Ah, that gives me an idea. I wonder if it'd possible to add a "Sonic Boom" effect when you break a certain speed, effectively adding a KillZone that trails Sonic. That the player himself would obviously be invincible to. Meaning you could run past enemies so fast they die from the Sonic Boom effect. Perhaps apply some massive physics force to the enemies hit by it, along the vector the player's moving. So they'd go flying in the direction you're running and explode. :v: Got some posts on the UDK forum with some potential solutions. If I make any progress, I'll gladly post the modified class files.
Frankly I'd reserve that for the more appropriate Super Sonic form. Hyper Sonic could then bring back that devastating flash-bang double-jump.
Hm. Maybe instead of reserving Sonic Boom for Super Sonic, it'd be cooler to give it a virtual time freeze in the form of a ridiculously cranked up maximum speed/acceleration in Sonic Time (like 5% slomo?). Hyper Sonic could return with a literal time stop in short bursts (e.g. flash jumping temporarily completely freezes time without the need to accelerate or be moving fast). The Super/Hyper Sonic stuff sounds much more difficult to code, though.
Nice ideas, they're certainly doable; I won't implement them so it's up to you. I don't want to disappoint you but the code of SonicGDK and its related packages aren't available (open) for widespread public use yet.
Didn't think they'd need to be public with the Unreal engine. Thought I could just reference your .u's, extend the classes, override some functions and add them. Of course, I'm not sure how possible that is until I've seen how you've architected your code.
Everything changed with UDK; when you package a game, all files are "cooked" and nobody can use them.
Now an invigorating tale of a hedgehog, chili-dogs, and death http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkYvhNo-acQ
The hell? We were just talking about this project in #fangames and how there hadn't been any news in a while. I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS IS A COINCIDENCE. Anyway, vid looks fantastic, can't wait to play it. Edit: Also, in Release 3, you can spawn bots... And destroy them. Okay, it's kinda tricky to do, but it even increases your kill count on the scoreboard. Which makes me wonder the idea of AI bots with Sonic physics...
I could've sworn that Ashura: Dark Reign is using a version of this engine. I think it says so on it's Retro page.
Good lord my pants shrink every time I see this engine. Shit makes me wanna learn how to make maps in UDK.
Sweet ass man, this is looking great. I've been dying to look at the source ever since the first preview release. I'm glad you're continuing work on it. Also, Sonic ragdoll physics can be good for a laugh. :v:
Looking good Xaklse. I wonder what features you will include before calling the engine virtually complete, with only bug testing remaining?
It seems it's a coincidence, heheh. Took me more than a week to create this video. AI bots with Sonic Physics... that's not gonna happen; I mean, I won't code that. Ashura: Dark Reign uses SonicGDK as the base engine; however it has additional code and its own visual assets. I hope you noticed the new 2.5D stuff that you wanted to see... Preview Release 4 will be the last "closed" release, next one will have few additional features and decent public code. After that, who knows.
Well, I figured as much, it's hardly a vital feature, after all. However, I can imagine it won't be so hard to make them move around and stuff, but to make them traverse loops and stuff would be kinda impossible with the limitations of the UDK's path-finding. Actually, it irks me to no end that the UDK uses a waypoint graph rather than nigh-superior waypoint mesh method for AI pathfinding. It's archaic, and there's no reason for it to be around anymore. Even the Source Engine, which was criticised for this, has been using waypoint meshes since Left 4 Dead and TF2. Edit: Looking at it again, it may not actually be the case, I'm not sure, though.