustrate your concept :)

  9. Elratauru


    Little Shiny Emurralds Member
    He meant something like this I suppose:

  10. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    That's right.
  11. Yup, that looks dangerous alright! If it does turn on and off, I think it should be just 2 frames, no smooth transitions.
  12. Is this getting closer to the idea :)?
  13. Looks like something that is about to explode to me! :thumbsup:
  14. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Can you do one without the flash. It's a bit distracting. Also can you make the glowing more even on and around the shapes.
  15. How's this now hehe?
  16. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    That's more like it. The shapes could do with being the same bright red as the last concept. But not the glow on the outside of the trim.


    One like your last concept and one like this one that Elratauru quickly mocked up.


    Also the glow could do with being done a bit thinner. We will just have to just keep tweaking it. Your nearly there in my mind.
  17. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    It looked better without the glow.
  18. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    How about limiting the blinking area somewhat, like making it just a circle in the middle for example?

    (now imagine it blinking in yellow and red, or just flashing red)
  19. Cerulean Nights

    Cerulean Nights

    Sonic 2 HD Sprite Artist Member
    Something like that is a little more along the lines of what I was thinking, at least the light in the center part. I'm not sure about the blinking yellow and red thing, I don't think they should blink at all, it should be more like a slow glowing red light coming from the center.

    That outside red glow used in some of the examples here is way too much, and just looks like a cheap effect. If you want to have an outer glow, it needs to be very subtle, not looking like a neon sign outside the bar at midnight.

    The arrows should also light up, but just a little bit, not nearly as much as the center circle. Just imagine there is a single red light bulb inside the bomb, and when it shines, it will reflect a little of that on the arrows, but will be strongest in the center instead of each arrow having it's own light source. I hope that makes sense.
  20. T.Q.


    The Sims 2, Tim Drake [Robin] Member
    How about something like this for a light in the bomb:

    And incidentally, here's what the bomb's current shape looks like in a circle:
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