Thanks for the advice once again. Unfortunately collision is still iffy. I take it that UDK is just reacting to my poor topography or something? Here's some footage of what's going wrong. It seems that Sonic bounces around whenever he walks over an edge in the mesh, which is a problem since the meshes are triangulated in UDK, so even flat surfaces cause him to hop up like he went off of a ramp. Any ideas to solving that issue? Perhaps just doing a better collision method? Not sure what you mean about the materials. I did a full load of the package and didn't get anything. Is that what you meant for me to try?
Turns out that the entirety of my problems was due to Blender and UDK just having a poor relationship regarding compatibility. I imported the FBX files into Autodesk Maya, defined materials, exported again as FBX files, imported to UDK, and everything was peachy. The materials showed up, and per-poly collision worked perfectly. It's unfortunate that you can't just use Blender the whole way through (particularly for me as not only is it license-free, but I also prefer working in Blender to working in Maya), but that's the state of things at present time. I haven't used UE4 yet, so I don't know if Epic has worked to make things better for Blender or if Blender has been working to make things better for UE4. Either way, I strongly recommend that anyone working with GDK either use 100% Autodesk programs or do their material assignment in Autodesk programs.
Yeah that's what I meant, full load of packages. Crap , that video did not load for me, another thing you should do when adding models to the level is rebuild all , which is in the build menu of the world editor. You should also re-build levels when re-scaling models in the world editor. ( this can fix sonic's attachment error) I'm sorry for the late reply, did not see it till just now because of the holiday !
Thanks again for your advice Andrew. Don't worry about it, I also took a break for the holidays so no loss. I have one more problem to ask y'all about, and it's regarding that lovely problem of object placement. I checked DefaultEngine.ini and '+EditPackages=SonicGDK' is in there, and yet in the Actor Classes I cannot see the actors. I know that someone else in the thread had this problem about 40 pages ago, but reading along those posts I didn't see a fix resolved by anyone. Any advice on this front?
That was me, a long, long long time ago. As in, before I knew anything. I just gave up instead of trying to fix it, but when I started using SGDK again it worked fine. You may want to try and recompile the scripts, or failing that, a fresh install.
Indeed it was. Do you get updates when this thread has new posts? Or do you just check it often for new activity? Just curious as to how you happened to check back. Either way, recompiling did the trick, so thank you for the advice.
I just check whenever someone posts in the thread. I know it was me, because thinking back, I made an ass of myself :P Glad it worked.
I do the same; I only asked because it seemed curious that people would follow a thread so long after a post without posting much in it themselves. I wondered if there wasn't a 'follow' function or something that gave updates whenever a thread had a new post made in it. No matter though. I've run into another problem, this time with enemies. I have them set to chase player, but they won't respond in-game and more odd still, I can walk right through them and see no effect. It's still possible to homing attack them though. I tried setting a different team value for Sonic but that didn't fix the problem. I've also rebuilt paths and not seen a solution. That rounds out what I found googling, so please let me know if you have any info on what could be wrong.
There is a watch function on the forums here which will send e-mail notifications when a reply is given. (Look up at the top right area of the webpage here.) Your're walking threw enemies ?! Wow, wish I could do that ! can you jump on them normally? Select your enemy spawner and enemy template if u have one within the world editor and past all that info into a txt file and upload it with filebeam or past the code here inside a spoiler tag. Is this a custom coded enemy or Sonic pawn ? For the movement in the enemy pawn template settings, do you have movement speed set to 0 ? What about the hearing threshold, enemy pawn's sight radius. Also In enemy spawner properties check the Min and MaxCheckPlayersRadius. I'm actually quite interested to see your settings for the 2 objects.
Alright, let me see if I can give what you're asking. Unfortunately, I can't seem to consistently get the 'walk through enemies' to occur. Sometimes it causes damage and other times it doesn't. They can be jumped on and homing attacked, and they can be destroyed. They just seem incapable of moving or noticing you. The enemy used is the default box badnik, no custom work. The spawner is the normal SGDKEnemyPawn object set to create the box badniks. Here's the spawner business, obtained from a complete copy of one of the spawners in the level: Spoiler Begin Object Class=EnemySpawnerInfo Name=EnemySpawnerInfo_12 EnemyClass=Class'sonicgdk.SGDKEnemyPawn' PreviewMesh=SkeletalMeshComponent'SnowMap11.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.EnemySpawnerInfo_12.SkeletalMeshComponent_335' bChasePlayers=True bPatrolIdleTurning=False Components(0)=SpriteComponent'SnowMap11.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.EnemySpawnerInfo_12.SpriteComponent_17' Components(1)=ArrowComponent'SnowMap11.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.EnemySpawnerInfo_12.ArrowComponent_13' Components(2)=SkeletalMeshComponent'SnowMap11.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.EnemySpawnerInfo_12.SkeletalMeshComponent_335' Location=(X=-9141.867188,Y=6920.497559,Z=2816.116455) Rotation=(Pitch=0,Yaw=10176,Roll=0) Tag="EnemySpawnerInfo" Name="EnemySpawnerInfo_12" ObjectArchetype=EnemySpawnerInfo'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo' End Object Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=SkeletalMeshComponent_335 Archetype=SkeletalMeshComponent'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo:PreviewMeshComponent' ReplacementPrimitive=None CastShadow=False Name="SkeletalMeshComponent_335" ObjectArchetype=SkeletalMeshComponent'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo:PreviewMeshComponent' End Object Let me know if that's what you're looking for. And I know I've had this problem once before but of course I didn't write it down, so I don't remember: sometimes you die and instead of restarting the level normally, you end up at a random spot on the map (origin maybe?) and are just a camera more or less. How do you fix this? I feel like it was a kismet something, but it's been too long.
