Wow, that looks a lot better! I never really was too fond of the tile editor, and I liked the one in SonED2 better. Also, I'd recommend changing the palette editor so that it's less MS Paint-like.
I like the new layout, much more easier to change tile/block ID. But it seems those additional checkboxes (for X/Y flip and priority) doesn't allow keyboard shortcuts anymore. Can you fix that, because hovering a mouse left and right to edit 1.000.000 tiles/blocks properties is really annoying.
How can it be less "MS Paint-like"? It's always been 4 rows/columns of 16 colours, since that's how it is technically.
I have added keyboard shortcuts which are available after clicking on the chunk or block previews: Chunk: Up/Down/Left/Right: Change selected chunk block X: Flip horizontally Y: Flip vertically S: Increment solidity T: Increment secondary solidity (S2/S3K chunks only) B: Increment block index Block: Up/Down/Left/Right: Change selected block tile X: Flip horizontally Y: Flip vertically P: Toggle priority C: Increment palette T: Increment tile index If you mean how you have to double click colors and use the default Windows color picker, I don't know what else to do. Something like HivePal may work for the MD games, but S&KC has twice as many color options, and SCDPC uses full 24-bit color.
I meant that the editing style is "MS Paint-like". Try clicking on a color; the way you enter values is very much like the program. I find this hard to retain consistency with colors.
MainMemory, I love you for this update. Seriously, that's such a great idea. I can't wit to use this much-more visually appealing knew way of block/chunk editing. Actually, here's what I'd change: The colors in SonLVL for the palettes are very strange, and don't reflect the actual Genesis colours accurately. Would it be possible to fix this so the colors use proper RGB genesis values, instead of the brighter colours that look nice but aren't necessarily accurate? Additionally, I would change it so thaat when you input R/G/B numbers, they are indexed to the closest Genesis value right then rather than waiting until the user reloads the level. I mean, it's completely up to you, I'm not even suggesting this the formally correct way, haha.
Why not make it like SonED? I mean with the 0-E values? I'm finding myself constantly switching from one to the other just so I can edit the palettes properly/ to my liking :S... or possibly have an option for both? Or just to see what said colour picker window is reflected in SonED values or the other way around?
By "actual genesis colors", do you mean multiplying each component by 0x10, so that 0xEEE becomes 0xE0E0E0? Because there were tests done that show that 0xEEE is actually displayed as 0xFFFFFF on hardware, which is the scaling that SonLVL (and Gens/GS) uses. Sonic & Knuckles Collection on the other hand multiplies each component by 0x11 without masking off the low bit of the nybble, so 0xEEE becomes 0xEEEEEE and 0xFFF becomes 0xFFFFFF. I could lock everything to MD colors, but I think the increased precision is good for blending palettes.
Well, for the hell of it at least have something that shows us: "This is 0E, but actually FF" tl;dr, conversion box between other palette editors (SonED, other shit) and the Windows colour picker.
I actually multiply everything by 0x11... but I've seen the colors done in other different ways too. I'd say just leave it the way it is unless you really feel compelled to change it.
I'm not going to change the color conversion from something that accurately reflects the hardware to something that looks the same as all the other editors. Would it make everyone happy if I just put numeric spin boxes on the left of the palette?
@Caverns 4: Yes, that's what I meant, it's hard to have accurate consistency with the colors you're using if they're just MS Paint colors. It would be nice if it were something similar to SonED2, but it would be nicer if you had some sort of number box or what's it where you can either click to change the value, or enter it in manually.
New keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+1: Switch to Objects tab Ctrl+2: Switch to Foreground tab Ctrl+3: Switch to Background tab Ctrl+4: Switch to Chunks tab Ctrl+5: Switch to Blocks tab Ctrl+6: Switch to Tiles tab Ctrl+7: Switch to Solids tab
SonLVL's object layout editor now has an adjustable grid: You can select a size from the menu, or use J to increase the size and M to decrease the size.
SonLVL now has support for custom ring layout formats. I can't imagine many people will use this ability, but there it is. The method for setting it up is similar to a custom level layout format, except that you can choose to define rings as an object with a specific ID rather than have them completely separate as S2 and S3K do.