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Sonics newest friend topic!

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Hez, Apr 24, 2007.

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  1. Sith


    The molotov bitch Member
    Sega says: ooh look at my boomstick!
  2. Scarred Sun

    Scarred Sun

    Be who you needed when you were younger Administrator
    Tower 8 ️
    Welp, this.

    On a serious note, it makes sense that it may be the Shadow team—I don't think they've announced that they're working on anything else, so...

  3. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    Found a bit about the team on a games blog. I'll get the GamesTM stuff uploaded too, if anyone's still interested in it-
  4. Sakura Courage Solo

    Sakura Courage Solo

    I am a Woodpecker! Except in Dirt! Member
    Lava Reef Zone
    A Sprite-Based Dollmaker and a Card Game
    ... so, I'm reatarded? >.> Seriously, please don't call Shadow fans retarded. Shadow was the only good new character they came out with until Silver came along. Silver, I have to admit, is sort of cool.

    I'm not totally against new characters, but they do throw them in too often, and many of them are annoying.

    My "Character Tolerance Level List" is as follows:

    Rouge the Bat:
    Okay, NO. Just NO. She's a sleezy broad that shows her midriff like a hooker and does NOT belong in an environment such as that of Sonic gaming.
    Tolerance Level: -Infinity out of 5

    Classic Amy Rose:
    TECHNICALLY she's not really a new character, but I count her somewhat as one since she was introduced after the base trio of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. The love-sick puppy of a fangirl is often a pleasant addition as long as she's not overdone. Classic Amy is okay in my book.
    Tolerance Level: 4 out of 5

    The Chaotix:
    I feel about the same for all these guys, so I'll lump them all together and save my lazy typing fingers some work. lol. Okay, the Chaotix were fun in Knuckles' Chaotix as an addition to Knuckles' side of the coin whereas it wasn't really Sonic's game anyway. They were an interesting and diverse mix of characters with differentiating yet complimentary personalities, but it was a turn-off when they were badly re-introduced in Sonic Heroes.
    Tolerance Level: 3 out of 5

    Cream the Rabbit:
    While I'm not against Rabbit characters, Cream was just... well... it's not that she was a bad character per se or that she didn't really fit in with the environment and other characters, she just seemed like a bit too much to me. What was really too much was Cheese, which made her sickeningly cute, in turn sort of turning me off. I'm seriously not gonna be dogmatic on Cream.
    Tolerance Level: 2 out of 5

    Big the Cat:
    Well, while his character was odd yet amusing with his pet Froggy, again, like Cream, he was a little too much, and didn't truely fit in in the environment of the games somehow.
    Tolerance Level: 1 out of 5

    Adventure/Advance Amy Rose:
    ... first off, WHY didn't they leave Amy like she used to be? If they were going to change her design, they should've at least changed it to something tasteful. Classic Amy Rose looked just like what she was supposed to be: A little girl. This new version of Amy Rose just looks like an advertisement for Valentine's Day with all the red, pink and white. No, just no.
    Tolerance Level: 0 out of 5

    Shadow the Hedgehog:
    While Sonic and Knuckles were rivals in the past, Shadow was a nice addition as a new rival for Sonic, and in a way it seems more proper somehow because they're both Hedgehogs with special abilities. I realize Shadow is sort of Emo... maybe a lot Emo, but wouldn't you be after a past like his? Plus, he his Chaos Energy based attacks/techniques like Chaos Control and Chaos Spear were a nice introduction.
    Tolerance Level: 5 out of 5

    The Babylon Rogues:
    ... couldn't they've at least made better supporting characters for Riders' storyline? That's all I'm saying.
    Tolerance Level: 0 out of 5

    Silver the Hedgehog:
    Okay, while I don't think Sonic needed another rival after Shadow so to speak, Silver was a fairly interesting character after watching some cutscenes from Next-Gen Sonic on YouTube. His psychic abilities are an eye-catching addition, and somehow those cockatiel-like forehead quills work nicely and look fairly good. o.o;
    Tolerance Level: 3 out of 5

    Princess Elise:
    ... Didn't Sonic already do the whole 'Rescue the pretty girl' thing in Sonic CD when he rescued Amy from Metal? Yeah...
    Tolerance Level: 0 out of 5

    Mephiles the Dark:
    While he's nothing but a Shadow recolour in his normal form, Mephiles' crystal form is really eye catching and new in a good way. He made a good bad guy, gotta say that much.
    Tolerance Level: 4 out of 5

    Blaze the Cat:
    ... Seriously, stop giving Sonic rivals! Especially fire-throwing cat girls! Well, okay, her fire attacks were cool, but then again, I'm a PyroManiac anyway. Fire makes me feel... comfy. lol.
    Tolerance Level: 1 out of 5
  5. Ashura96


    You forgot to mention the fact that Big has marijuana plants growing around his house out in the Mystic Ruins jungle :P

    Playing Shadow the Hedgehog isn't retarded....unless you have the PS2 version and you have a GC or Xbox...
  6. Sakura Courage Solo

    Sakura Courage Solo

    I am a Woodpecker! Except in Dirt! Member
    Lava Reef Zone
    A Sprite-Based Dollmaker and a Card Game
    The GC version of Shadow the Hedgehog is the only version that exists to me. XD
  7. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    No, she wasn't.
    The games were released in this order- Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD then Sonic 3.

    I personally think that they should have stopped adding characters when they put in Knuckles, and I still haven't warmed to his addition much, yet.
  8. Ashura96



    Good, I have Xbox, which is just as good.
  9. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    Not all shadow fans are retarded, about 90% of them are but not all. Only the retarded ones are retarded
  10. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    That's like saying there was still a small chance Terri Shaivo wasn't a vegetable after the autopsy report went public.

    Also, everyone should just ignore Sakura since she gave the greatest character ever introduced in the series a tolerance level of 1 out of 5.

    Big the Cat deserves a solid 7.
  11. Sutter


    A SUTTER IS YOU! Oldbie
    Are you kidding? Big the Cat is probably one of the most dumb characters ever. It was Sonic Team's failed attempt at comic relief. What we got was a mentally retarded cat. Unless that was sarcasm, which I should note is hard to detect on the internet.

    But yes, the 16-year-old girls who go wet at the sight of Shadow, Silver, and Mephiles and the 13-year-old boys who have wet dreams at the thought of Shadow on a motorcycle with a pistol are really annoying.
  12. Sith


    The molotov bitch Member
    Big and Cream's voices are really retarded.
  13. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    All Sonic voices are retarded. Sonic should be seen and not heard.
  14. SMTP


    Tech Member
    Big is Cat is the only good post-1999 new character. :P
  15. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    Agreed. Personally, I've always liked Big from a design standpoint, they just completely botched his character. That, and he never really had a place in the series, anyway.

    Besides, I'd have thought that his cameo appearances in SatSR would've justified his existence. Are they not as awesome as I imagined?
  16. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
  17. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Fight to the death, Sonic fans! Only the Trojans shall win this war! Aieeeee!!!

    *Attacks with his opinion that all characters post-Sonic and Knuckles suck*
  18. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    Oh yeah I remember her now... she used to post on Area51 all the time and stood up for the new games and pissed me off a lot. Who does that?

    seriously though, I do know some Shadow fans.. not like HUGE fans but at least people who don't hate him or have a problem with him who are okay. I don't know any die hard Shadow fans that I like though =/
  19. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    Got my copy of GamesTM back, by the way-
    ...and a little later on in the preview-
  20. Tweaker



    These are the same fags doing Rush Adventure too, dammit. STOP SUCKING SO HARD AAAAAAAAAAH
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