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soniNeko, my hack of Sonic 1

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by nineko, Jan 29, 2008.

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  1. SephyUK


    WHY SO CURIOUS? Member
    Some Freakishly Long Anime
    I'm sure somewhere on this topic he said that this was the final release, unless someone does 18 new layouts for him.
  2. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Ogg Vorbis is an awesome format which is open-source and puts the same quality in a smaller filesize.

    Windows Media Player is an obscure media player that'd just be better off being utterly destroyed and replaced by anything else, such as Winamp or kbMedia Player.
  3. SephyUK


    WHY SO CURIOUS? Member
    Some Freakishly Long Anime
    Or VLC Media Player for video. That program is beastly. It can play pretty much anything.
  4. Metal Knuckles

    Metal Knuckles

    New Hampshire, USA
    Shadow Alpha, an awesome hack of Sonic 1
    I. Was. Being. Sarcastic. Fuck.

    All I know about .ogg is that it's a pain in the ass to convert to an accepted format for PSP's.
  5. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Install lame. Now one line of bash easily converts ogg to mp3. =D
  6. Phos


    Going for the high score on whatever that little b Member
    Good Morning Zone is confusing and kind of buggy. And if you miss a jump, it dumps you back to the start of the level. As far as I can tell, the focus of this hack was the new music (and a few other features I don't care about), but I don't like most of the changes I've seen so far (haven't finished it). Changing the "Got Through Act" jingle is always a mistake (Sonic CD is not exempt from this, luckily I can kind of fix this error) And unless you're going to change the layouts, what's the point?
  7. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Blech, transcoding. Just get a homebrew audio player for the PSP, I know rthere's at least one that does OGGs.
  8. MoDule


    Tech Member
    Procrastinating from writing bug-fix guides
    What about Sonic Megamix and , oh, I don't know, Sonic 3 & Knuckles?
  9. Phos


    Going for the high score on whatever that little b Member
    Interesting... Well, the important part is that it transitions correctly into the "ba dum kish" at the end of the score tally.
  10. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Sorry to bump this old thread (3 months and a half, I've seen worse than this), but I have to post some informations related to my hack.

    As maybe you know, after some inactivity I've been working again on soniNeko recently, as I wanted to add some new stuff. In my plans, version 1.2 was going to have three new zones: Sunset Park 3 from Sonic Triple Trouble, Bridge Zone from Sonic 1 (8-bit), and a mashup of Sky High Zone and Green Hills Zone from Sonic 2 (8-bit).
    Now I'm saying that it's not going to happen.
    Tweaker thinks I'm joking but I'm not, with this post I'm officially cancelling soniNeko, and no further development will be made on it. I'd rather concentrate on some other project, join a team hack, or even take a break, helping out with songs and asm here and there.

    Even if soniNeko is cancelled, there has actually been some progress since version 1.1, namely I added 13 new songs in a secret sound menu (they're all unused, they're just for listening pleasure) and I did some minor optimisations to some of the older songs as well (they still sound the same, they're just smaller internally); I also changed a Time Monitor in Inferno Zone 2 with an Invincibility Monitor (as it was before), as several tests proved that said zone is easily beatable in 0:59 even without that monitor.
    Now, while these updates aren't enough to warrant the release of soniNeko 1.2, I still felt that it was appropriate to release what I have now, so I'm releasing a version 1.1.1, which is going to be the final one.

    The Wiki page is already updated, just like Hacktube. I also updated the official VGM pack, with the inclusion of the new 13 songs. The VGM pack follows some of project2612's conventions, but I followed a slightly different naming scheme. I think I picked the best formatting possible, as it displays both the original title and the usage in soniNeko, and it credits both me and the original authors in the author field. This resulted in very long track names, live with it.

    Now, I want to thank everyone for the interest shown to my hack so far, and for all the feedback I received. In particular, I'd like to thank Ayla once again for giving me the first place in the Piano Trophy in the 2008 Hacking Contest.

    I will leave you with a screenshot of said secret music menu, and I'll let you wonder how to get there :p

    Apart from this, there haven't been other major updates, so if you already have the rom for soniNeko 1.1, don't bother downloading 1.1.1, as it's almost exactly the same damn thing.
  11. Qjimbo


    Your friendly neighbourhood lemming. Oldbie
    I was playing through the hack (on hacktube no less) and I had an idea. You know that bit on marble zone just as you're about to go down into the "cellars"? You could put one of those superjump monitors there, and have it so you can jump up onto that high bit for a different route or something... just an idea.

    Though you probably wouldn't want to do that if you've cancelled it =P
  12. As with every other release of this hack, I had an absolute blast playing through this, and it's a real shame IMO that you're discontinuing it.

    Do I win anything? :P
  13. Puto


    Shin'ichi Kudō, detective. Tech Member
    Portugal, Oeiras
    Part of Team Megamix, but haven't done any actual work in ages.
    The screen itself kinda gives away how to get there :/
  14. Max Firestorm

    Max Firestorm

    Pyrodramatic Member
    Holy shit nineko. Those hidden songs are utterly amazing <3333

    *proceeds to download the VGM pack*
  15. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
  16. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    You've done very well with this nineko, sure, the palletes might not be the best ever (Inferno Zone was though =P ), but the music you've done was amazing.
    Personally, I think you done an amazing job with the SMS conversions, and that version of the bubble bobble theme was great, one of my favorite songs.
    I love the extra monitors you've put there, and the song change monitor is a creative idea. =P

    It's a shame it's been cancelled, especially with the Sky High/GHZ mash-up you shown me. Anyway, this will give you much more free time I suppose.
    May I ask why you decided to cancel, out of curiosity? I haven't worked on modernisation project, due to a period of myself being quite uncreative :)
  17. Spanner


    I used to do things... Member
    United Kingdom
    I wish I knew...
    SoniNeko started off as just a rom showing conversions from XM2SMPS and it expanded into something bigger and better. It's a shame that those new levels didn't make a public release but then again, at least you now know how to do several things with SonED2. In fact, you learned a variety of things that ended up in this hack.
    It was a pleasure testing your hack, so yeah, thanks. :)
  18. ColinC10


    Tech Member
    I love the SMS ports - you've done a really good job on them, particularly Bridge Zone. Such good memories... :)
  19. Anthall


    Spambot Member
    Leicester, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog - The Final Showdown
    I like this hack, I find that the Super Mario Land 2 song to be top notch as well. Anyway I find Songs 96 and 9D to be the greatest songs ever in a video game.

    I never knew till now that the feather monitor had any use until now (I thought they were just there to add a bit of variety in the monitors)

    I will be playing this new release now.

    Anyway well done for this hack.
  20. wut

    There are probably dozens of people around here willing to help you. I'd certainly be willing to do those 18 layouts for you but I imagine you'd deem me unqualified for the job.
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