That code is rather short, it should go down to where it says End Map Like this: Spoiler Begin Map Begin Level Begin Actor Class=EnemySpawnerInfo Name=EnemySpawnerInfo_0 Archetype=EnemySpawnerInfo'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo' Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=PreviewMeshComponent ObjName=SkeletalMeshComponent_0 Archetype=SkeletalMeshComponent'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo:PreviewMeshComponent' SkeletalMesh=SkeletalMesh'SonicGDKPackSkeletalMeshes.SkeletalMeshes.BoxBadnikSkeletalMesh' ReplacementPrimitive=None CastShadow=False LightingChannels=(bInitialized=True,Dynamic=True) Scale=0.500000 Name="SkeletalMeshComponent_0" ObjectArchetype=SkeletalMeshComponent'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo:PreviewMeshComponent' End Object Begin Object Class=SpriteComponent Name=Sprite ObjName=SpriteComponent_288 Archetype=SpriteComponent'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo:Sprite' Sprite=Texture2D'EditorResources.S_Pawn' SpriteCategoryName="Info" ReplacementPrimitive=None HiddenGame=True AlwaysLoadOnClient=False AlwaysLoadOnServer=False LightingChannels=(bInitialized=True,Dynamic=True) Name="SpriteComponent_288" ObjectArchetype=SpriteComponent'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo:Sprite' End Object Begin Object Class=ArrowComponent Name=Arrow ObjName=ArrowComponent_414 Archetype=ArrowComponent'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo:Arrow' ArrowSize=2.000000 bTreatAsASprite=True SpriteCategoryName="Info" ReplacementPrimitive=None LightingChannels=(bInitialized=True,Dynamic=True) Name="ArrowComponent_414" ObjectArchetype=ArrowComponent'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo:Arrow' End Object EnemyClass=Class'sonicgdk.EnemyPawnWalking' PreviewMesh=SkeletalMeshComponent'SkeletalMeshComponent_0' bChasePlayers=True PatrolPoints(0)=PathNode'PathNode_12' PatrolPoints(1)=PathNode'PathNode_13' PatrolPoints(2)=PathNode'PathNode_10' PatrolPoints(3)=PathNode'PathNode_11' Components(0)=SpriteComponent'SpriteComponent_288' Components(1)=ArrowComponent'ArrowComponent_414' Components(2)=SkeletalMeshComponent'SkeletalMeshComponent_0' Location=(X=-2688.000000,Y=-2176.000000,Z=4942.000000) Rotation=(Pitch=0,Yaw=32768,Roll=0) Tag="EnemySpawnerInfo" Name="EnemySpawnerInfo_0" ObjectArchetype=EnemySpawnerInfo'sonicgdk.Default__EnemySpawnerInfo' End Actor End Level Begin Surface End Surface End Map That way I can paste the objects directly into the level for testing. Here I copied one of the enemies out of the test map , How do the enemies in the SonicGDKtestMap work for you ? are they broken as well ?
I knew it was something simple like that, thanks. I never noticed since I never died in my map before now. As for what you're looking for Andrew, I'm sorry, but I don't know where to find it. Is there another way to get this that isn't bringing up the object properties window and choosing 'complete copy to clipboard' from the top-right drop-down menu? That's what I did for my original post. I did the same for the test map enemies (which do work by the way) and got about the same content as with my non-working ones.
Thought I made another post already, must have deleted it on accident or something. Either way, I fixed the problem. I'll expound a bit more later, particularly for a weird thing I saw.
What I mean is select the object in the world editor ( and press ctrl + C to copy the object, don't need to go into properties.) You can copy past objects/Actors to txt files to later past in levels in the future ,or you can copy objects and than directly past them into the level again without the txt file. (Its supper handy !) Also I'm still hoping to see the problem as it may benefit me later, as it was something I'm interested in. Also yeah if you have a problem in the future always select build and build all first. ( in world editor) it usually fixes most small issues. ( it'll rebuild paths, lights , geometry( for collision issues) ect ect ect.
SOURCE CODE -- 1.20.117 -- 18/Feb/2015 -- (requires UDK July 2013) In this release you can constrain enemies to a 2D plane, I updated the Disclaimers screen movie, and there are the usual bug fixes.
SOURCE CODE -- 1.20.131 -- 05/Apr/2015 -- (requires UDK July 2013 or newer) This release has better compatibility with splitscreen mode, more configurable stuff, and a bug fix. [hr] Sonic Souls, the fangame created by Doky with SonicGDK, has reached Final version status; it has many characters and levels, among other things. DOWNLOAD