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SonicGDK 1.30.000

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Xaklse, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion

    Awesome update.
  2. *Clicks download button*
    Been waiting for something as fleshed out as this for a while. Really excited to play it.
  3. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    How would one go about activating split screen? I doubt I would make it a feature in Sonic Incursion, but I'd love to play about with it.
  4. Via console commands:
    Code (Text):
    1. PlayerAdd
    2. PlayerRemove
    3. PlayerSwapControls
    4. PlayerConsoleCommand
    Keep in mind that splitscreen mode has many issues, and I won't support it or improve it significantly.
  5. What happened to the development of Ashura Dark Reign
  6. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I'd like to See Xak do a Sonic GDK 2 in Unreal 4 coded in C++, and with support for online gameplay!
    Screw the split screen crap !
  7. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Would be better than what I'm attempting.
  8. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    What you got going on ?
  9. Don't insist Andrew, that won't happen. And blueprints would work just fine (if you take my arbitrary gravity contribution to the engine).
  10. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    Considering nobody is really using SGDK on Unreal 3 to it's maximum potential, an Unreal 4 version wouldn't be worth it. Doesn't matter which engine SGDK is on, it's still going to be a lot of work making anything.
  11. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    It doesn't help that UE3's learning curve is a bit steep, and unrealscript can be a bit hard to understand especially to the people who /want/ to make fangames, many of them entirely non-programmers. UE4 would be a lot better for prototyping purposes, not to mention the workflow in it is vastly superior.

    Also consider Epic's basically depreciating UE3, and something like GDK in UE4 would be great for general third person gameplay functionality, instead of JUST Sonic gameplay. For instance, I've always thought slower Generations gameplay would be perfect for a skating/racing game..
  12. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    There are a lot of issues, and limitations regarding doing things with unrealscript in UDK, The gameplay could not be perfected because of these limitations.
    especially in regards to collisions. Sad face!
  13. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    The learning curve is pretty steep. There are tonnes of tips and tricks you need to know in order to get working gimmicks in your game, and Badniks are a different beast entirely. Regarding Unrealscript, none of my custom Badniks or bosses in Incursion use Unrealscript, they're all Kismet or Matinee driven. You can get some awesome results without scripting, but it's all about having the time to experiment and play with it.
  14. Azookara


    yup Member
    The difficulty behind using UnrealScript I believe is the number one reason GDK isn't being used that much, and why alternate projects made in Unity and UE4 are arising.

    It's a wonderful base engine that's had crazy amounts of work, and I can't help but respect how much effort has gone into making it a thing, as well as how long it's been going with decent updates. UnrealScript is just proving to be for many programming-savvy people I've talked to as way too much bullpoop to want to fiddle with, whenever they find there are easier means to making games. And considering how much is built and ready to work off of from the get-go with GDK, it's a dang shame.

    Really puts into perspective the amount of work / effort it must've taken to make this engine happen, though. Mad props.

    And although I'm sure it's not impossible, wouldn't it be a lot of work to try to convert whatever code is from GDK to C++ and/or Blueprint? Once again, not a programmer guy, so I'm going on guess-ish work considering what I've talked to others about.
  15. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    Again - you can get around this problem when you know how to use Kismet and Matinee properly. Custom Badniks, bosses, gimmicks are possible without using a line of UnrealScript. When I get around to it, I guess this will have to be a topic for a tutorial, because it isn't that difficult, it just takes a nudge to put people on the right path.
  16. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Kismet and Matinee wont salve the collision issues....
  17. Shut up, man, or I'll haunt you.


    All of these replies sound like excuses to me; if you want to modify the code and need hints, then just ask me! UnrealScript is an "easy" language in its own way, you don't have to care about memory management or multi-threading, it's very similar to Java and C++ which are mature languages, any serious programmer should feel comfortable. I think the main problem is the difficulty of understanding the UE3 game engine architecture, but with UE4 and Unity you have the same problem.

    Ell678 is right, most of the new stuff you would add to a level can be solved with Kismet and matinee, which are often underestimated. Plus SonicGDK has tons of configurable parameters for each type of object, including gameplay, controls and camera. Again, if you need to figure out something, ask me for hints, I have used Unreal for 11 years.

    The Sonic Souls fangame has its flaws, but it's a somewhat good example of what you can achieve with SonicGDK, I gave the maker Doky good hints, although he didn't use some nice features like destructibles, little Sonic, or more complex Kismet stuff.

    It's better to start from scratch, since UE4 offers more features and flexibility than UDK.
  18. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I even offered some programmers pay to have some of these fixed, and everyone who's taken a look at the code said it couldn't be done.

    This is a very old video showing an incomplete Jade Gully zone at the time of filming. ( but yeah that's not what the video was meant to show.)
    Of course this is in XGDK which is basicly an extension of Sonic GDK, so Sonic GDK is not effected by some of the same glitches. but they are there, some of them depends on how levels are set up. if you have a huge open world, than you may never see many of these.

    Anyhow the video was made to help show off some game breaking glitches for potential programmers who wanted the job.
    A major issue not shown in the video has been fixed, which was when doing world rotation, Sonic's jump air maneuverability was very inconsistent per rotation, for example jumping distance was very different for each angle.
    Even with these game breaking Issues,,, The project pushes on !
  19. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Some other issues I found related to Sonic's collision height when standing next to walls, ( don't know if this happens in Sonic GDK itself, but it sure does happen in XGDK!)
    If for example you have a ring just over Sonic's head and its not placed next to a wall, than move Sonic under that ring, Sonic's collision does not connect with the ring, ( that's what we want)
    Now if you place a ring next to a wall at the same height as the first ring and run next to the wall the ring is collected. ( seems as if Sonic's collision moves up when he is standing next to the wall.)
    Other than collision issues, and a tiny discrepancy with the physics, I feel that Sonic GDK is still currently the most fully featured 3D sonic engine out there aside from the Official engines.

    EDIT: Yes it Happens in Sonic GDK as well , just tested the issue by placing some rings near walls and some away from walls.
    Ring height is 4768 in the test level for reference.

    If you notice there is plenty of distance between collision cylinder and the ring's collision cylinder.
    Even so! Walk sonic to the left and boom that ring is collected! ( if you look at the video above at 1:20 I'm betting the issues are related)
    If these issues could be fixed, than SGDK would be the only 3d Sonic engine we would need for years to come as udk still has some life left in it graphically.
  20. Dekrayzis


    The HellMouth
    Ashura: Dark Reign
    I think me and Xak should rip off both your arms and beat you to an inch of your life. muhahahaha

    I specifically remember saying quite sometime ago that the collision radius and height can be adjusted and downsized in the defaultproperties of the ring actor.
    In fact you deserve a goodl beating anyway for making me get back to work on ADR. Grrr! haha

    Now go look in the code!