No gimmicks are planned for now. About the background platforms matter, they can already be recreated with the current version of the engine but I have to test it to be sure; I'll try to add this kind of platform to the test map and see if it looks ok.
Boxes are in there already. Pipes/tunnels would be really easy for a programmer to add...but if he wants to add it himself I guess he could
Adding some sort of auto spin path or something to that effect would be useful in many circumstances.
Boxes? You mean smashable boxes? I will probably need to code forced paths, so pipes/tunnels and auto-spin paths would get done because of that.
Is there anyone who can lend me a hand with sound effects? Or is there an available decent open library of Sonic sounds? I need sounds for SpinDash, skidding, special moves...
Have you tried the Sonic Fangames hq? I think they still have a library of sonic sounds There is also The sounds resource.
What you need? Here's some packs I've ripped myself: Sonic 2006 (Xbox 360) (2.90mb, WAV) Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast) (6.46mb, WAV) Sonic Heroes (PC) (14.8mb, WAV) Sonic 3 & Knuckles (3.55mb, WAV) I think SFGHQ has some Sonic Unleashed Wii sounds, if you need those. I have a few I've ripped from the 360 version of the game, but I am hesitant to give those out.
Why are you hesitant to release them? It takes like 5 seconds to rip them with public tools from CRI themselves. Here are all the common object sounds, and Sonic/Werehog sounds from Unleashed.
Because I ripped them the old fashioned way! I had to find a quiet spot in Rooftop Run where I had enough room to dick around without much background noise! You damn kids!
Thanks guys, those links were really useful I can't find decent sound effects for 'SpinDash charge' and 'SpinDash release', any suggestion or should I still use the crappy classic ones?
Use the classic ones. Don't forget that this is being made for general use. If someone is unhappy with a soundeffect, it's up to them to change it!
How are the classic sounds for the Spin Dash "crappy?" It's not like either of them is out-of-place in a 3D game (like the classic jumping sound tends to be).
Thanks again BlazeHedgehog. They are fine... for a 16-bit console; the quality is horrible for a .wav sound effect, just inspect the sound wave in a editing program.
Finally read through the topic. Unfortunately, I can't run the game right now, I've got that wonderful D3D issue with DirectX 9.0.c mentioned earlier. I'm posting on the UDK forums right now for a solution. I didn't see this mentioned anywhere, but I thought this might be something neat to consider adding. A "Sonic Time" button. Pushing it raises Sonic's max speed to some absurd value, however, you still need to accelerate towards it. As your current speed rises past your normal maximum speed, the game polls it on some regular interval and sets the engine's timescale proportionate to it. You'd also probably want to give the player back some of their turning radius control to make the speed boost purely beneficial. For example, say your maximum speed was by default 200 units/second. Turning on "Sonic Time" could raise that maximum to 1000 units/second, and the game would gradually slow time down so you still feel like you're only moving 200 units/second. So at the maximum speed of 1000 units/second, time scale would be 1/5, about what Max Payne 2's "In the Zone" maximum slomo modifier was. Possibly reward the player with something for hitting that maximum speed, like Max's instant reload ability for being "In the Zone". I think the gameplay mechanics that this could introduce would be pretty staggering. It'd allow the player to literally run circles around enemies while they crawl to halt. Seems like it would add possibilities for momentum based puzzles and shortcuts. And a great reward system to the player for keeping their speed and momentum going. My mind's spinning at the potential it could have for Boss fights and Time Attacks, where the shortest route isn't always the fastest. Anyway, as soon as I get UDK working, it's something I wouldn't mind trying to add myself if you're not interested. I'm a .NET developer by trade with some experience in Unreal 1 and a bit of UDK experience. Sounds like it might be a fun thing to try and code. :v:
I could understand that. Also no reason it couldn't be a toggleable part of the GDK for other designers/developers to include in their fan game if they wanted. Still, as soon as I get UDK and SGDK working on my box, I'll take my hand at inheriting from his Xaklse's classes and tacking it on.
That's a pretty involving feature...there's all the reason in the world for it to not be a toggleable part of the GDK. EDIT: Hilarious typo.
Everything you said reminds me of something you'd see Sonic do in his cartoon shows. All those over-the-top animations of him running circles around his enemies and literally creating tornadoes. Sure, it's been done in Heroes, but not with the kind of mental imagery that mechanic manages to evoke. I think that'd be great to see in a 3D Sonic game. Anything to help players tame and experience the unbridled speed of the blue blur.